11 credit card tips for the entire month? That tells me your credit sales are so low you are basically getting penalized for not moving enough volume and also having a horrible deal because of the volume. People always badmouth first data but thats because they also had horrible deals. First data like the rest charge exactly what mastercard and visa force them to charge based on how much volume and transactions you are doing annually and then whatever shitty deal you worked out with one of their hundreds of middlemen. If your costs are going above 3% there is something majorly wrong. I do around 30k/month and my bill falls between 800-950 depending on which portion was keyed in over the phone compared to swipe at the front counter that month. Call whatever bank you have your business account with and get processing from them. You dont have to cancel the other one just stop using it and pay the minimum monthly fee usually $20 or $30 the savings from having a better deal will offset this expense until the contract runs out.Has anybody “truly” looked at each individual transaction fee description on their statement??? After trying to save money and switching from Worldpay to Sams Club First Data card processing, I went thru each line of fees and after being on the phone for literally 2 hrs with First Data, I discovered that when a customer adds a tip onto their credit card and we as merchants key in that tip you get slammed for it with a fee called “transaction cleared other than priced”. I had exactly 11 tips added on in March and at an average of $2 per, I was charged $5.81, so for $22 worth of tips I only actually received $16.19. So to offset this I am no longer accepting tips thru credit cards, I am asking customers to tip in cash
Honestly I am soooo freaking sick & tired of this monopoly fee crap these credit card companies are charging us merchants
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