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goood bye

Perfect reason why there should be a time limit on editing posts.

You should be able to edit for typos, etc., for 10 or 15 minutes after you post.

But you shouldn’t be able to edit a post days after it was made.

Come on Debbie, if you really think what you are doing is okay, then why run away?
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buh-buy, Debbie. Sorry to see you go, but please don’t blame anyone here.

And, don’t let the дверь hit you on the way.


Wow… victimization at it’s finest.
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Not sure what the issue was by the looks of it everything was erased except for responders comments, what actually was the main issue that this person was trying get solved or answered? From what I gather she was wanting to take pay away for mistakes? Not sure why. I am not defending this person but from what I could read, it sounds like some of the comments that eupher61 & Pizzamancer had said was honestly a little harse, especially saying that she was making a mistake with the acccountant. Ok hang on I just figured this out, she is paying wages under the table, and that stirred the pot, OH come on honestly can anyone of you tell me that you have never ever paid anyone under the table in you life?? There are people who do it all the time, I know in the state I live in you are allowed $900 a year for cash wages. Ok well anyway Hope everyone had a Happy Easter
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“OH come on honestly can anyone of you tell me that you have never ever paid anyone under the table in you life?? There are people who do it all the time, I know in the state I live in you are allowed $900 a year for cash wages.”

Yes. I can say that I have never paid employees under the table. Why would I? If I am using declared income (and our income reporting is 100% legit) and I pay an employee $1000 in W2 wages it costs me ~$1,150. If I pay them $1000 under the table I then still have to show that $1,000 as income to me and pay my income tax rate on it which would cost me more than legit payroll costs.

Yes, there are people who do it all the time. I hope that they are all found by the IRS. The amount they cheat on unemployment contributions and work comp gets passed directly to the rest of us who are playing by the rules. It is also incredibly risky. One call to wage & hour by a disgruntled employee or one work comp claim for one of these employees could cost enough to put many oerators out of business.

Declared cash wages such as you describe are not under the table. There is an allowed limit for these things where you do not have to do the employment paperwork about who is being paid, but the wages still must be declared.
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Yes. I can say that I have never paid employees under the table. Why would I? If I am using declared income (and our income reporting is 100% legit) and I pay an employee $1000 in W2 wages it costs me ~$1,150. If I pay them $1000 under the table I then still have to show that $1,000 as income to me and pay my income tax rate on it which would cost me more than legit payroll costs.
You don’t understand… 😉

When you pay someone under the table, you don’t pay them as much since you are saving them tax money! So your $1000 in W-2 wages would become only, say, $800 in cash wages. Oh, and don’t forget you don’t have to pay overtime, and you can just make up your own labor laws. Not to mention workers comp, unemployment, and everything else you don’t need to pay. :roll:
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Declared cash wages such as you describe are not under the table. There is an allowed limit for these things where you do not have to do the employment paperwork about who is being paid, but the wages still must be declared.
Hey Bo - Don’t even bother engaging with that troll. The chances of someone sitting on the sidelines, just waiting for a post like this one are near zero. Especially for someone who makes some fairly obvious punctuation mistakes.
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" Declared cash wages such as you describe are not under the table. There is an allowed limit for these things where you do not have to do the employment paperwork about who is being paid, but the wages still must be declared.
I do agree, I’m not going to get in deep with this, but my last question is how do you know that her accountant was not declaring the wages she was speaking of, just because she said under the table, seems as though you prosecuted her before getting the actual facts, I understand what you’re saying but you should give someone a chance before giving out harsh words such as you had. Like I said I’m not here to defend this person, but honestly in my thoughts you was way too harsh without getting the actual facts
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Declared cash wages such as you describe are not under the table. There is an allowed limit for these things where you do not have to do the employment paperwork about who is being paid, but the wages still must be declared.
Hey Bo - Don’t even bother engaging with that troll. The chances of someone sitting on the sidelines, just waiting for a post like this one are near zero. Especially for someone who makes some fairly obvious punctuation mistakes.
Why are you calling me a troll. Im new on this blog, you have no right saying such things. I can see why that person left, seems as though you guys are just horrible
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Here is the definition for you:
Troll : One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument
You haven’t added a single productive thing in your short history of posts. If you think we are all horrible for pointing out the obvious, then please just move along to some other ‘blog’.
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Reasons to pay someone under the table: they are on unemployment/disability/social security/etc.

Reasons NOT to pay someone under the table: you are basically giving control of your life to that person-all they have to do is get mad (or stupid) and you are pretty much out of biz. Second reason is if that person ever gets seriously hurt at work, he is uninsured, and you are 100% liable.

Irrelevent reason: It’s wrong/against the law. If the next time I crap out in Vegas, I can get a multi-billion dollar “bail out”, then I’ll consider opting-into the “pay your taxes like a good citizen” argument.
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Here is the definition for you:
Troll : One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument
You haven’t added a single productive thing in your short history of posts. If you think we are all horrible for pointing out the obvious, then please just move along to some other ‘blog’.
Oh my god are you serious!!!

