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Delivery Points

Why don’t you just answer the question? If you’re employer isn’t following the law, why don’t you quit and work somewhere that does?
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Because the other places are slower and therefore don’t pay as well overall. While our pay is lower, our mileage is higher, and the business is much busier than other places. My contention is that many pizza places under-reimburse drivers for mileage. The courts are sorting that out now.

I am retired and the job suits my scheduling and monetary needs. That doesn’t mean that I agree with their policies and pay practices or that they are fair or legal.

For example, I think the big3 stores have excellent safety policies, but unfortunately their implementation and enforcement is dismal. Based on my personal experience, and having read thousands of robbery reports and hundreds of cases, I feel confidant that even though my own employer does not meet my (or even their own) standards for safety, that I am qualified to offer useful advice for others to follow.

So whether or not I work under the same conditions I protest against is irrelevant. That is for me to evaluate and personally weigh the pros and cons and come to a conclusion. My conditions are unique like everyone’s and can only be determined on an individual basis. I have challenged my employer and continue to do so every day. Both safety and working conditions at my shop have improved much due to my speaking up. I speak up on minor things on a weekly basis, and educate other employees to do the same. I am highly respected and my opinions on matters are sought out by both co-workers and management. I don’t hold front line managers personally accountable for my pay complaints, because it is out of their hands.

What matters is if what I post is sound advice and can be backed up with experience, evidence and reasoning. If you disagree with my advice and opinions on safety and labor laws, I’d be happy to discuss it with you.
Gregster,as a former driver for one of the big 2 and an independent I understand what you are trying to say. I feel what everyone else is trying to say is that no matter what the post is you seem to hijack it and turn it into your own ranting grounds. I applaud you for wanting changes to occur and for standing on the side of drivers. If you feel so strong about it you should just start your own post and let other people have their own. Maybe start a blog or a web page putting your views,ideas and wants on it and letting everyone who wants to come to you.
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Gregster,as a former driver for one of the big 2 and an independent I understand what you are trying to say. I feel what everyone else is trying to say is that no matter what the post is you seem to hijack it and turn it into your own ranting grounds. I applaud you for wanting changes to occur and for standing on the side of drivers. If you feel so strong about it you should just start your own post and let other people have their own.
What you call a hijack, I call responding from my own point of view. I have started many new threads , but they are all in the “Delivery Driver Discussion” area. If I see posts here that I have an opinion on, why shouldn’t I respond to them in the same thread? It wouldn’t be a ‘discussion’ if the replies were located elsewhere.
Maybe start a blog or a web page putting your views,ideas and wants on it and letting everyone who wants to come to you.
I have done that: the Pizza Delivery Drivers Forum There are also links always available in my signature. But I also respond to information anywhere I find it on the web, including here. This is, after all, a discussion board isn’t it? What better way is there to learn and understand each others ideas and opinions than to discuss them with directly each other?
What you call a hijack, I call responding from my own point of view.
and I call it hijacking as well so thats 2 v 1 and I bet the majority of posters on this board will also agree. If you want I can start a poll to see if people agree if that will help clarify the issue for you?
I have started many new threads , but they are all in the “Delivery Driver Discussion” area.
yes, and that’s where they belong so keep them in there not here. Otherwise where will people find these helpful comments? I for one would not think of looking in a thread about delivery points when I wanted to know about below minimum wage and safety issues. Perhaps you wouldn’t feel the same if we all came over to your neatly organised site and started ‘responding from our own point of view’ in any old thread even when you ask us not to?

In TTPG you frequently berate ‘noobs’ for not understanding the rules and respecting what the long time/senior posters have to say but over here your attitude is quite the opposite. Luckily we’re not as hostile/infantile over here as most of the TTPG posters (and your not as infantile as you are over there) but when a lot of long time posters over here tell you you’re hijacking posts then IMO I think you ought to respect that fact.

Play nicely now.
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Wizzle Wassell:
…and I call it hijacking as well…
It seems to me that the moderators don’t feel the same way.
Wizzle Wassell:
…If you want I can start a poll to see if people agree if that will help clarify the issue for you?..
I was under the impression that the Think Tank Policy under the interpretation of the moderators governed what is appropriate, not polls. Can you clarify which rule of the forum I am breaking?
I have started many new threads , but they are all in the “Delivery Driver Discussion” area.
Wizzle Wassell:
yes, and that’s where they belong so keep them in there not here. Otherwise where will people find these helpful comments? I for one would not think of looking in a thread about delivery points when I wanted to know about below minimum wage and safety issues.
Perhaps I should also sit in the back of the bus and refrain from using public fountains? How about I just respond to topics like anyone else does? And like anyone else if my conduct is inappropriate, you report the post to the moderators for action? This thread would have been dead had some not decided to belabor the point. You are doing the same it seems.
Wizzle Wassell:
Perhaps you wouldn’t feel the same if we all came over to your neatly organised site and started ‘responding from our own point of view’ in any old thread even when you ask us not to?
As it always has been, you and anyone else may register and post immediately at my site without waiting for approval. Posts will appear immediately without review. My site pretty much follows the rules of this one, but they are stated more simply for now. I’d love to have input from operators and managers on my site. One sided presentation does not produce the scrutiny, honing and improvement of ideas that healthy debate does. If my ideas cannot withstand the scrutiny of others, what worth are they?
Wizzle Wassell:
In TTPG you frequently berate ‘noobs’ for not understanding the rules and respecting what the long time/senior posters have to say but over here your attitude is quite the opposite. Luckily we’re not as hostile/infantile over here as most of the TTPG posters (and your not as infantile as you are over there) but when a lot of long time posters over here tell you you’re hijacking posts then IMO I think you ought to respect that fact.

