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You Deserve a Cruise!


PMQ Editor at Large
Have you been cruising with PMQ yet?

I go around the country meeting operators and eating great pizza, but one of the most fun times is having dozens of pizza operators all together, relaxing out on the open sea during our annual Pizza Cruise! It’s a riot to see them dancing the night away in the ship’s nightclub, or betting “just one more chip” in the late night casino.

Of course we do some learning on a couple of the days, but the rest of the time we all just kick back and have a great time enjoying the camaraderie that comes along with being in the same industry and dealing with the same problems. It’s a great environment to learn from one another and make friends that last for years to come–and enjoy some time off!

This time we’re sailing to the Mexican Riviera, Feb. 8-15, 2009. I would personally love to vacation with the people who I’ve talked with over the phone, met at shows, conversed with through email and addressed in the magazine. I’ve never met a pizza person I didn’t like!

October 13th is the deadline to book a room at our special PMQ rate, so please contact our cruise specialist, Sharon Viotto at 1-888-799-7447 TODAY! You can also visit for more info.

See you on board!!!

Liz Barrett, editor-in-chief
PMQ’s Pizza Magazine
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When and where is the next Pizza Cruise? Maybe the Mediterranean ?
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I’m not sure as of yet… but I do know that it will be earlier in the year to better suit everyone. It will be around March 2012 I am thinking. Of course it could change. ^^
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