New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a partner


New member
Ok so im sure that all of you on here are going to think that i am nuts…

However i think this will work. I want to start fedexing pizza’s overnight across the us.

Alot of people in the US cannot get good quality pizza. I want to start PIZZAOVERNITE.COM or PIZZAOVERNIGHT.COM

just make them to order flash freeze them and use a cheap cake pan or foil contianer and some dry ice. and ship them out over night.

i think with the right investers and marketing this could explode. And i want to do this. maybe even have some partners.

I have looked at some other companys that do this with there chicago deep dish pizzas and one company had to open up a warehouse just for overnight pizza and the gross 6 million a year.

please post your thoughts and maybe a couple of us could make this work.

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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

it could work, but flash freezers are wicked expensive. plan on spending at least ten grand for your blast freezer if not more.
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

La Nova ships their pizza worldwide and has got enough experience with it they seem to have it down pat. If I recall Joey hosted one of the Tuesday night chats about this subject in particular. If the link to these chats are not available anymore on the homepage, I would email the webmaster to see if he could give you a link to this chat.
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

What is so special about your pizza that anyone would be willing to pay to have it overnighted?

BTW - You should at least register your domain names above - before someone else does - and then tries to sell them back to you. $10 wasted now would be better than spending $1000’s later…
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

I’ve worked on two different but similar concepts over the years, and both were successful. One was called Send-A-Cake. For this concept we developed several different types of high end cakes that were frozen and shipped around the U.S. We even put a musical chip in the box, so when it was opened, it would play an appropriate tune for the occasion. We contacted the major shipping companies, and I think it was Federal Express (Fed. Ex.) that came up with a package deal for us. They would provide an engineered shipping box, outer wrapping, and postage, all for one price per unit shipped. It was a great deal. We could put up to a specified amount of dry ine in the package, our cake had to come in at a specific weight so as not to excees the maximum weight restriction on the package, and they took it from there. This was better than anything that we could have come up with,and it was cheaper too, and the best part, was that they delivered it within 24 hours. I don’t remember there ever being any problems with the shipping/distribution.
The other concept involved the shipping of seasonal, Jamacan fruit cakes. Fellow and his wife come to me to develop an old family fruit cake recipe into a bakery formula. This done, he contracts with local retail bakery to make the cakes during off time (nights) and stores them at a local public frozen holding facility. When he has reached his production quota of cakes he packages them in a specially designed gift/shipping box, designed and provided by (I think it was Fed. Ex.) and begins advertising in Gourmet Magazine for Holiday sales. As is typical for a friut cake, the dry ice isn’t needed in this application. So, your pizza idea is a very realistic one. Good Luck.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

we all ready have and i am going to register

Also im sure as your are aware the U.S is a rather large country. You ask why i think my pizza is so special. Well we would not be targeting people that live in big citys that have a bunch of good pizza.

We are targeting rural areas where all they have is crappy chains. or people that are too far away for delievery. and finally we are targeting those people who love the internet and not leaving thier couch and have enough money to have a good quality pizza shipped overnite.

I think that you will find that there is a good % of the country like this.

Hey tom why do you say you dont need dry ice? you need to keep the meats cold during shipping. i know the company shipping the chicago deep dish pizzas are using dry ice and fedex.

also how long does flash freezing take??
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

Tom was talking about the fruit cake didn’t need the dry ice.
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

Several large indy’s already do this. I know of a few in Chicago. I’d never pay those prices.
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

Didn’t say don’t need dry ice. We used it with the Send-A-Cake but we didn’t need it with the fruit cakes. Did you ever see a friut cake go bad??? They say if you had enough friends send you fruit cakes over the Holidays you could collect enough to build a house that would last FOREVER! All kidding aside, fruit cakes, no dry ice required, other types of cakes do require dry ice, pizzas will require dry ice. Point is, if you allow the shipper to develop the shipping container, they will minimize the amount of dry ice needed and also give you what might be the best shipping container along with the best overall, including shipping. price to boot.
Just something to consider.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

hi paul what is that Tuesday night chats ? thanks for your answer
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

