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I’ve lost almost 2k as well. Credit Card gets keyed in and it’s usually the same people in my case. I filed a police report but awhile back but still no word. Not holding my breath either for any word from police either. Just chalked it up as part of doing business. I figure I won’t be able to stop 100%
Police could care less. I haven’t called the police for anything in over 10 years. Its a waste time. A few months ago someone pulled up to one of our stores and stole 4 car signs right off the drivers cars. One of my daughters was running the store at time and called the police to " report the crime ". After sitting on hold for 45 minutes they told her " thats not our department "

Did you ever get the Speedline System?
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I can practically guarantee that you are a victim of people exploiting scenario 2 in the first link shown if you have not upgraded to emv. I also guarantee that the rest of y’all will be too if you don’t upgrade and continue to accept cards.
We have never had a CC fraud issue with card present scenarios. Its all for delivery. Mostly online orders.
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That is just nuts. Four car top signs would run well over a grand. A theft over $1,000 is a felony in most jurisdictions. Felonies are "not their department? Whose department would that be?
Cops around here are the same way… It sucks. Theft just isn’t something they seem to care about at all. They just deal with it way too often to even matter I guess. We had a few cars stolen over the last two years and nobody seemed to give a shit at all. Actual CARS, not car toppers!

Credit card fraud seems to be going the same route. Unless you’re a part of a bigger operation, it seems like you could probably get free pizza for the rest of your life if you wanted to and nobody would give a damn enough to do anything.
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Unfortunately with previous POS I couldn’t block them easily. They kept using a different phone number which would create new customer. Once we stopped delivering to that address, they would call from another address but we found they would use same card. So now we needed to be on the look out for the same card numbers. Then they would get another card number and get it delivered to some of the previous addresses they used with the same names and different phone number. It was nuts! When we get new cashier or employee who just didn’t care, the bad guys would slip through the cracks.
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Police could care less. I haven’t called the police for anything in over 10 years. Its a waste time. A few months ago someone pulled up to one of our stores and stole 4 car signs right off the drivers cars. One of my daughters was running the store at time and called the police to " report the crime ". After sitting on hold for 45 minutes they told her " thats not our department "

Did you ever get the Speedline System?
Yes I did!! Just finished install yesterday! So we’re extremely fresh with it. They capabilities seem amazing. We’re just happy to process an order at this point because its so new to us. They anxiety of changing POS system is extremely high, everybody was in panic mod the first day. The good thing is the employees are responding positively to system and picking it up rather quickly.
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Unfortunately with previous POS I couldn’t block them easily. They kept using a different phone number which would create new customer. Once we stopped delivering to that address, they would call from another address but we found they would use same card. So now we needed to be on the look out for the same card numbers. Then they would get another card number and get it delivered to some of the previous addresses they used with the same names and different phone number. It was nuts! When we get new cashier or employee who just didn’t care, the bad guys would slip through the cracks.
Yes, that’s how they do it. We posted the address they were using all over the store to help catch them at the time of order. Worked fine for the a while until they moved to another address. The funny thing is one our drives took a picture of the the note I posted and put it up on some facebook neighborhood watch site. The criminals themselves saw the post and then emailed me saying that we were violating their civil rights. I told them to pay up or pound sand. I think we chased that group off. We haven’t gotten anything from them since March.
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Yes I did!! Just finished install yesterday! So we’re extremely fresh with it. They capabilities seem amazing. We’re just happy to process an order at this point because its so new to us. They anxiety of changing POS system is extremely high, everybody was in panic mod the first day. The good thing is the employees are responding positively to system and picking it up rather quickly.
Cool, let me know if you need any help. I could almost be a tech person with them if this whole pizza thing doesn’t work out. I have 13 years experience tinkering with Speedline.
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I’ve lost almost 2k as well. Credit Card gets keyed in and it’s usually the same people in my case. I filed a police report but awhile back but still no word. Not holding my breath either for any word from police either. Just chalked it up as part of doing business. I figure I won’t be able to stop 100%
I saw a CC fraud case be handled by local police and the CC company, and it appears they had no intention of ever prosecuting the person. The police wouldn’t do anything.
It was a server editing the tip amount after the customer had left, it became known to the owner when several patrons were calling to say their bill was different than what showed on their statement, the business owner pulled the card slips, and saw they were altered. The local police were informed, they said to talk to the card company, the card company had zero interest in pursuing this. So this server got off unscathed and profited well from her little scam.
We are a “No Tipping allowed” establishment, and with our new EMV terminals, no staff even handles a customers card anymore. When we do take phone orders, we manually enter the info, including the billing address ZIP code, The people taking the orders are instructed that if they get a message that the ZIP does not match, that they are not to proceed.
So maybe it is dumb luck, tyhe EMV terminals, or my vigilance keeping us from getting chargebacks.

