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We were spending just $50 per month on Yelp ad which isn’t much but it got his name out a lilltle more than not doing it but didn’t have all the perks yelp offers. We stopped and acording to the graph you can see how many less people are finding us.
My question is, there minimum ad packed that has all the perks and benifits is 325 per month and we could try for 90 days and was wondering if it would be worth it?
We do have a good rating on Yelp.
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Remember that graph they’re showing you, is their graph and they use it to sell their ads to people like you. No proof that the graph is accurate mind you.

If you have a good rating on Yelp, the ads aren’t really necessary. People always search for the places by best ratings so you’ll be at the top as is. Use your marketing money on social media ad boosts (most notably FB/Instagram with pictures) or Google ads. Or even do a short-term direct mailer. I like doing both because they each seem to reach different crowds so you’re not doubling up.
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Advertising on Yelp reaches only those consumers who use it. Hmmm… how do they find it? Google? Except for the dedicated Yelpers most people who find you online find you through google one way or another.

On adwords you can see day by day how many times you were seen, where you came up in the search position and how many clicked through to your website or used the direct link to dial your phone number.

In particular, of interest to those of us in the Delco space, Adwords can be limited geographically and in time. In other words, you ad only appears to people who are physically located in your immediate area and during hours you are open. Since I believe that we serve an immediate gratification market I don’t want to pay good money to reach people who can’t order from me… right now. I don’t know if Yelp can do this too. Maybe they can but I would suggest looking into it.

I agree with Joe, put your money in adwords and promoted FB posts.
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A little tip for many of you is where I get most of my new business is for one:
The Home Depot they have weekly and nightly events for their employees where they buy boxes of pizza for the people who stock their shelves after the store closes good idea to cozy up to find the “ASM” of your local Home Depot they typically buy from the “Big Bland Pizza Brands” so what I had my people do was to bring four boxes of pizza to them and win their business.
Home Depot ASM’s I have also done Target and recently Lowes
These stores alone are now 30% of my business.

Newest tech that is affordable is the promote365 system where you can invite customers via cellphone to place orders its an easy to use system that give you a little bit of control on the amount of business you want to do.

We still do the Direct Mail but get a little more punch out of seeking office business.
Justin E
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Thanks Justin
Was goung to just set up what we were doing before by just spending 60 bucks and now it said 150.00 is the minimum. Nope
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Remember that graph they’re showing you, is their graph and they use it to sell their ads to people like you. No proof that the graph is accurate mind you.

If you have a good rating on Yelp, the ads aren’t really necessary. People always search for the places by best ratings so you’ll be at the top as is. Use your marketing money on social media ad boosts (most notably FB/Instagram with pictures) or Google ads. Or even do a short-term direct mailer. I like doing both because they each seem to reach different crowds so you’re not doubling up.
I agree with the above, but you can also do a few other things to take control of your marketing. The analytics on yelp are very confusing and misleading. I would go by google analytics. You can see what websites your traffic is coming from. Also here is something new I am working on tying 2 technologies together. The pricing of text marketing has increased recently due to carriers noticing b2c texts as a revenue stream, this is a sure sign of a coming trend.
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