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Credit card charge backs

They advised me to call the processor and tell them if the card is not lost or stolen then I should not have a charge back.
Lol, for entertainment value, I would like to hear their response to this. My guess is that they will just revert back to their original premise that you didn’t properly process the card in the first place and its none of your business whether the card was reported lost or stolen.

Or, its within the cardholder’s right to just deny the charge if it wasn’t her herself – period.
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What would it cost, in addition to time, to file a suit in small claims or magistrate or whatever type of court you have there? If you really want to persue it, let the judge decide.

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There are so many angles that are in play here and it is the merchant that gets stuck paying in the end each time. Even though she claims her son did not have permission she acknowledged the orders. So many will agree it is a waste of time…you never win…etc. Let’s take the card process company out of the picture. Like the local law has said…nothing to file since card not reported lost or stolen. It’s a catch 22. So what is to stop the kid from ordering whatever he wants online and the mom saying…oops…I didn’t tell him he could. This is total BS and lack of parental responsibility. For that reason alone I think you should take the few minutes and couple of dollars and file the civil case against the kid and his guardian. I would be surprised if she let it go that far but if it went to trial…how could the kid not be held responsible. We are not talking about the use of the card…just the ordering of the pizzas and not paying for them. File a civil suit for the actual cost, court filing fees, and lost income for the time spent on research of the case and time off work to go to court. I bet she pays!
So here is something else that burns my ass, we all pay a higher rate for keyed in numbers? WHY? it does not look like any of the processors get burned, mostly the vendors.
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Rockstar pizza:
So here is something else that burns my a*s, we all pay a higher rate for keyed in numbers? WHY? it does not look like any of the processors get burned, mostly the vendors.
The game is set such that the bulk of liability and risks rest on the retail stores accepting cards for payment. The problem always comes back to: “If you don’t like the rules, then get out of the game”. And that also chaps my buttocks more than Monkey Butt Powder can soothe.
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well if all else fails, you can hope for karma.
we did a legitimate charge back one time on a piece of equipment that we never received. Months later I ordered a computer online and it took 3 weeks to get the card authorized before they could even enter the order, the computer should have shipped in 2 weeks instead it took just over 5 to ship. The credit card company called to authorize the charge and when I asked why they were doing that the person said that because of a charge back we were on the “risky” list because of either a large or multiple charge backs.
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I’m sorry but after she basically admitted that she screwed you I wouldn’t care if she ordered $1,000 a week; I would not accept any business from her.
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I’m sorry but after she basically admitted that she screwed you I wouldn’t care if she ordered $1,000 a week; I would not accept any business from her.
Lol, I would. Anytime 😃
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