Cartop Sign Cords... do your drivers Buy them?

Some people on this forum need to have a special area in the TT, so they can preach to their own choir. We’re tired of listening.
he has, thats why his own posts have no responce.
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Wizzle Wassell:
isn’t it funny how quiet it goes around here every now and then??

Should I fetch the tumble weed out again?
Nahh, while I agree that the tumbleweed is an excellent logo for the Pizza Crafters site, I think we’ve seen enough of it here, it is sort of a one trick pony you know.

I’d actually not been on PMQ for a bit since I figured I could use a bit less drama in my life, but it only goes to show me what happens when I try to be nice and not rile people up, they come looking for me anyway. It is a bit ironic that for all the accusations of trolling that Greg and I seem to draw, once again we’re not the ones engaging in personal attacks and being moderated, shocking, I know. I hadn’t even posted in this topic and I’m being dragged into it, somewhat surprising considering the stink some people here made about having their postings cross posted…

I’m happy to see that I have such diligent fans though, going through all my posts on TTPG looking for dirt, there’s plenty of good stuff there too, theft, food tampering, drawing a gun on someone, just keep digging! If joking around about Ebaying a car topper is the best that you can find, you guys really aren’t trying that hard, I won’t even bother to edit or delete my posts there, I’ve got nothing to hide. I’m not surprised that so much effort is going into attacking me personally, since it’s so much easier than attacking what I have to say, sort of reeks of desperation actually. Like I’ve said before, it would have been much easier for me to create a new online identity if trolling this place was my true goal, but I’ve got better things to do with my time than jerk people around on the internet.

As to the topic at hand, is it really worth all the hassle? I’ve been through dozens of car topper wires in my years of delivery, sometimes they just quit working for no reason at all, sometimes they blow the fuse in the cigarette lighter, sometimes being repeatedly pinched in the door frame is too much for them to handle. Whether lost or broken, they’re a cost of doing business, and as such that cost needs to be born by the business owner, and/or built into the price of the product. When it gets right down to it, why would you want to antagonize your employees over such a pittance when it’s only going to cost you in the long run in lost productivity or petty retaliation? Going through legal back flips to gouge an employee for a topper wire is not a great way to attract quality workers, and is just the kind of thing that will push good employees into not going the extra mile for you.
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Wizzle Wassell:
isn’t it funny how quiet it goes around here every now and then??

Should I fetch the tumble weed out again?
I’d actually not been on PMQ for a bit since I figured I could use a bit less drama in my life, but it only goes to show me what happens when I try to be nice and not rile people up, they come looking for me anyway. It is a bit ironic that for all the accusations of trolling that Greg and I seem to draw, once again we’re not the ones engaging in personal attacks and being moderated, shocking, I know.
from my perspective I wasn’t refering to you at all - it was gregster who started this issue and I was hoping would come in correct himself but obviously not.

As to personal attacks - I don’t see any - just a quote on a board that you post on. You seem to play the ‘personal attack’ card a few times - sort of reeks of desperation actually!
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Wizzle Wassell:
from my perspective I wasn’t refering to you at all - it was gregster who started this issue and I was hoping would come in correct himself but obviously not.

As to personal attacks - I don’t see any - just a quote on a board that you post on. You seem to play the ‘personal attack’ card a few times - sort of reeks of desperation actually!
What would you call someone cross posting me from a different web site with the intent to discredit me? Or the post in this thread that was moderated to remove a personal attack? Or the anonymous attacks on myself and Gregster posted in other threads? Or how about how many people persist in calling me a troll, despite my repeated pointing out of all the ways that I could be much more effectively trolling this site if that was my goal. Even you have to acknowledge the amount of hostility that I get here even when I post something completely innocuous, and true to form no one has responded to my actual address of the original car topper wire issue, but gone after me personally instead.
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sooooooooooo anywayyyyyyyyy
is that a yey or nay on the drivers paying for their cords?

If I could switch this into a POLL THREAD that would be GREAT!
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What would you call someone cross posting me from a different web site with the intent to discredit me…and true to form no one has responded to my actual address of the original car topper wire issue, but gone after me personally instead.
quoting evidence from a different website in order to discredit someone?? hmmm where might we have learnt that one from?

