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Police could care less. I haven’t called the police for anything in over 10 years. Its a waste time. A few months ago someone pulled up to one of our stores and stole 4 car signs right off the drivers cars. One of my daughters was running the store at time and called the police to " report the crime ". After sitting on hold for 45 minutes they told her " thats not our department "

Did you ever get the Speedline System?
That’s crappy. Our police department takes this kind of thing very seriously. You can loose a charge back with the credit card company but you can make a criminal complaint, it’s called theft of service. I’ve had police call people and they magically come up with the money.
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That’s crappy. Our police department takes this kind of thing very seriously. You can loose a charge back with the credit card company but you can make a criminal complaint, it’s called theft of service. I’ve had police call people and they magically come up with the money.
California has become a sanctuary for criminals. All local law enforcement have been instructed by state government officials ( Jerry Brown ) to look the other way on criminal activity such as:

No drivers licence is ok
They cannot impound cars
Immigration status cannot be questioned
Any type of robbery is only a felony if its over $950

Police officers in our state have been relegated to fee collectors. Registration and parking violations.

2 years ago we passed prop 47 which released tens of thousands of criminals. It was called the " safe school and neighborhood act "

Today we are voting on prop 57 which will release another 25000. It is expected to pass. We have had 4 police officers murdered in just the last month by people who were released early from prison. The police groups are out in force today to try to defeat this but it may be a loosing battle. The families of the murdered officers are in front of every tv camera they can find.
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