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delivery pricing

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My drivers do nothing but drive and don’t get paid unless they are driving. I have staff that are hired to do everything else in the store.
I am with Daddio also

Today we did 85 deliveries today (slow day, busy night)
I had 2 drivers 11:30 - 1:30, 1 driver 1:30 - 4:30, 2 drivers 4:30 - 5:30, 3 drivers 5:30 -6:30, 4 drivers, 6:30 - 7:30, 2 drivers 7:30 - 9:00, 1 driver 9 - 10

total delivery man hours 20 hours, that averages 4.25 runs per hour so besides an hour in the afternoon for some boxes or doorhanging there is not alot of room for anything else
Nicely scheduled.
I find it VERY difficult to find people to schedule for 2 hour shifts, though (1130-130, 530-730 it looks like you’ve got to have a couple of those).

I do have a few that I run from say 5-8 on busy nights, but mostly I am with the other posters - my “core team” drivers are also specialists in dishwashing. And order taking.

Some of them have other specific tasks they are good at - slicing toppings, or topping pies, etc. They know going in that the job - for which I pay a decent hourly wage - is to prioritize delivery driving, but to do whatever work the kitchen needs doing. Otherwise, they
a) won’t get the same hourly wage as other drivers (they start low for a few weeks until I see that they’re going to be contributors)
b) will be less valuable to me and therefore scheduled for fewer hours than more usefull cross-trained drivers.

None of my drivers have pulled “that’s not my job” - it simply isn’t in the culture here.
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I have 5 drivers total (we do not deliver Friday nights…takeout & dine-in is enough headaches)

I’ll admit I am lucky…I have my semi-retired pizza man dad aka “the secret weapon” on standby as driver 1 from 11:30-1:30, driver 2 is the college kid who does 12:30-6:30, driver 3 is the pizza delivery guy as a 2nd job from 4:30-9:00, driver 4 is a 2nd job guy also from 5:30 - 9:00, driver 1 comes back at 6:30 for about an hour, then plays party poker in the office till the other guys finish up at 9:00 to do the last hour…actually i was off 18hrs total for 4.72 avg woohoo 😃

the 2nd job guys work nights (5-8 or 9) while the part time college kids work afternoons (12 or 1-6) or nights also…dad usually does lunch 11-1 and late night 9-10
yeah, drivers just drive… and i have phone people that don’t do ANY work in the kitchen, and pizza makers who don’t know anything about taking an order on the computer.

drivers are not hourly employees… get it? no deliveries=no pay. obviuosly they make pretty good money if they never quit and show up all the time, or maybe it’s that “team atmosphere”.

when was the last time you went to a restaurant and the bus boy was cooking your steak, or the chef was setting a table,… never you bozo!
cross training to a degree is fine but get a grip people.
i think you have been saucing and strecthing the wrong way since 85
the coward:
yeah, drivers just drive… and i have phone people that don’t do ANY work in the kitchen, and pizza makers who don’t know anything about taking an order on the computer.

drivers are not hourly employees… get it? no deliveries=no pay. obviuosly they make pretty good money if they never quit and show up all the time, or maybe it’s that “team atmosphere”.

when was the last time you went to a restaurant and the bus boy was cooking your steak, or the chef was setting a table,… never you bozo!
cross training to a degree is fine but get a grip people.
i think you have been saucing and strecthing the wrong way since 85
wow. Such anger.

A wise man once said, “Behind anger is great sorrow.” May you find happiness in your otherwise sad and lonely life.

Why don’t you try and contribute something to the forum rather than just ripping everyone ?

:lol: Sings: One of these posters is not like the others…
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the coward:
yeah, drivers just drive… and i have phone people that don’t do ANY work in the kitchen, and pizza makers who don’t know anything about taking an order on the computer.

drivers are not hourly employees… get it? no deliveries=no pay. obviuosly they make pretty good money if they never quit and show up all the time, or maybe it’s that “team atmosphere”.

when was the last time you went to a restaurant and the bus boy was cooking your steak, or the chef was setting a table,… never you bozo! cross training to a degree is fine but get a grip people. i think you have been saucing and strecthing the wrong way since 85
My place would not survive without a “zone defense” most nights. We have primary responsibility titles (see Primary MOS in Military) that tell people their main jobs. We also have a sulture of cooperation and group goal attainment. We all flow where the work is to meet the goal of spectacular food, spectacular service, and spectacular timing.

Sure, it makes no sense for the bus boy to spend the night running the register . . . . unless he is skilled and trusted to do so. We put the training and trust into our staff to make them more valuable to us, and more loyal to us. More knowledge and skills equals more value equals more pay from me. In my kitchen pitching in to help your team mate means he’s more likely to save your bacon the next time you are in the weeds. Do what you can, if it means stocking cheese, folding boxes, sweeping floors, clearing tables. Only way to survive a surprise uber-rush Friday night is for three guys to jump to pizza and swing out some pies . . . dancing back to the other stations as time and workflow directs (that’s where my job as manager and conductor comes in).

My wife and I are the management and set the expectation that no one is a “specialist”. You gotta have a second skill to advance, or even to stay employed if you are around for any length of time.
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