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delivery pricing

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I feel you pain too. the gas comes from under our feet and we pay more than our friends south of the border
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DFW PizzaMan:
Thank you. By the way, I can care less if you register or not. But if you want to attack, you need to leave something to identify yourself otherwise you are a coward. Kinda like “guest”.
Just to be clear - I’m not the “guest” with whom you guys typically have a problem - on this thread and others.
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Wow. Under the table?

You just lost all credibility. What is your phone number? I know someone with the IRS that would like to speak with you.

I’m sure you are 100% compliant with your business. I bet you never bought something for your shop and it ended up being used for personal use.
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Delivery charge or no delivery charge?

It really does depend on your local market. If everyone else is ‘free delivery’ then you may find it hard to charge. If everyone charges then maybe you’ll have an edge by ‘free delivery’

My delco stores both have ‘free delivery’ as we build the cost of ‘labour’ and ‘mileage’ into the cost of the product. In my local are having ‘free’ delivery is something I get ask all the time- its a big plus BUT my prices are more expensive as a its a premium product.

You really need to see what your potential customer are looking for but in terms of making your money, free or delivery chrage, your end price must be competative.

Oh and yes as J_Rokk says make sure any collection special is clearly stated as such and is just one or two product rather than a discount on everything.
no crap,do not care about crap,i pay-they plumber charged me for each nut bolt piece of tape,did i bitch,no.if you are not charging i dont care this is up to you.i am here to make money-not friends.if some one does not want to pay for what they get,they get nothing.i have been doing this a long time and have had no problems paying the bills.if i start giving away the farm to get people to come in,i will have no farm…it just business.
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Maybe Im doing something wrong. Im in MI so mw is 6.95 but will be 7.15 so far with my drivers im still paying 515-5.95 but they make tips and $2 PER DELIVERY which we add on to the ticket but dont claim at the end of the day, I make the drivers claim at least enough tips to make min. wage. Pain in the butt and I know theyre making more than I am. I like the idea of somehow paying them in cash. Would love to just have someone on call and pay per del. Sometimes I dont need 2 people here all day. But I do when there is a delivery. Theres gotta be a way to make it cheap and legit.
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billy romano:
no crap,do not care about crap,i pay-they pay. my plumber charged me for each nut bolt piece of tape,did i b***h,no.if you are not charging i dont care this is up to you.i am here to make money-not friends.if some one does not want to pay for what they get,they get nothing.i have been doing this a long time and have had no problems paying the bills.if i start giving away the farm to get people to come in,i will have no farm…it just business.
whoa - whats your problem, this is a discussion, not a personal attack or a defining statement of your business or life purposes. No ones saying about giving anything away or not charging. There are plenty of ways to get the same moeny from a customer. lighten up!
if you order from me you get,lets say,sandwich+frys,you also get soup&salad
you eat it here on my plate that is payed for already,if you take it to go,now i have given you 3 containers,1 bag,flatware,napkin,total .60 cents right of the top…i still pay waitress,cook,electric,gas and so on so forth,blah blah blah…this is more profitable???i once had a woman order my philly sandwich,no onion no pepper no mushroom,this makes for a small looking sandwich,she said" i want more meat but i do not want to pay for it. "
i said" so do i."she got mad,she is now one of my best customers.
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sorry i hurt guest’s feelings,was not attacking any one.just saying…this is a discussion…right?
crap my driver just hit a house,this should be good…
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billy romano:
if you order from me you get,lets say,sandwich+frys,you also get soup&salad
you eat it here on my plate that is payed for already,if you take it to go,now i have given you 3 containers,1 bag,flatware,napkin,total .60 cents right of the top…i still pay waitress,cook,electric,gas and so on so forth,blah blah blah…this is more profitable???i once had a woman order my philly sandwich,no onion no pepper no mushroom,this makes for a small looking sandwich,she said" i want more meat but i do not want to pay for it. "
i said" so do i."she got mad,she is now one of my best customers.
I see what you are saying with the packaging costs, but if you factor in all the other items invlolved in dine-in I am pretty sure it will be more expensive (increased labor or dishwashing & waitstaff, utilities, maintenance, and rent of dining room) Either way if it works for ya, then good for you.

We actually have always had a policy different from most places as far as pricing 1/2 toppings…we charge 1/2 toppings as 75% of the cost of the entire pizza…sure we get a few people call us on it, but I cant understand why a guy that wants 1/2 pep, sausage meatball and 1/2 onion, pepper, and olives should be charged as 3 toppings…much more work so we try to discourage it this way.

