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Please review my new Mailers that are going out next week

Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee

I guess your pricing is pretty much set by your franchise company…So you are going after a certain segment of the market…Price conscious shoppers…

With this type of clientele loyalty will take a back seat to price most often…So while this postcard may get some action after the drop it will have to be repeated over and over and over to keep it going…You will only be “top of mind” until the next postcard in the mail catches their attention and if it is not yours, they will order elsewhere…

You should also spread out the mailing over 4 or 5 weeks…This way your sales with be steady versus less manageable peaks and valleys…My past experience is that each house in a market needs to be hit every 4 or 5 weeks over and over and over…

So you have 2,600.00 invested…What kind of sales do you need to make to consider this investment worthwhile?..I think a range of 15.00 to 33.33 per 1.00 spent is common…1.00/33.33 is 3% cost and 1.00/15.00 is about 7%…

Can your business model sustain itself if you have to constantly spend 7% to make sales?..If not, if you spend 7% you must attract clients that will re-order in the future so you can spread the acquisition cost over a longer period…

Now to your current postcard…

It does nothing for me as I think it is too busy…I have a number of pizza places in my area and it is the Panago menu (sorry not online as far as I can see) that always attracts my attention… ( It is focused on the food and not the prices…Not over crowded but it does have very nice images…Your images are not professional quality… And your postcard is all about price…

PS…I have tried to locate some data on 2nd sides of postcards and how much attention folks pay to the back…I will post it if I can find it…

PPS…Variable data printing can often increase the response rate, however, one must weigh the extra costs versus increased returns to see if the extra investment is more profitable…
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee
Very nice. Are you sending them out to your database, or just doing carrier routes?
Who are you mailing it to?
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Re: Please review my new Mailers that are going out next wee

carrier routes twice same houses
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