Anonymous attacks? - this whole board is virtually anonymous and I believe anything inappropriate has been dealt with by the boardmaster?

you a troll? nah your memory ain’t good enough to be a troll is it? (don’t tell me you’ve forgotten that AS WELL) 😉

re the ‘true to form no one has responded to my actual address of the original car topper wire issue, but gone after me personally instead’ - if you cared to read the thread instead of having this ‘paranoia’ you will see that a few people (including me, my first post in page 2) have already addressed this issue.

my point was that it is interesting that gregster who brought up the whole MW issue (again) failed to turn up (again) when others gave a credible argument against his info (again).

but back to the subject:
general wear and tear - business replaces
otherwise (lost or damaged) ask the driver to replace if they don’t consider disciplinary
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nevermind, i figured it out. :lol:
great but it doesn’t cover the different situations does it.

a) Driver who smashes up his car topper in a fit of rage or driver who’s involved in a no-fault accident which total’s his car?
b) Driver who you watch snap the wire so he doesn’t have to light the sign or driver who works 6 days a week for 5 years and the thing stops working.
c) instore who breaks the peel when using it as a baseball bat in the store when your not there or instore who slips on the wet floor and snaps it when they fall?

You can’t ‘one size fits all’ every situation can you?
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Wizzle Wassell:
quoting evidence from a different website in order to discredit someone?? hmmm where might we have learnt that one from?
Not me, and not even Gregster, all he did was cross-post Charle’s thread about working as a driver for PJ’s over on TTPG because he was impressed that he actually went out and got a job there, and admitted that they’re mileage pay was what Gregster said it was. That’s hardly the same thing as digging through hundreds of posts at a different website to dig up a quote that really has nothing to do with the current topic, with the obvious intent of attacking another poster’s credibility.
Wizzle Wassell:
Anonymous attacks? - this whole board is virtually anonymous and I believe anything inappropriate has been dealt with by the boardmaster?
from this thread:
Dox & Gregster. You guys are never going to amount to anything! You must be real winners working at PJ’s at your age. Not only are you only delivery drivers, you spend your free time complaining about it. Dox you don’t even deliver pizza anymore, Why are you wasting your time b*tching about being a driver. Your lives must be just great! I could say more, but I need to count all my money that I have made by not paying my driver reimbursement.
I didn’t see anyone leaping to our defense when this was posted, and it’s still there on page one of the thread.
Wizzle Wassell:
re the ‘true to form no one has responded to my actual address of the original car topper wire issue, but gone after me personally instead’ - if you cared to read the thread instead of having this ‘paranoia’ you will see that a few people (including me, my first post in page 2) have already addressed this issue.
I know that, and my quarrel really isn’t with you WW, I just find it frustrating that whenever this sort of thing comes up here, some people here will go through the most amazing logical contortions to justify dinging their employees for some cost of doing business. I think you’ve got the legal side pretty well covered in your posts in this thread, my point is more that even if done legally, charging an employee would cost more in the long run than simply eating the cost of the cord. When it comes right down to it, a certain amount of equipment attrition should be figured into your costs, and the prices adjusted accordingly. Unless you’ve caught someone red handed sabotaging equipment (in which firing is the proper solution), it’s much more efficient to simply shrug and buy a new one than alienate your staff by making accusations and trying to squeeze them for chump change.
Wizzle Wassell:
my point was that it is interesting that gregster who brought up the whole MW issue (again) failed to turn up (again) when others gave a credible argument against his info (again).
While I can’t speak for Gregster, but my guess would be that he’s researching this oft mentioned “page 39” that keeps coming up, and will reply when he feels that he has a firm basis to argue from. Wouldn’t you prefer to be hearing from someone who takes the time to know what they are talking about than from someone who likes to go off half cocked?
Wizzle Wassell:
but back to the subject:
general wear and tear - business replaces
otherwise (lost or damaged) ask the driver to replace if they don’t consider disciplinary
Again, I go into greater detail above, but it’s my feeling that it’s counter-productive to try to make the drivers pay for the cords, even if it seems like the loss/damage is their fault. Better to pay the $10 and have happy and productive drivers than to risk the much greater loss that an upset one can cause.
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but my guess would be that he’s researching this oft mentioned “page 39” that keeps coming up
He already did his research on the “oft mentioned page 39” and just chooses to ignore it. It doesn’t fit his arguement. … 198&t=6547
Unless you’ve caught someone red handed sabotaging equipment (in which firing is the proper solution), it’s much more efficient to simply shrug and buy a new one than alienate your staff by making accusations and trying to squeeze them for chump change.
Unless it is $100 car signs that you condone stealing and reselling! BTW can I deduct the income the driver gets from selling my stolen sign from their pay?
through hundreds of posts at a different website to dig up a quote that really has nothing to do with the current topic, with the obvious intent of attacking another poster’s credibility.