So as you can see I am not criticizing you just for being different as I am in the same boat brother…lets keep making $$

I’ve seen some of you talking about mileage. Do you pay your drivers mileage - where they would calculate the miles on a given night, and you would pay them a rate per mile…

or do you pay them per drive - a certain amount $1.35 per delivery they take.

My accountant said that if I pay them a rate per mile, it can be excluded from payroll taxes, but if I pay them a rate per drive, it must be included in their check and have payroll taxes taken out of it.

I was just curious how you all did it. We charge $1 for delivery, and give the driver $0.75 per drive, so it has payroll taxes taken out of it.

I felt like it was annoying and time consuming, and a way to steal, by having the driver record mileage each night.

Let me know.
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DFW PizzaMan:
DFW PizzaMan:
$7.50 per hour plus $1.50 per delivery? Where do you live Perry? I would have a line of applicants 5 miles long if I offered that here, myself included.
I am in the Northeast where min wage is $7.65…you think I am crazy…there are idiots around here that give drivers a % of sales (10%) also (I guess they dont mind giving their drivers all the profit)

I have been delivering 6 months now and we have had no driver turnover since the start so that is the good part I guess.

Is it every state that says drivers can not be payed the same minimum as tipped employees? What is the basis? My drivers averaging $5 per run incl. delivery charge and at least 3 per hour are already at $15 per hour before their hourly rate…do they really need the extra $2.25 when they are making at least $20 per hour…I wish I had this job during college!
i pay 2.50 per delivery and 10.00 gas money per day.

the 2.50 is paid by the customer, and goes directly to the driver at the end of their shift. they keep all tips. they only deliver, no sweeping or mopping or getting in my way.
what’s so hard about that? they make great money, get paid nightly, and i haven’t had a driver quit in over 2 years.

sample pizza ticket… pizza 10.00
delivery fee 2.50
total is 12.50
“the coward” get’s his 10, the driver gets his 2.50, we are all happy, and it costs the same as doing a pick up. so anyone who says deliveries cos more… go scratch.
just a coward guest:
i pay 2.50 per delivery and 10.00 gas money per day.

the 2.50 is paid by the customer, and goes directly to the driver at the end of their shift. they keep all tips. they only deliver, no sweeping or mopping or getting in my way.
what’s so hard about that? they make great money, get paid nightly, and i haven’t had a driver quit in over 2 years.

sample pizza ticket… pizza 10.00
delivery fee 2.50
total is 12.50
“the coward” get’s his 10, the driver gets his 2.50, we are all happy, and it costs the same as doing a pick up. so anyone who says deliveries cos more… go scratch.
I’ll scratch.

You get the same by not paying hourly rate and the drivers only doing delivery, nothing else. No problem there and agree with you still getting your $10 an deliveries not costing you anything.

But not all of us have enough deliveries to maintain drivers only doing deliveries. Most have drivers on hourly rate doing other jobs between the deliveries, especially after the hectic rush time.

If your drivers don’t do anything else who then does the jobs they do between deliveries? You need someone to do it or do you have the “invisible fairies” who sneak in and do the dishes, clean the floors, help cut, fold boxes, prep food, etc, etc.

If you don’t have drivers doing this then you are paying someone else to do it … unless you have the “invisible fairies”.

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that’s what kitchen employees are for. i didn’t realize you didn’t have enough deliveries to go around. i am delco, so about 45% of the business is deliveries. i guess my driver setup doesn’t work for everybody, especially if you only have a handful of deliveries per night.
sorry to confuse, i’m going to hide before DFW rips me a new one.
I do 75% delivery and I still have plenty of spare capacity to get my drivers making boxes, cleaning, and even (heaven forbid) answering phones and making pizzas!

If I didn’t do pay htme hourly they wouldn;t do these things and guess what I’d have to pay someone else just to do this. Cross training is a key element of any successful busines and if your not including your drivers in this you either have a magically formulae or yours really missing a trick.

the coward:
that’s what kitchen employees are for. i didn’t realize you didn’t have enough deliveries to go around. i am delco, so about 45% of the business is deliveries. i guess my driver setup doesn’t work for everybody, especially if you only have a handful of deliveries per night.
sorry to confuse, i’m going to hide before DFW rips me a new one.
Drivers that do nothing but drive ?? lol Why so easy on them ? Did you start out as a driver or something ?

My guys are cross trained to do everything. In the long run it saves money, helps operation run smoother and creates more of a team atmosphere.

If 45% of your business is deliveries you’ve got drivers standing around ready to hand the ‘it’s not my job’ line to anyone looking for a little help with other 55% of your business. I wouldn’t call it your ‘driver setup’ as much as your drivers have you ‘setup’.
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My drivers do nothing but drive and don’t get paid unless they are driving. I have staff that are hired to do everything else in the store.
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