Edge or Xlt oven

Hi all

okay, I’ve used mm360 for many years and I see comments from many unhappy users(including myself). I’ve been in pizza business for 19 years and read comments on edge but mostly xlts.

Any edge users here?

How is the baking? Customer service after purchase? Any Problems with parts failing?

In California customers of good pizzas 🙂 do not like white uncooked doughs. I know all about finger configs. Of oven , time and temp…however if the blowers are week (burners) you can configure fingers until you have many birthdays but it won’t be fixing anything.

Can any edge or xlt users please give some feedback so I can decide which one to get.
Our lg. Dough 20 oz.

Thank you
I use edge 60s. I like them. They now carry widebody 38" wide belts
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just rocked our first fri night rush with our new double stack EDGE60 widebody ovens…smoothest friday night in memory!
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Holy small kitchen ovens look great though
its 20x20 but all our dough & pizza prep is in the rear of our kitchen…this is just top, bake, and cut…I have an 1000sf of additional kitchen space not shown including our pizza prep, grill line, salad prep, walkins, & storage of 800sf, and dining room seating 150
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a while ago, I bought (sight unseen) an old Edge 40 oven (new) from some guy who won it at a show yrs earlier…

after talking w/the folks at Edge, we picked it up, from this guys living room, still in shrink wrap…

unwrapped it, set it place, looked at their video’s…gas man connected & we fired it right up…

temp was off & after a quick call to Edge, I had failed to properly install therm…

after a few minutes, all was perfect…in just a few hrs…but, i’ve had a bit o experience w/the MM360’s…

changing the fingers is a snap…far easier than a MM360…

and did i mention the quiet?
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Mike and Mark are great guys and we have been super happy with our oven thats just coming up on 2 years. They are very responsive to questions and any issues that arise and you can’t beat that warranty! To piggyback on a couple other comments, the quietness and utility savings were quite impressive as well.
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Old thread. I have a small space. Just wondering do the edge 1830’s cook at the same quality as any of the lager ones?

Can you cook a good calzone and stromboli in them?
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I know this is an old thread, but I’m currently deciding between XLT and Edge. Anybody have any updated reviews of either? I’ve heard only good things about both so I feel pretty good about going either way.
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When I was looking I found the Edge to have a better price than the XLT. I bought mine from @George Mills and was very pleased with the service.
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I know this is an old thread, but I’m currently deciding between XLT and Edge. Anybody have any updated reviews of either? I’ve heard only good things about both so I feel pretty good about going either way.
Granted this was approx 4-5yrs ago, but when I went to the Pizza Expo looking to make a switch from Roto-flex I was pretty much set on XLT. I did not know ANYTHING about Edge at that time but I met a guy who used Edge in a classroom session and he praised them so I checked them out. I found them to be extremely helpful in every way and offered to drive to my shop for a test bake. My experience at XLT was the total opposite…would not give me the time of day and came off as arrogant as if they were doing me a favor…real turnoff! Anyways, I did some more research and found XLT was more interested in franchises vs the independent and heard that XLT was louder than Edge although I have no facts to this. Obviously I went with Edge and could not be happier…absolutely NO issues in the last 4-5yrs and switching to conveyor has been a game changer. Good Luck!
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I was actually set on Edge because of all the reasons mentioned. I had assumed XLT were priced on the higher end so I never really gave them a thought. A very successful friend of mine in the industry recommended XLT. I looked into them and they’re actually a little cheaper and have 2 more years of warranty covering parts and labor.
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I was actually set on Edge because of all the reasons mentioned. I had assumed XLT were priced on the higher end so I never really gave them a thought. A very successful friend of mine in the industry recommended XLT. I looked into them and they’re actually a little cheaper and have 2 more years of warranty covering parts and labor.
I know that the customer service you would receive from Edge will be superior to that of XLT and the Edge ovens are built with parts that you can source quickly through a supply company like Granger so if you needed repair your down time would be less.
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