Your idea sounds interesting but there are a few things you need to check out one being in order to ship any meat products across state lines you need to be USDA approved which neans your facilty will have to be inspected on a daily bases.And you could pick up a small blast freezer tunnel for around 24-30K plus installation which should work for your project( we paid 67k for ours).
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

Even if we are using pre cooked meats? you still need it imspected every day.

what about all the people that ship hams and turkeys???

how long does flash freezing take??
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

Since your dealing with a beef product(pepperoni) you would need inspected.Not sure about who would if anyone regulate just a veggie or plain cheese on. Time to flash freeze depends on size of unit, temperature of product and size.
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

You’re going to be looked at the same way they look at any large, forzen pizza manufacturer such as Schwan’s, Kraft, etc. The one thing that you can do to get around the USDA inspection is to not put any meat products on the pizza, but instead, include a prepackaged portion of the desired meat(s). These must be purchased from an inspected facility and all you will do is to put the package(s) in with the plain cheese topped pizza. This is why you see fund raiser pizzas sold this way. You will also need to get complets label statements developed for your pizzas too. Your package wil lneed to have everything that a commercial (supermarket) frozen pizza has on it. Also, be advised that the print type, size, location, and name of your product will also be dictated to you. For example, you couldn’t call your product a “brick oven pizza” if it wasn’t baked in an oven with stones (bricks), and to call it a “pepperoni” pizza, you must meat specified requirements for the amount (weight) of pepperoni. It’s a whole new world unto itself. You can get a lot of the information you need from the USDA web site at <>
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

Just to challenge your idea and get you to work it through:

a) pizza tends to be an urge - those people online are going to order a pizza online alright - from Dominos, for delivery that night.

b) The cost effectiveness is likely only there for high end stuff - gourmet maybe. Heck I’ve ordered a chicago pizza for someone as a gift instead of flowers. But the thing is - the pizza was FAMOUS. I wanted THAT pizza and was willing to spend for it. You need YOUR pizza to be like that, or why wouldn’t I just get a fresh pizza local?

c) Your concept (good pizza for people far from good pizzerias) sounds like you’d be competing with someone getting frozen pizza from the supermarket rather than competing with locally available fresh pizza. But you can’t price compete with those. And even if I grant that you would probably be making better pizza than, say DiGiorno - will the people scattered through the boonies of america believe that? Prolly not…

Just some negative thoughts - for free!
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

Also, get ready to spend lots of greenbacks on marketing this idea. Just because you build it, they will not come (unless they know about it). What’s your marketing strategy? Will you be buying lots of banners on websites/search engines, print ads, billboards, etc.? All are very expensive, but needed to get your word out.

Maybe a better approach would be to sell the idea/service to an already established mail order company (Harry & Davids, iGourmet, etc.). They sell it, you make it. If the pies are as good as you say they are, you may be able to sell one of those companies on it.
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par
Your idea sounds interesting but there are a few things you need to check out one being in order to ship any meat products across state lines you need to be USDA approved which neans your facilty will have to be inspected on a daily bases.And you could pick up a small blast freezer tunnel for around 24-30K plus installation which should work for your project( we paid 67k for ours).
Actually have to provide a dedicated office in your facility for the USDA inspector. we had a small pork rinds manufacturer working here in town for a little while. I learned a lot from him about the things people are mentioning here. USDA is a whole 'nother world.
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

You sure did, and you paid his/her salary too. With todays food security laws it adds a whole new dimension again. In fact, the easiest thing to do is to have your product co-packed for you so you can best do what you wanted to do in the first place, market your pizza. For a lot less than what the USDA inspector’s office and salary will cost you its possible to have several pallets of your pizza made, packaged, cased, palleted, and ready for distribution from a local frozen storage facility.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

We are a USDA facility and have a grant of inspection which allows us 8 hours a day 5 days a week of inspection which is paid by the government. If we go over the 8 hours or run production on a holiday we get charged accordingly. My facility is in the same building as my pizza shop. As for the office part all they need is a desk which can be locked.
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

There’s a guy in Aspen, CO. who has been shipping overnight Kosher Pizza’s for several years. He does pretty well They sell for about $50. and he ships about 1000 a day.
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