I really didn’t have to dig through posts as I read most of the stuff at TTPG, and I thought it was quite relevant to the topic at hand.
what happens when I try to be nice and not rile people up
So that is the reason you are here?
there’s plenty of good stuff there too, theft, food tampering, drawing a gun on someone, just keep digging! If joking around about Ebaying a car topper is the best that you can find, you guys really aren’t trying that hard
Theft? Food tampering? You said it not me, I just included the bit about ebaying a car sign because I deemed it was relevant to the topic.
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He already did his research on the “oft mentioned page 39” and just chooses to ignore it. It doesn’t fit his arguement. … 198&t=6547
What are you talking about? Greg’s quote that you are linking to directly addresses this “page 39”, and he specifically explains to you how it works and what the effect on his understanding of the law is. I had forgotten that he’d explained it so directly before, so I am wrong about what he’s up to, but I don’t see how this page 39 thing is even relevant to what we are talking about, it only applies to people earning more than MW. He even uses your exact wording about ignoring things that don’t fit his argument, yet here you still are ignoring what he said despite linking to it yourself…
Unless it is $100 car signs that you condone stealing and reselling! BTW can I deduct the income the driver gets from selling my stolen sign from their pay?
When it comes to employers that rip off their workers, I “condone” a whole lot more than stealing car signs, but my personal code of ethics has nothing to do with the conversation here, it’s just another red herring. IF you could prove a worker actually stole your sign, you could fire them or charge them with the theft, but you could not deduct the cost from their wages if doing so dropped their income below MW. I know it’s complicated, but I’m sure you’ll figure it out.
I really didn’t have to dig through posts as I read most of the stuff at TTPG, and I thought it was quite relevant to the topic at hand.
You just happened to recall something I posted a full month ago that is buried several pages back on TTPG and with the quote itself pages into the thread? Or you just couldn’t get enough of me here so you decided to relive my greatest hits over on TTPG? I mean I appreciate the fandom and all, but cyber-stalking is just kinda creepy…
what happens when I try to be nice and not rile people up
So that is the reason you are here?
What does my motive in posting here have to do with anything? If I was just here to yank people’s chains, I certainly wouldn’t have used the same user name I use everywhere else, and there are much better ways of going about it than what I post. Regardless, why I post is much less important than what I post, which is my unvarnished opinion.
Theft? Food tampering? You said it not me, I just included the bit about ebaying a car sign because I deemed it was relevant to the topic.
You would have if you’d dug further my posting history, and since you seem to be such a devoted fan and so dedicated to publicizing my posts, I figured I’d beat you to the punch. I’m closing in on 1k posts at TTPG and I’ve said a lot of crazy things about a lot of different topics, sometimes more seriously than others, one post out of context doesn’t say a whole lot about me, and the only relevance it had to this conversation was that you thought it would damage my credibility with this audience. Whether it has your desired effect or not remains to be seen, but nevertheless I prefer to meet such things head on, I’m not a mea culpa sort of guy. Plus, every time someone attacks me and not my message, it just reinforces the fact that I’ve got a point that isn’t easily discounted, so have at it.
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He already did his research on the “oft mentioned page 39” and just chooses to ignore it. It doesn’t fit his arguement. … 198&t=6547
What are you talking about? Greg’s quote that you are linking to directly addresses this “page 39”, and he specifically explains to you how it works and what the effect on his understanding of the law is. I had forgotten that he’d explained it so directly before, so I am wrong about what he’s up to, but I don’t see how this page 39 thing is even relevant to what we are talking about, it only applies to people earning more than MW. He even uses your exact wording about ignoring things that don’t fit his argument, yet here you still are ignoring what he said despite linking to it yourself…
Thanks for pointing that out Dox. The question has been asked and answered. Paul disagrees with my answer. Fine. He is welcome to his opinion also.

As to my absence, I have been monitoring this thread, but did not see any responses worthy of reply. You know, beating the dead horse and all. In my opinion it is always the same people who seem to be in denial of minimum wage laws and/or feel threatened by the mere mention of them. As I have said before, discussion of minimum wage laws should be a yawn fest. Yet here we see suggestions of nickel and dimeing employees with legitimate BUSINESS expenses and from people who seem to feel they hold the moral high ground. After all you this, you seem incredulous that employees might feel less than happy with employers who incorporate the tactics.

Paying less than the FLSA minimum wage is illegal if it applies to you. ANY business expense that causes an employee’s net wage to go below minimum wage is also illegal. It’s IS as simple as that. Any argument that is against paying wages in accordance with the FLSA minimum wage only speaks to your character and business ethics IMHO.
I have been monitoring this thread, but did not see any responses worthy of reply.

ANY business expense that causes an employee’s net wage to go below minimum wage is also illegal. It’s IS as simple as that.
it IS as simple as that when you make a correct statement. Saying ANY expense incurred as a requirement of the business is not though. Nice to see you’ve taken the comments on board though!
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