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How was it today?


New member
Lets start a thread with how everyday is? For example today Saturday December 1st.

Beautiful weather outside, had few deliveries and 1 inside and 3 take outs. Its almost 4pm
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Temp is ZERO degrees F with 3" of snow. It is almost 4:00PM so it will be dark within the next hour and we have made 40 14" pizzas so far today.
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Temp is ZERO degrees F with 3" of snow. It is almost 4:00PM so it will be dark within the next hour and we have made 40 14" pizzas so far today.
thats not bad
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It was 36 degrees here today,sunny but windy. Had our towns Christmas parade today so we were extremely busy from 1 till 5.
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Snowing all day here, done about 3/4 of normal business, which is actually suprising considering people around here usually lock themselves in their houses when it snows here, lol!
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Today was payday and after a 3 day marketing blitz on post we wound up with a $650 dayshift. Night is still going but it’s looking pretty good… finally.

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Sunny and high 60’s. Saturday finished 30% higher than last 6-weeks average.

This followed up a string of 4 monthly high sales records . . . August through November were highs for respective months. Only a 10% overage, but respectable to be sure. December is starting out nicely!
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A bit cold for the start of summer with 25 o Celsius, but this bought the hungry hordes out. Ended up a good night doing just a couple of bucks short of $2,600, with only 1 driver. Best Saturday for about 6 weeks and up about 10% on our average Saturday night.

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wa dave:
A bit cold for the start of summer with 25 o Celsius, but this bought the hungry hordes out. Ended up a good night doing just a couple of bucks short of $2,600, with only 1 driver. Best Saturday for about 6 weeks and up about 10% on our average Saturday night.

wow with 1 driver??? very good
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4" of snow, frezzing rain and 40 mile winds, 12 delivery’s and 132 pizzas out the door. People are CRAZY or I just have great pizza 😃 Best Saturday in 6 weeks $2250.00 for the day. Almost hiy my first $2500.00 day
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Yesterday, we had our annual Christmas parade…and the first time this ownership of our PJ has been open.

We had a projected $2200 and by the time I left last night at 10 p.m., we were at $3600.

Temps were VERY mild…we had a warm front come in before a cold front (gotta love Oklahoma weather)…so at the time our parade was going, temps were in the mid 60’s and climbed up to 80º at 4 a.m. this morning.

Now (Sunday, Dec. 2), it’s very windy and cool, with temps in the mid 40’s.
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TODAY Sunday

me and my wife and 3 drivers… opened at 11am and now its 7pm kinda cool did $800 till now we dont close till 11.30pm so maybe 200 more…

what do you guys think?? for me this is a ok sunday

This is just deliveriees we had 3 dine ins and couple take outs.
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Yesterday, we had our annual Christmas parade…and the first time this ownership of our PJ has been open.

We had a projected $2200 and by the time I left last night at 10 p.m., we were at $3600.

Temps were VERY mild…we had a warm front come in before a cold front (gotta love Oklahoma weather)…so at the time our parade was going, temps were in the mid 60’s and climbed up to 80º at 4 a.m. this morning.

Now (Sunday, Dec. 2), it’s very windy and cool, with temps in the mid 40’s.
wow those numbers are great… if you dont mind me asking./… how long have you been doing it and how manyu drivers are you running and dine in alot or??

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wow us to, we had a christmas parade that came right past our store, we handed out 200 hot cocoa…made such an impact for our new little store
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A nice warm day. Visited the in-laws and had a nice cool beer with F-I-L and then realised had to get to work (no manager at the moment so it’s 7 days).

Started off steadily at opening at 5pm and then just stayed that way all night - no real rush but no down time either. Did heaps of sides today, selling out of ribs.

Ended up doing $1850 which is up about $400 - $500 on a normal Sunday. Again done with only 1 driver as the other called in sick about 4pm. Luckily only 11 deliveries for the night. A couple wanted deliveries but couldn’t wait 45 minutes so both converted to pick up.

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wa dave:

A nice warm day. Visited the in-laws and had a nice cool beer with F-I-L and then realised had to get to work (no manager at the moment so it’s 7 days).

Started off steadily at opening at 5pm and then just stayed that way all night - no real rush but no down time either. Did heaps of sides today, selling out of ribs.

Ended up doing $1850 which is up about $400 - $500 on a normal Sunday. Again done with only 1 driver as the other called in sick about 4pm. Luckily only 11 deliveries for the night. A couple wanted deliveries but couldn’t wait 45 minutes so both converted to pick up.

How did you do that much with one driver… all dine ins? thats good
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