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How was it today?

well weve been very sloowww šŸ˜¦ better than last year but not good at all sent out 2500 postcards and only received 15 back šŸ˜¦
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Santa came early this year, bringing me ANOTHER driver. Yes thatā€™s right TWO in a week :lol: Plus one of our regular drivers came in and said one of his mates wants a drivers job - shame we donā€™t need any more right now šŸ˜¦ (will be keeping his details on file though for an emergency which is bound to happen).

That now gives me 2 drivers on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday and one driver Tuesday and 3 drivers on Friday. We can kick some serious ar$e on Fridays now with 3 drivers. Itā€™s been about 9 months since weā€™ve had 3 drivers on any night.

This now means that we can slip deliveries in the oven as we get them and not have to wait for a driver to come back or balanace them around with another delivery. Our delivery time will be around 45 mins on peak times and will sh1t on the ā€œLittle Pinkyā€ Dominoā€™s drivers delivery times, as well as all the others.

Gee I must have done something real good in my previous life to be rewarded like this. šŸ™‚

Hopefully with the speeded up delivery we can drive our sales forward even more than we have experienced in the past 6 months.

Oh, sales for the night just an average Thursday at around $1200.

Daddio, donā€™t give up hope. Iā€™m sure Santa will look after you as well.

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