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Credit card fees

On our statements the most expensive cards to accept are not Amex. They are high benefit visa cards. I see no reason not to accept amex. If that is the card the customer wants to use, why give the customer a reason to go elsewhere… even if they were more expensive, are you really willing to lose sales over a few 10ths of a percent of fees?
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It’s more like 1%, though even that isn’t a lot. The thing is, people with Amex are generally used to merchants not accepting their card. They aren’t going to storm out of your shop and never come back. They will just use a different card, so it isn’t really a big deal for them.
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The thing is, people with Amex are generally used to merchants not accepting their card. They aren’t going to storm out of your shop and never come back.
Not true. If the card is a business card and they are entertaining with it they are going to take is elsewhere before they use their personal card for a business expense. Also, while Amex may be 1% higher than the base visa it is not higher than the visa cards with tons of benefits.
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Yeah you could be right about the visa cards with benefits. However, I’ve seen lots of business guys with Amex (who want to use it because expense reporting is easier) just use a different card. Not everyone takes Amex and that is something Amex users are used to. Reporting expenses from a personal card isn’t such a big deal for most people. Just sayin’. 🙂 You could still be right that it isn’t worth upsetting a customer.
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RG, I do not think you’re a liar!! In our business, and business in general, 1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 4, etc… People exaggerate!! Like NateS…

NateS, FUD??? Really?? I assume you’re not running a restaurant and work for a processor? Your intro to Square was to say it cost some absurd amount to use… fud, fud, fud. My reply was to simply clear that up.

If I could get 1.6%, I’d be all over it! Remember though, 1.6% PLUS 20 cents is more than 1.6%. Compliance fees PLUS Non-Compliance fees plus 1.6% is MORE than 1.6%. Simply, anything PLUS 1.6% is still MORE than 1.6%.

GotRocks, like a few have said, Amex and business tend to go hand in hand. I get some regular large tickets from Amex customers and I really don’t mind paying a little extra for that. They tend to be really good customers. Tickets are larger and so are the tips. I’ll take it.

I really like this discussion, and please note that I don’t have a stock position in any platforms or plastic companies. As merchants we get the crap end of the stick while paying more for it. I recall numerous discussions about accepting checks, how many of us still accept checks? More discussions on accepting cash&checks and not accepting credit cards. And yet a few more on American Express…

It is a very real possibility that most of us will have to upgrade hardware over the next year or two so we ‘comply.’ Think about that and the potential costs when you can ill afford to refuse 70%+ of your business because its plastic. NateS, this is not fud, the US is alone in not using chips at the moment, but that will change soon. And your current readers will not read chips. The current AVS method won’t apply to chips.

Getting rid of all the scum merchant processors, well, that’s about as likely as getting rid of all the payday loan companies. Any changes Congress makes in law always have a year lead time so that banks can rewrite their guidelines to circumvent the new changes. Go figure…

RG, again, no offense and my apologies!!!
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Oh my lord…after reading everyones comments I truly have one freakin headache

By the way Jonathan i thought you was going to come and see me to see about switching…

I know some of you may laugh as I say this statement but what ever…
All I want is to find a freakin company fair that doesnt slam me for my customers who wish to give me a tip on their card. I only process under $6k a month not a huge volume. Yeah do I wish I did $10k a month hell yeah but thats not reality for my area and for the size of shop I own, Im just a freaking small mom & pop shop 1 location thats it.

I literally sat down one month and got on the adding machine and figured out the square 2.75% on 1 months of cc slips, I did not even get through 1/2 of them and the fees were higher than my processor charged me for 1 month, so Im thinking square is not for me…

By the way Sams Club was my middle man that set me up with first data
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I recall numerous discussions about accepting checks, how many of us still accept checks?
We take checks, for in-house purchases, but will not do it on deliveries unless it is a well established customer.
we have taken checks since the day we opened, and out of the thousands of checks received, I’ve only had one come back NSF, And it was from a local business, from their business checking account.

I was not aware they were having financial difficulties with their “Computer repair shop”, so their $27.00 Rib Dinner ended up turning into nearly $75.00 dollars. It took nearly 6 weeks to collect from them, they ignored phone calls and emails, I felt sorry for them because I know what it is like to be in a rough financial position. So instead of calling the sheriffs department, I personally went into their shop, picked out merchandise valued near what they owed, placed it on the counter, she rang it up, I asked if they accept checks, they said they did not, I placed their NSF check on the counter with a list of the associated fees that I was charged from my bank and said; “oh, I think you do”
It was interesting seeing them scramble to make good on their bounced check. If I would have gotten any attitude from this, a call to the sheriff would have been next, that’s something I tried to avoid, because that escalates things to levels that I do not like to do unless someone really is a snapperhead about making good on their debt.

The way things work in my county, if you get a bad check, you simply call the sheriffs department, they will pay a personal visit to the offending writer of the bad check, and they take them for a ride in the back of a Dodge charger or a Chevy Suburban, then they get to have their picture taken, they get fingerprinted, and they get put in a cage until that bad check is made good.
Then they add on a few hundred dollar service charge for this service, and publish the incident in the local newspaper for everyone to see, then they get to go in front of a judge. If they cannot make good on the check, they also lose their driving privileges .
So yeah, we don’t see many bad checks in this area all that often. Apparently the consequences are just not worth it to many.

