I have thought of buying extra and selling it on the side to customers other then the one my supplier already sells to.
That would be wrong.
And why would that be wrong? Are you going to tell me I also cant sell my sauce that I make to the guy down the road? Or I cant sell my 8" boxes to another restaraunt that cant get them from their supplier? Oh what about the Susage I use now I shouldnt sell that either? When I buy it it is mine I can do what I want with it, nothing wrong with that!
Yes, integrity matters. They made the contract with you for your own usage. If I was your supplier and found out you were doing that, I would drop you in a heartbeat. I believe the Golden Rule applies to suppliers as well.
One of my favorites:
When you’re looking at the characteristics of how to build your personal life, first comes integrity;
Second, motivation; third, capacity; fourth, understanding; fifth, knowledge; and, last and least, experience.
Without integrity, motivation is dangerous.
Without motivation, capacity is impotent.
Without capacity, understanding is limited.
Without understanding, knowledge is meaningless.
Without knowledge, experience is blind.
Experience is easy to provide and quickly put to good use by people with the other qualities.
Make absolute integrity the compass that guides you in everything you do. And, surround yourself only with people of flawless integrity.
Karl Eller