The metal peels are best used to remove the pizzas from the oven and the wood ones are best used to put them into the oven. This is due to the fact that there is a greater chance of the dough skin sticking to the metal peel, even with the use of a peel dust. The short handle peels serve well as prep peels, allowing you to have several pizzas on the prep table at one time without the need of worrying about where all those handles are pointed. To use the short handle prep peel, you drop the pizza onto the deck just inside the door/opening of the oven, leaving it there for about 30 to 45-seconds (if you try to move it any sooner it will stick to the deck, leaving a hole in the center of the crust) then using a metal peel, move the pizza to the next baking position. If you are hand slapping/formijng the dough skins, try drawing a series on concentric circles, using a permenant marking pen, with a circle for each size pizza you make. This will provide an easy to use reference in sizing your dough skins on the peels.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor