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Yelp- You can have it.......

I have come to the conclusion that there is absolutely no chance of us making a certain select minority of people happy no matter what you/we try to do to placate them.
I’m sure we all know a few acquaintances that are not happy unless they are actively complaining about something or the other, and review sites just give these people with delusions of grandeur a wider audience to boost their perceived level of self-importance.

I forget which member it was in the tank that got a nasty review on “the spoon” where a customer alleged that the employees were heroin addicts, and the spoon removed that review promptly.

Maybe this lawsuit will open the eyes of a few review sites to keep an eye open to reviews that go above and beyond nasty.
But then again, look at “Amy’s Baking Company” OMFG!@!
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Some people are just unreasonable. Period. What annoys me is things like this; Guy calls, wants a large pizza. Comes in to pick it up, said no, he wanted a family size. We try to charge him the difference, he said he shouldn’t have to pay it because he wanted a family size originally. But… he didn’t order a family size. Long story short, we charged him, he got home, signed up to urbanspoon, and left us a negative review. Said he would never come back, and of course, he’s in every week. Why do these people wait until something bad happens to leave a review? if more people that had positive experiences would leave reviews the rare negative review would be much easier to take.
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Why do these people wait until something bad happens to leave a review? if more people that had positive experiences would leave reviews the rare negative review would be much easier to take.
If someone loves a place, they may tell one or two others, maybe.
But if they are upset, they will tell everyone, it doesn’t matter who, they’ll be complaining to people they do not even know while in line at the grocery store!
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I answer every negative yelp review with a positive comment or an advertisement for my restaurant. I will list my most recent specials or recommend people look at the other POSITIVE reviews posted. Most are very unreasonable comments and are just a joke. You cant please everyone and you will kill yourself trying to. I NEVER apologize for anything on yelp. If they say they are never coming back, I thank them for anything positive they mentioned in the review and recommend that other people will enjoy what we have to offer. I have had people complain they can’t find the entrance to the restaurant?? OMG… It faces the parking lot with a HUGE BANNER that Says “ENTRANCE” with our hours…I have been in business for over 40 years and will not stand for a few and I mean a few people from out of town trashing my business. I will NEVER accept phone calls from yelp and I will NEVER advertise with them. I think if every owner / operator took this attitude it would put a huge dent in their already dismal business practices. And don’t get me wrong we are in a town with some VERY STRONG competition and all the National franchises. We are a VERY Successful restaurant and have some of the best customers in the world! If you don’t like it hit the road and make room for people who do.