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Please review my new Mailers that are going out next week

Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee

Just real quick, your main ad says regularly “$o.oo”. Doesn’t sound like a good deal then 😉

$2200 total? printing, postage and all? What size card? Sounds like a great deal if this is right.

Looks very professional. I assume your main business focus is price point? If that is your intent it comes across well. My only criticism (minor) would be the type is a little lost on the front using the picture as the full background. Look how the vertical type on the front pops as opposed the rest of the card.
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee

Are you doing all 10000 at the same time? I would be afraid of the hit to my kitchen and delivery staff if I were to do that many at a time. I have a plan for staggered delivery 2500 a week and repeat every 4 weeks.
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee

oh this was the first proof i made a few corrections on them…i mis printed that its 2600.00 not 2200.00
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee

Overall, I like the design. It’s eye-catching and straight-forward. Personally, I would omit “Unlimited Use” from the fine writing. I think that opens up a can of worms for misinterpretation. I understand what you mean, but some customers may not. If someone wants to use the coupon X2 or X3, etc. they’ll ask and you can say “yes”. But you always get those types that just interpret things differently and you end up wasting a bunch of time trying to explain to them what you meant.
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee

I would lose the “The best pizza in town…” headline and instead work in something that says something about you like this from your website:
We use the best ingredients we can get and we try very hard to make our pizzas as good as we can, not as cheaply as we can. That’s why our toppings and spices are fresh, never frozen to bring out the best taste and real natural flavor.
I’m a big believer in telling a story. Explain how you’re different and why consumers should choose your product over Brand X.

Also, that is really a gorgeous mailer. Good choice of colors and great images.
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee

The post cards are 6X9 and its 2600 total for postage printing ecverything to the customers door, No tax either

They work really well, last time we did them we got about 10% back, normally you only see about 2-4% return, but we got so so many back it was insane

I might ad that those are real pictures of our products on the postcard not just a stock photo
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee

I really do like the overall design. Very nice work, looks awesome.

But I’m wondering… With that being unlimited use, with no expiration, AND “just mention this post card everytime you order” - wheres the value? Isn’t that just advertising your normal price to everyone?

What are you going to do a couple years down the road when flour and cheese skyrockets and that price eats you alive?
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee

We Put an experation date on them…in the bottom it says 10/31/09 on every coupon
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee
We Put an experation date on them…in the bottom it says 10/31/09 on every coupon
… I’m talking about the 14.99 postcard, not the coupons.
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee

Do you get just one cinnistick or breadstick with that first coupon?
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee

Very nice. Are you sending them out to your database, or just doing carrier routes?
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee

Man call me crazy but i have no idea what your talking about
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee
Man call me crazy but i have no idea what your talking about
lol… ok… you are crazy.

My first post was in reference to the very first picture where at the bottom of it it says “Unlimited Use. Just mention this postcard everytime you order”. So… I’m wondering…
With that being unlimited use, with no expiration, AND “just mention this post card everytime you order” - wheres the value? Isn’t that just advertising your normal price to everyone?
My second post was in reference to your very first coupon (as I stated). It says “Large 2 topping pizza, 2 liter, cinnistick or breadstick for 16.99”. So I’m wondering…
Do you get just one cinnistick or breadstick?
The reason I ask is b/c in another coupon, you say cinnistickS and breadstickS - plural - as in more than one.
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee

Hi jokergerm,

I’m going to offer up some alternative views about mailers like these. These comments are about the design and not about you, so please accept them as constructive criticism.

This could be a classic example of a mailer destined to be average and not near as effective as it could be. It’s like a collection of cliches that would make you pull your hair out if someone read the mailer out loud to you. These points are in no particular order.
  1. Your customers are not going to write you a letter, so you don’t need address and zip code. If you have eat in and pick up service, then you should put some known location near you on the same street.
  2. Are you a restaurant or delivery business?
  3. What are your hours?
  4. Why do you have the area code in your phone numbers? Do your customers live in another area code?
  5. What are all those additions and exclusions at the bottom of the front side? They are too small to read and make no sense. Taxes “may” apply? Can I get a pizza without paying tax? People hate small print - it reminds them of being scammed. How much is delivery?
  6. Is that your logo? It might be better without a photo in the background.
  7. The front photo looks unappetizing - it’s just a shot of a cluttered table full of uneaten food. Don’t you have a close-up shot of a delicious looking pizza slice, struggling to separate from the rest of the pizza and being held back by long strings of delicious, hot cheese? Give me something that makes my mouth water.
  8. Who says that it’s “The best pizza in town…?” Either give a source like a local, respected food writer or reviewer, or get rid of the nonsense, self promotion. It’s a throw away line that just takes up space.
  9. The same goes for the "locally owned and operated line. It’s meaningless and needs to go.
  10. Websites don’t need www. in front. Just use the domain name.
  11. Same goes for the “Coupon Specials on the back” text. Studies have shown that 99.99% of readers look at both sides of a flyer without being told to do so… It’s just more nonsense and useless text.
  12. You say there are 14 toppings to choose from. And they are…? Hey, why not let the customer order a pizza with ease. Use the back side to list the toppings, prices and phone numbers. They can call and order while looking at the list of toppings they want. They’ll order more toppings if you list them instead of dozens of conversations like this every single day:
Pizza: Westside Pizza. Can I take your order?
Customer: Uh, yeah… what kind of toppings do you have?
Pizza: Blah, blah, blah, blah… x 14
Customer: What was that again?
  1. It looks like you’re in the special business instead of the food business. Why not offer ONE special that is really special and let your photos sell your food at prices the customer feels are a good value? You have pizzas like combo and specialty pizzas mentioned and not one is listed. What are they?
What do you sell that looks delicious to the prospective customer?
How can they buy it easily and painlessly?
How do they contact you?
Where are you?
How much is it? If it looks good and they’re hungry, the price is secondary.

