
Yes I do report ALL of my tips even the one cent tips and the big ones too. I suggest that ALL drivers report all of their tips for many reasons including possible workmans comp claims, higher reported income for loan qualification, but most of all because it is the right thing to do.Next question Greg…as long as you’re keeping the Fair Labor Standards Act in a quick draw holster and are so concerned with employERs upholding the law, as an employEE, do you declare all of your tips? After all, let’s judiciously and fairly apply the law-abiding standard to both concerned parties…

I agree that split pay is a “sleazy end run around tip-crediting†and while I personally disagree with it, it is however legal in most states.For what it’s worth, Dominos Pizza policy prohibits management from requiring drivers to clock in and out at different wages depending upon whether or not they’re in the store. If your bosses do that, then you are working for the wrong people. That is parsimonious in the extreme, and it’s a sleazy end run around tip-crediting.
As to why I stay with PJ’s despite Dominos higher wages, it is because my store has a much higher volume than other better paying stores in my area. I have personally talked to drivers from Dominos, Pizza Hut and Channellos that have all moved to my store because they cant make enough money at the other stores because they are overstaffed compared to the amount of deliveries they have. Even with our lower wages, the take home still far outweighs others stores nearby. Still, that does not make it OK for any store to violate the FLSA and not fully reimburse drivers for expenses.