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World Cup affecting pizza sales?

You’re reading the information wrong, 6.3 rating vs a 34.4 rating. The WC match isn’t nearly as big as the Super Bowl. In fact, it’s more like an NBA Finals game.
16 million is definitely a big difference in viewership, I agree. I think America still has a long way to go if they’ll ever make the World Cup an interesting event for them. But there is no denying that communities of Europeans and Latin Americans are interested in the game and if these people are in your community, it’s worthy of paying attention to! During these games I’ve seen many of my old international student friends getting together for each game, old and young a like!

@pizzapiratespp That’s great! Are you doing any kind of promotions to sway fans to order from your pizzeria for the game?
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16 million is definitely a big difference in viewership, I agree. I think America still has a long way to go if they’ll ever make the World Cup an interesting event for them. But there is no denying that communities of Europeans and Latin Americans are interested in the game and if these people are in your community, it’s worthy of paying attention to! During these games I’ve seen many of my old international student friends getting together for each game, old and young a like!

@pizzapiratespp That’s great! Are you doing any kind of promotions to sway fans to order from your pizzeria for the game?
No, the difference is the 94mm that watched ‘some part’ of the WC was spread out over dozens of games, over a whole month. The Superbowl was 110mm people in front of their TV at the same time. That’s why we don’t see a bump for WC games.

The game last night had a 9 rating, the highest ever for ESPN, and I doubt many people noticed a bump. We had a below average day and ran specials for it and had our most viewed organic FB status about it.
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No, the difference is the 94mm that watched ‘some part’ of the WC was spread out over dozens of games, over a whole month. The Superbowl was 110mm people in front of their TV at the same time. That’s why we don’t see a bump for WC games.
Definitely right about that. I hadn’t thought about how the games are so spread out. I keep seeing articles like this

I’m looking forward to see how Thursday’s game with go with Germany. On the East coast the game will start right at noon.
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