Sorry if this sounds critical, but I wouldn’t use that flyer if you paid me to use it. 😉 😉
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee

pizza_garden, you have made some very good points!! I looked at my mail out after reading your post and see some room for improvements.

The area code thing is starting to be necessary around here because now you must dial it, plus there are many cell users that have a different area code.
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee

I need to break out my Black Book again. I tend to get lazy with my designs and forget to include important points after a while.

Perhaps we should make a checklist in the forum?
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee
This could be a classic example of a mailer destined to be average and not near as effective as it could be. It’s like a collection of cliches that would make you pull your hair out if someone read the mailer out loud to you.
Destined to be average? :roll: 90% of the people that get this in the mail won’t even read it in anywhere near the detail that would/could lead them to any of the conclusions (no matter how valid) you’ve come to. It’s a pizza place advertising piece.
  1. Same goes for the “Coupon Specials on the back” text. Studies have shown that 99.99% of readers look at both sides of a flyer without being told to do so… It’s just more nonsense and useless text.
There are studies about the reading of both sides of a mail piece? Do you have any references to them?
  1. It looks like you’re in the special business instead of the food business. Why not offer ONE special that is really special and let your photos sell your food at prices the customer feels are a good value?
It all depends on your market. This one could be argued forever (and in fact has been here).
Why do you have the area code in your phone numbers? Do your customers live in another area code?
You must live in the middle of nowhere. Many decent size cities now require the dialing of an area code. And more importantly, many of your customers will be calling from a cell phone - and that requires the dialing of an area code. Why would you assume that all of your customers know the area code of your store.
Sorry if this sounds critical, but I wouldn’t use that flyer if you paid me to use it. 😉 😉
So much for the constructive criticism. :roll:

Pretty funny that almost every “point” you’ve made would apply to just about every pizza advertising piece I’ve ever seen. Have you ever thought about trying to wrestle away the advertising contracts for Domino’s, Pizza Hut, Papa John’s, Donatos, etc., etc.? I’m sure they would pay you big money to show them why their advertising is so ineffective!

Oh, I forgot to add the winks… 😉 😉
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee

The title of the topic is “Please review my new Mailers…”

That is what I did and I wasn’t being, snarky. The question about area codes was sincere. The point about 99.99% of people not needing to be told to turn over a flyer to see what’s on the other side was a joke.

I don’t expect everyone to agree with every thing I’ve said. I was being truthful about my opinions about the flyer. Just because this mailer is like 90% of all mailers you see from large chains, that doesn’t mean it’s good, any more than McDonalds and Microsoft provide great products and service since they’re big.

I offered up my views as the original poster asked for. I don’t live in the middle of nowhere, but I do live in a country where the chains you mention are not the dominant market players.

I’ve never believed in accepting mediocrity or conventional thinking when it comes to marketing my business. I go head-to-head against two large chains running one of them out of town and have the other one almost ready to close down by doing things my way, while they insist(ed) on marketing their old fashioned way with confusing and busy flyers.

You say 90% of people don’t read flyers with the level of interest I do, well, it’s no wonder, if they’ve been conditioned to crappy flyers that say nothing but platitudes and don’t speak to the reader. I say that people do read them, if they’re interesting and appealing.

You are free to choose your style of flyer. I choose to take a different path. That’s the beauty of the marketplace.
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee

I think they look great. I would be careful of getting slammed by sending them all out at the same time.

As for some of the other posts my thoughts are you have to continuously get your name in front of the customer. Some of the points to me are a bit ridiculous nit picking every little thing.

I would suggest a plan for follow up.

Excellent customer service, excellent food presentation, quick delivery, mistake free orders, Box topping, menus, magnets and another blast in November to existing customers in your datatbase.

Good luck to ya.
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