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New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a partner

Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

does the guy in aspen have a web site?
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

PMQ used to have a section in each magazine called Ask Joey. These were questions directed to Joey Todaro of La Nova Pizza in Buffalo. They do ship pizzas nationwide ( ) and I’m certain that he would be willing to lend some advice towards this endevour. Try sending an email to Tom Boyles to see if PMQ still works with Joey or not.
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Re: New Idea, possibly a great money maker, might want a par

I wasn’t aware of this. I’m aware of their cottage industry provision, but that is limited to not more than $50,000.00 total sales. Thank you for making us aware of this.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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