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Would you believe it?


New member
10-21-08 we bought a new motor for the dishmachine…10-21-09 motor went out…we have a year warranty…Yeah… I am feeling lucky!

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10-21-08 we bought a new motor for the dishmachine…10-21-09 motor went out…we have a year warranty…Yeah… I am feeling lucky!

Not to rain on your parade but…Are you sure you didn’t miss it by a day? I had a problem with that on one of my coolers. They told me the end of the year is the day before the date of purchase. Your one year warranty may have expired 10-20-09. :cry:
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Ahhh you haven’t met me in person so I could see why you would think that would be acceptable.

I was going to list the happenings but really what it comes down to is they replaced it and apologized for some of the days events.

The only way I think they will try and scr*w me is with chemicals. So I will keep my eyes open there. Already wrote on receipt no charge under warranty.

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