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I too feel awkward about asking for good reviews but we do get people on the weekly who tell us how much they love our pizza and that is good enough for me screw yelp.

Words to live by. I think, at some point, Yelp will get a smack-down. Not sure when, but at some point somebody bigger than they, or people will band together…
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Well if it makes anyone feel better, I shorted Yelps stock a couple days ago and made a nice profit!!
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We just moved our location and wouldn’t you know it, the shop down the road from us left us a bad review before we opened. The moron actually cited their establishment as being better. Then, this knucklehead came in asking about if we’re hiring, what’s the pay, the whole 9 yards. Then he asked me for my name and I said, I’m Steve, and you are? He introduced himself as the exact name that left the one star review on Google. Sometimes I wonder how these idiots tie their shoes.

Then I remember they do make Velcro…

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No concept of consequences, responsibility, accountability… these morons think they can do/say anything and it won’t affect them.
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Yelp needs to implement a way to hold reviewers accountable. Maybe require a picture of their order ticket like somebody else said, or maybe you need to provide a legit name and picture ID to set up an account. We have great reviews for the most part and people come in all the time because of our high rating, but I still don’t like yelp. My policy is I basically let it exist without acknowledging it exists. I feel responding to reviews only empowers the trolls. If somebody has a problem with an order, they can call or email us and we will gladly take care of whatever the problem was even if it wasn’t our fault, but they won’t ever get a response from us on a review site.
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We just moved our location and wouldn’t you know it, the shop down the road from us left us a bad review before we opened. The moron actually cited their establishment as being better. Then, this knucklehead came in asking about if we’re hiring, what’s the pay, the whole 9 yards. Then he asked me for my name and I said, I’m Steve, and you are? He introduced himself as the exact name that left the one star review on Google. Sometimes I wonder how these idiots tie their shoes.

Then I remember they do make Velcro…

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How is that person not embarrassed I don’t understand people?
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We just moved our location and wouldn’t you know it, the shop down the road from us left us a bad review before we opened. The moron actually cited their establishment as being better. Then, this knucklehead came in asking about if we’re hiring, what’s the pay, the whole 9 yards. Then he asked me for my name and I said, I’m Steve, and you are? He introduced himself as the exact name that left the one star review on Google. Sometimes I wonder how these idiots tie their shoes.

Then I remember they do make Velcro…

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Oh man when we first started we had a competitor come in with one of his employees. The boss ordered a pizza and waited outside. The worker then proceeds to ask me a bunch of questions how many deliveries do we do etc. What the dummy forgot was that he was wearing his work shirt. I pointed that out to him and at that point he looked down at his shirt put his hand over the logo and walked out. His boss comes inside and apologizes gets his pizza and leaves. We made him a really shitty pizza and sent him on his way. Yes people are that dumb.

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They deleted it after I responded saying who he was, what he drives, and how he introduced himself to me

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So there is obviously a lot of passion around this. So what can we as small business owners do? Back to my original post…How do we get the NRA involved to help. In summary, Yelp makes money by selling adds to small business owners in hopes of getting better reviews and or negative reviews deleted or pushed down. Hell, they even “don’t recommend” reviews which I know in fact are valid.

There business model has to be breaking some commerce law. Small businesses make up America and this company, in my opinion, is a detriment to us. Do we screw up…absolutely but given the opportunity we make it right. Yelp takes this ability out of our hands.

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So there is obviously a lot of passion around this. So what can we as small business owners do? Back to my original post…How do we get the NRA involved to help. In summary, Yelp makes money by selling adds to small business owners in hopes of getting better reviews and or negative reviews deleted or pushed down. Hell, they even “don’t recommend” reviews which I know in fact are valid.

There business model has to be breaking some commerce law. Small businesses make up America and this company, in my opinion, is a detriment to us. Do we screw up…absolutely but given the opportunity we make it right. Yelp takes this ability out of our hands.

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We have an active petition which few of PMQ members have signed already. It needs a lot more signatures though. See more info at this post and if you agree sign and share with others.
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In the end the cynic in me says that Yelp will do it this way as long as they can sell advertising. When more of us hang up on them, only then will they try something else. We have never advertised with them and never will. In addition to that, I see Google reviews passing them by. Customers use Google to search and the reviews are easier to access. I also like the response system better… and WAY more people have a google account. Fk’em.
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Here are couple of my favorite 1* reviews; review and my response:

“Called and no answer even though their Google listing said they were open. Glad I didn’t drive there so I ate really good pizza at Wild Plum instead”

Gee, thanks for the 1* review when you did not actually place an order or experience our pizza. I can appreciate your frustration. I am sorry you experienced that. We did not open until 4PM that day. We do not tend to change things like our google hours listing when we choose to open late one day in mud-season. Glad you enjoyed the alternative you found.

“Is there any way to make these ratings negative? I ordered my food 2.5 hours ago and it never came. This is after I called and the person confirmed it was on the way. When I called back again it was closed. Terrible business and I hope they go under soon.”

This review, along with the ones telling the same story posted under other names both here an in various other places were posted by the same customer under several different names. I can well understand that they were frustrated.

We had no delivery orders that night which took more than 45 minutes let alone any that were never delivered. We did have a carryout order left at the end of the night that was never picked up. What happened is that the customer order was intended to be for delivery but was placed as a carryout. It is certainly possible that this was our mistake. It is also possible the customer said something like “to-go” and our employee thought they meant that they would pick it up. In any case, no address was taken and entered or confirmed for the order.

Obviously, we are not in business to not fill orders! When a carry-out is not picked up promptly we call. Usually something came up and the customer is running late but every once in a while we learn the order was supposed to be a delivery. When this order had not been picked up for a half hour or so we called the number it was placed from several times. No one ever answered.

I am sorry that we did not get you your pizza. I am glad that our manager did get to speak to you the following day and that you did receive a refund.
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You know what it is- power and frustration. Nothing more.
When I bought my first store back in '93, I explained to my dad that I was baffled about people screaming at me because they got a wrong topping, etc. He said “These people have no power and control in their lives- frustration, etc… they can’t control much but that can CONTROL you… when they deal with you, THEY are in charge… even if it’s the only 4 minutes of the day when they feel that’s the case”
I don’t think he was wrong.
Now, there’s a different element- on-line, social media, cell phones w/ cameras- everybody is a critic, a photographer and they think the whole world cares about what they think and feel. Yelp and FB are one of the few outlets where… as my dad said, people can vent and feel like they are in charge.
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