What I really love, is the amount of people using their phone to make a payment, so quick, so easy,
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These stories are insane we have been in the pizza business for 7 years now and have only had 2 chargebacks I will consider myself lucky. I would definitely do emv and mobile swipers if I had this big of a problem.
Is anyone on here cash only?
Cash only is a huge red flag to the IRS no thank you.
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I’m going to try zip code and CVV verification when we switch pos systems next week. We’ll see how that goes…

I doubt it will work, I mean, if you have a stolen card number you probably have the rest of the info…
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Is anyone on here cash only?
We were for about the first 9-10 years. I don’t remember anymore what year we added CC but it was after a long time. When we added them 8-9 years ago they were about 25% of all sales. CC are now approaching 80% of all sales. I don’t see not accepting them as a viable alternative in today’s world.
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I don’t see not accepting them as a viable alternative in today’s world.
Very true but such a shame. We added cards in about 2007 when we had a lot of growth in the area and many fast food places opened that accepted cards. People would call in an order and when they came to pick it up they would just walk out when they saw we don’t take cards. Now on a good day we are about 60% cards some days over 80%. All of the fees associated with cards, the time it takes for the customer to read the number, figure out the CCV code because it is mostly worn off and the occasional chargeback with no easy way to recoup your losses like there is with checks, I hate the system but it is forced upon us by customers. Cards consume time, take 10-15% of your take home pay from that transaction, make you wait 1-3 days to actually get your payment, and add absolutely nothing to the product.
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Very true but such a shame. We added cards in about 2007 when we had a lot of growth in the area and many fast food places opened that accepted cards. People would call in an order and when they came to pick it up they would just walk out when they saw we don’t take cards. Now on a good day we are about 60% cards some days over 80%. All of the fees associated with cards, the time it takes for the customer to read the number, figure out the CCV code because it is mostly worn off and the occasional chargeback with no easy way to recoup your losses like there is with checks, I hate the system but it is forced upon us by customers. Cards consume time, take 10-15% of your take home pay from that transaction, make you wait 1-3 days to actually get your payment, and add absolutely nothing to the product.
To add insult to injury, most of the major banks here in Canada are now charging businesses to deposit cash. There are several that include $2000 per month under the “PLAN” and then charge $1.50 per $1k cash after that.
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Banks around here are starting to charge for Depositing cash, and for withdrawing cash. They get you both ways, they claim it is because of the extra labor required.

Which when i pointed out, that is their job and the whole point of their job. They just did not say anything.
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I’m late chiming in on this topic, but Souspizzaaiolo is correct. You need to get EMV setup and being used. If you are taking the card over the phone, before sending out the driver, it is no different than using the old swipe cards. In today’s world, like it or not, you want the driver accepting the card at the customer location. While it requires some time to setup, it will save you loads of money in the long run.
If you need good referral for help setting this up, shoot me an email. I’ve helped several restaurants with this same issues. Best example Larry, owner of 2 Beach Pizza locations, in So. Californa.
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