Play nicely now.
I share much of your same opinion about the hostility and childish behavior at TTPG. It’s very difficult to have a thoughtful debate there and nearly impossible for ‘n00bs’ there to get a word in edgewise before being bashed. (I still enjoy reading and posting there nonetheless.) It is for those very reasons I started my own site so I could focus on the issues and news affecting drivers in the industry while still having places to have fun. It’s a work in progress and I intend to change it as user desires dictate, while keeping the issues and news visible and not letting them get buried like they do at TTPG.

PMQ, TTPG, and my site all of rules and customs. I believe I am following the rules and customs here. If dissenting or diverse opinion is not welcome here, then I am not aware that was a custom.

Perhaps the hijacking is not coming from my posts, but the uncivil reactions of others who cannot simply ignore what they do not like or contain their responses to the information posted and not about the dislike of the person posting it?

If responses were contained to whether or not the opinion was valid, and not whether or not I should have made it in the first place, we likely would not be discussing this now.
Perhaps the hijacking is not coming from my posts
But perhaps the hijacking is coming from your posts. You managed to turn this into a minimum wage discussion, did you not? Who else in this thread before you turned the discussion from delivery points to minimum wage?
Pizza delivery drivers are robbed every single day in the US. I take my safety on delivery very seriously and for less than minimum wage I hope my employer does also.
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But perhaps the hijacking is coming from your posts. You managed to turn this into a minimum wage discussion, did you not? Who else in this thread before you turned the discussion from delivery points to minimum wage?
How many posts AFTER it (yours included) complained about me saying it when they should have either

A)ignored it as irrelevant or

B)challenged what I said instead of

C)arguing whether or not I should have said it?

Re Moderation. This site (as you well know) is moderated with a ‘lite touch’. It is ludicrous for anyone to somehow claim some form of ‘endorsement’ from the moderators just because a comment has not been moderated as you seem to have started doing. I believe you have been spoken to about your posting style by the moderators, I haven’t so does this mean my posting status is any better than yours? of course not. Most of the moderation on this board is IMO self imposed by contributors.

The simple fact is that for a reasonable period of time a good number of regular and long time posters here have given you a clear indication that your posting style is inappropriate and that you hijack posts. So take the hint whats hard about that? If you want us to start reporting you moderators every time then I’m sure we could start doing this if you want?

You spend your time either posting that you’ve come to realise that most of the operators here aren’t ‘bad guys and appear to try and comply with MW laws’ then in the next breath get start lecturing us about other MW violations.
How many posts AFTER it (yours included) complained about me saying it when they should have either

A)ignored it as irrelevant or

B)challenged what I said instead of

C)arguing whether or not I should have said it?

As far as I can see there were plenty of challenges (B) to your post before the complaints. Quite a few people agreed with your views about the original intention of this thread but not satisfied with that you then moved into a debate about employees paid below MW somehow being at greater risk than those being paid at MW. If you want to debate that point start a new thread that’s all that is being asked so what’s so difficult about that?
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A. His Avatar is an Aircraft Carrier, not a battleship 🙂 Battleships are so 1960’s
Perhaps I should also sit in the back of the bus and refrain from using public fountains?
B. Where the HELL did THAT come from? I am all for reasoned argument, but this was really not at all called for. Really.

Getting back to original question, I agree with the fundamental points Gregster made a long while back in this thread, but have a functional spin. We purchased our business in 2004 with an existing policy to meet customers who lived a ways away. We discontinued the policy for a few reasons: could not verify the orders, could not guaranteee safety of locations every time, and took drivers off line too long having to wait for delinquent customes.

If we could determine a location that is very safe, have a place to arrange one drop time for several orders, and demand prepayment, then it would be worth opning a discussion. We are an exceedingly safe market, though less secure than when we started. Our far, far more risky delivery propositions are calls to send to what we believed to be vacant locations . . . . no lights, driver can drive away after trying to call customer.

I cannot give any real credence to Gregster’s Bureau of Labor (Statistics?) since it includes a wide hodge-podge of professions, which ostemsibly includes illicit activity in disguise. Number of pizza deiveries each day nationwide versus number of incidents is still pretty doggone low. So, we aren’t a ‘wild west’ profession, but reasonable efforts can increase employee safety immensely.
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We have a strict policy of only delivering to addresses only - PERIOD !!!
No street corners for those who are outside (or even in) the delivery area. No sporting / festival events.
The same as we won’t deliver outside of our defined delivery area, even if it’s only 2 streets away or if someone offers an increased delivery amount.
And we live in a safe area (and country) where hold ups of delivery people are virtually unheard of (but I’m sure they happen).
I am with Gregster on not delivering to a delivery point - PERIOD !!!
Stick with your defined delivery areas and only to traceable addresses and everything should be OK. We also call back on abormally big orders to confirm and after a certain time of night only accept pre-paid orders for delivery for larger orders unless it is areal often regular customer who we know well.
Anything else is not worth the risk.


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