I did not take cards my first few months, I was seeing such obnoxious prices, ironclad rental contracts on their proprietary MSR’s, unbreakable leases etc etc etc.
When I got into our POS system, I researched Mercury heavily, and went with them after my bout with Square and have been very pleased since. Of course mercury offered to match the rates that Square had, And I said that I am not looking to make a lateral move, I am changing due to rates and I am shopping heavily. A little back and forth haggling and I got what I wanted. Now I am shopping encrypted MSR’s with apple-pay features so I can upgrade to V3.5 through Point of Success. I already did the PCI seminar to avoid compliance charges, so hopefully smooth sailing ahead
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We take checks… even personal ones from out of town. Not very many any more though. I guess we get a couple of bounced checks per year and we collect roughly half of them. All in all my losses on bounced checks, as a percentage of orders paid by check, are a small fraction of what we pay in credit card fees. My guess would be that in 16 years we have a grand total of maybe $3000 in bad check losses. I have paid more than that in CC fees already this year. In recent years our bad checks have never hit $200 for the year. We take a couple of checks per day on average.

BTW, no out of town check ever bounced… only local ones. Makes me chuckle every time I see an “only local checks accepted” sign… those are the only ones that ever bounce!
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Does anyone use a check reader? We had one at the retail shop I worked at a few years ago. It was scan the check and basically process it like a debit card, verifying the funds. Always seemed like a good idea but don’t know if the cost is worth it. I’d say we average a check a day. Some days we get several, other times we’ll go a few days without any.
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BTW - Daisy - if you are getting charged extra when adding tip to an authorized transaction - you need to check the merchant classification you have been assigned. You must not be set up as a restaurant.
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BTW - Daisy - if you are getting charged extra when adding tip to an authorized transaction - you need to check the merchant classification you have been assigned. You must not be set up as a restaurant.
Yes I am set up as a restaurant. The issue is when you first type in the sale amount and give the slip to the customer to sign & they add a tip, you then have to adjust the final amount, according to First data they say you are changing the original sale amount and that is where they slam you for fees called “transaction cleared other than priced”
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Daisy, please double check on that with them. What he is saying might be right. We do not see any charge like that and it is not a normal fee for a restaurant account. We DO see that fee if there is a change to the amount charged in our retail store. Or, is it possible that you are changing the original amount rather than using the add-tip feature?
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After reading this thread I called Worldpay bc they sent me a new terminal they said would be free of charge only to charge me $304.55 for it a week later. I sent it back and they only gave me a credit of $104. After listening to their BS about this fee and that fee, I asked how long my contract was (3yrs) and asked how much it was to end the service. I was transferred to someone else who asked me what was wrong I told him about the terminal and my rates recently (3.12%) I complained about all the Visa Rewards cards and how I pay extra just to accept it. He listened and didn’t interrupt my rant and didn’t speak in the robotic monotonous voice it seems they’re all trained to do it was nice… any way I got a much better rate, got a few credits, they’re sending me a new EMV terminal, and I did the PCI compliance survey. Glad I got that done thanks to this thread!
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Yes I am set up as a restaurant. The issue is when you first type in the sale amount and give the slip to the customer to sign & they add a tip, you then have to adjust the final amount, according to First data they say you are changing the original sale amount and that is where they slam you for fees called “transaction cleared other than priced”
Right - that should not happen if you are classified as a restaurant.
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It’s more like 1%, though even that isn’t a lot. The thing is, people with Amex are generally used to merchants not accepting their card. They aren’t going to storm out of your shop and never come back. They will just use a different card, so it isn’t really a big deal for them.
This is correct…
And more times than not the card the pull out is a visa/Mastercard rewards card that has a higher interchange rate than AMEX.

Jonathan Anderson
[email protected]
C 4192977367
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Daisy, please double check on that with them. What he is saying might be right. We do not see any charge like that and it is not a normal fee for a restaurant account. We DO see that fee if there is a change to the amount charged in our retail store. Or, is it possible that you are changing the original amount rather than using the add-tip feature?
When I go through my online profile and other settings I see it says restaurant, but I will actually take my statement up t Sam’s club and talk to them about it
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When I go through my online profile and other settings I see it says restaurant, but I will actually take my statement up t Sam’s club and talk to them about it
I was gunna say go back to SAMs club. A big company like that should fix the problem for you. It makes them look bad
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Not sure if anyone has mentioned this but recently there was an article on the main site regarding cc fees. Has anyone checked out the company mentioned in the below link.
"Flat-fee membership processing is subscription-based, so customers pay a flat monthly membership fee to get access to paying direct cost for payment processing. "

Right off the bat I’m suspicious because they didn’t state exactly what membership/subscription fee is. The processing is at interchange +0, I understand - but what is the membership fee in order to get that?

Square used to have the same model - and the “membership fee” was $275.
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So I looked on their website:

"We are giving you – the merchant – 0% markup on wholesale merchant processing. You only pay the Visa/Mastercard interchange rate, per transaction rate and your monthly subscription fee. No other fees. "

0% markup - except a per transaction rate and a monthly subscription fee.

We must have different definitions of “0% markup”.

So their lowest plan is $29 per month plus 25 cents per transaction. The highest plan is $99 per month plus 8 cents per transaction.

Nothing new under the sun my friends…
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