OK for one thing I have not posted as you say above “deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument”

You are totally of point here, I am not saying you are horrible for pointing out the obviuos, Im speaking of how you come across in your words. Man all I was trying to do was figure this situation out, I came in at the tail end of it & you all are treating me like the villian here. I was trying to get perspective on what the other person was trying to get solved.

Im sorry but you guys just seem to come of as bullies here, so what ever
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@daisy, You are right, you came in late and do not have the benefit of reading what was written by the OP. If you had, you would know that it was very clear that the under the table wages were not what the IRS allows. Further discussion confirmed that.

Yes, I suppose there was a bit of a monkey pile and I have some responsibility for it. In the past three years I have seen my unemployment rates and work comp rise despite never having a work comp claim in 13 years and no unemployment expenses charged to my account in more than 10 years. Why? Because both systems operate on a basis where the amounts paid in have to cover current expenses. i.e. those who do not pay into the system raise the price for the rest of us. Unemployment costs have risen due to the economy, but it is those of us that did not go out of business and still employ people that have to pick up the tab. A business that is not contributing and, for all I know, paying cash wages to someone collecting benefits is taking money out of “my” pocket.

I am aware of the math regarding cash wages and yes, one can pay a slightly lower wage and save the other employment costs… even aside from the risk issues, it still does not make much sense mathematically unless you also have undeclared revenue to pay with. In my work as a business broker and appraiser and with SCORE clients, I see cash wages pretty often and it is almost universally accompanied by undeclared revenue. It takes different forms, among the most common are: cash not rung up for carryout orders when the owner is alone in the place, catering sales not rung up, a second cash register during rushes not reported… you get the idea. When one uses undeclared revenue the math on cash wages works great.

Read through the thread again and filter out the annoyed response factor and you will find there is quite of bit of valid and helpful advice in it starting with the benefits of using a POS and the risks of paying cash wages. This board is an interesting place. I have not found anything else quite like it; there are a number of very experienced pros here who give good advice for free and we regularly see newbies coming in with some amazingly naive questions that are treated with consideration, questions answered, and resources pointed out. In this case, I think it was not so much the fact that the OP was paying cash wages as that the response given defended that practice as if it was some kind of right due to the tough economy that turned a criticism into a confrontation.
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Declared cash wages such as you describe are not under the table. There is an allowed limit for these things where you do not have to do the employment paperwork about who is being paid, but the wages still must be declared.
Hey Bo - Don’t even bother engaging with that troll. The chances of someone sitting on the sidelines, just waiting for a post like this one are near zero. Especially for someone who makes some fairly obvious punctuation mistakes.
Why are you calling me a troll. Im new on this blog, you have no right saying such things. I can see why that person left, seems as though you guys are just horrible
They were harsh on her because she came in here and said she was paying her employees under the table, knew it was not right and then asked if it was legal to deduct mistakes from their illegal wages. Akin to saying I have a stolen car, with no registration or insurance, do you think I would get in trouble for driving 50 in a 35?
As others have pointed out, by avoiding payroll taxes, workers comp payments, etc etc the rest of us have to make up the difference. The only reasons I can think of for an employee to not want their wages documented is to continue receiving some government entitlement payment or to avoid income tax and FICA. Again costing the rest of us more money. You will be hard pressed to find a group of people that dislike taxation more than small business, but as Dick Army was fond of saying, if more people get out of the cart and pull and less people ride in the cart it is a lot easier to move the cart down the road. As distasteful as the rules are, I try to abide by them an expect others to do the same. There is no such thing as cheating the government, the government will get it’s money from the citizens. If it does not get it from the correct person, it will get it from someone else.

Dick Army was a Re. from Texas, the forum won’t allow his first name, which is a common nickname for persons named Richard :roll:
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Guys I completely understand the whole issue I just was trying to figure out what the h.ll was going on and here I am coming in at the last moment getting prosecuted by “Pizzamancer” & a little by yourself, just for trying to see what her issue was.
I especially do not appreciate being called a “TROLL” damn…What has this world come to, no one here even knows me & I get slammed. Well with that being said, like I said before, you guys just come off wrong with how you speak to someone, I myself was told by others that for instance, when you are texting someone on the phone, you come off as being totally bitchy and extremely rude, well case in point when people are typing words down on the internet it is exactly the same way. So please just understand my side I dont appreciate the word bashing back and fourth like that, I have much better things to do.

So have a good day as I will try
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@daisy. Welcome to the board. I think if you surf around the various topics you will find that the tone is generally helpful and polite. Take a deep breath and stick around, it is a pretty useful place. Don’t paint everyone with your broad brush. (I went back and re-read all my posts and I do not find anything in mine that remotely critcizes or slams you. i.e. disgreement is not prosecution or persecution)

Have a nice day yourself.
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I may have mis-spoken. I stand corrected you are correct you have not slung harsh words at me it was “Pizzamancer” I will stick around and scroll the topics, I just will have to make sure that if & when I do speak to someone I watch what I type. Thanks have a good day as well 😃
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Daisy do not pay much attention to the “pissy” stuff that goes on from time to time…If you can get past it, Think Tank has so much knowledge to offer…And it will be an invaluable tool to grow and make your business more profitable…
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