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Reviews.... ahhhh.... but, well... hmmm

To twist the knife in my side a bit, I cannot find the errant reviewer in my computer at all. Not on the day of the supposed order, or any other. So thats pretty cool too.
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Well my bad review that I can’t find has another twist. While discussing the review with my manager she informed me that the lady is her brothers, ex girlfriends aunt. She apparently left the bad review out of spite for my managers brother, who doesn’t even work for me.
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Well my bad review that I can’t find has another twist. While discussing the review with my manager she informed me that the lady is her brothers, ex girlfriends aunt. She apparently left the bad review out of spite for my managers brother, who doesn’t even work for me.
Holy cow that’s quite a stretch! Your managers brother must be a dick!
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You know. The shitty thing is, when you go out of your way, you never seem to get a great review for it.

For instance tonight, a lady came in and ate, but didn’t have her credit card, thus she didn’t have a way to pay. No cash, no credit, no nothing. This is dine in mind you. So she wanted to pay via a text of a picture of her husbands credit card. Ok, yeah it seems fishy. That’s a first. We ask for an ID. She doesn’t have it. Lovely. She shows her insurance card. Last name matches the text pic of the credit card. Sigh. Fine, I’ll take the risk. We take cards over the phone, so what’s the difference, right? Sure… Sigh. Yeah, shit happens, and it’s quite possible it was legit, who knows; so we didn’t make fuss at all. We never do.

This is what we do in the Foodservice industry, right? To strive to stay relevant. I should put that on our shirts… “We strive to stay relevant”. Anyhow, try that at Walmart. Good luck. Worst part is I’ll be expecting the chargeback next, along with the lovely fee they tack to it. “Oh, I never dined there”. Sigh.

My point here? Guaranteed we won’t get a review for it. There won’t be a, “holy shit, these guys are amazing. I dined at their establishment, spent 89 dollars on meal and paid via a picture of someone else’s credit card”. Keep dreaming.

I didn’t have to do this. In the real world, who the hell does? I can’t go into the Apple Store and buy an iPhone with a photocopied credit card number that isn’t even mine. But us? Sure. “I’d hate for you to leave unhappy ma’am”. “Let me bend over backwards and take financial risk for you ma’am, because let’s be honest, we need you”, and the last thing that I want you to do is somehow put a spin on this whole situation and turn it into, “wow, I dined at their establishment, spent 89 dollars on a meal and THEY WOULD’NT accept my payment!!! NEVER AGAIN!!!”. Ah yes, that sounds much more realistic… Sigh.

Things like this are constant, yet people don’t go out of their way to write positive reviews. It’s like anger, hatred and drama are the only things that motivate people now a days. What a bummer. What a stressful, shitty bummer. Is this what we’ve become? Why can’t I just listen to all of the happy customers? Why can’t THEY fuel my fire? Why is it the one out of one thousand creates loss of sleep? Stress? Loss of life? What a shitty, shitty bummer. Thus is the business we chose I suppose. Thus is the nature of humans. Sigh.

Sometimes I wish I owned a company that mindlessly produced widgets instead of food. Steady business, you know what to expect, you know how to staff accordingly and there aren’t bullshit review sites dictating if someone purchases your product or not.

Ok, I take that back. Sure, there are reviews online for mostly all products, but some how it seems like negative review on yelp and negative reviews on Amazon are worlds apart. The furious anger that some people show over their 12 dollar pizza that feeds 3 that was 5 minutes too late for their liking versus the “comfort level” of their 900 dollar message chair is down right disgusting. How did we get to this point as a society? When did the bar get set so high that if someone shows up to your door on a day you aren’t even open for business, they get so upset and furious over it that they get online and tear you to pieces? What the actual fuck.

Pardon my French here, but fuck yelp, fuck TripAdvisor and fuck anyone else who’s business concept is based upon angry people who don’t have the balls to speak up in person and allow us to - like you know good god damned well that we would - solve the problem!

This is what makes me so angry. If anyone has a problem, other than the fact that our store is closed when you came, we fix it. This is 101 basic stuff here, and we all know it. “Didn’t get your side of jalapeños on your delivery?”, “Ok. I’ll send a driver right out with it, no problem sir”. “Didn’t enjoy the dish you chose”? “Ok ma’am, we will take it off the bill and take the loss no questions asked”. “It took an hour and a half for delivery yet “it’s only Monday” but you have no idea of the amount of stress we are all under because it’s spring break and we can’t actually staff for two weeks of extra business when our business will drop 40% immediately afterward for the next 3 months straight”? “Sure, no problem. I’ll take care of that without question, because I know you have no clue of how this actually works”…

No problem. That’s our motto. It should be, “let me just pull down my pants now before you even place your order, because I know you’re going to fuck me one way or the other”.

And yes, I know some of you have great reviews on yelp - and some of you even win awards like top 5,000 restaurants nation wide - but i speak for the rest of us grinding ourselves to death, only to have some random person shit on us. UP YOURS assholes!

Look, I’m tired, worn, and just down right saddened by what some people are capable of. But hey, I suppose this is what makes this so “interesting”. Right?.. right?..

Keep on keeping on y’all. Don’t let the haters get under your skin. We all struggle a struggle they would never grasp.
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Well heres todays awesome 1 star review. Customer comes and orders a deep dish pizza and breadsticks and heads home. Calls up yelling that we do not have nutritional data on our website and that she can’t feed the pizza to her son unless she knows how many carbs it has. Ok whatever come back we will refund your money no problemo. Brings food back, gets money. 2 hours later this pops up

" use to think this was the best pizza place in town. I use to order from it very often and would tip well. Today was the worse experience I’ve ever had. When a owner, employees and website can’t tell me how many carbs are in the food I am ordering to deal with my son’s type 1 diabetes and the only answer I get is, “I can tell you it has like a whole lot more carbs than any other pizza place, because of the dough.” It’s time to stop eating there. Last I thought, every restaurant was suppose to have this magical paper called nutrition facts sheet to know what is in the food and how much counting needs to be done."

Im at a point mentally where I almost can’t take it anymore. These people use this almost as a means to punish me.
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Well heres todays awesome 1 star review. Customer comes and orders a deep dish pizza and breadsticks and heads home. Calls up yelling that we do not have nutritional data on our website and that she can’t feed the pizza to her son unless she knows how many carbs it has. Ok whatever come back we will refund your money no problemo. Brings food back, gets money. 2 hours later this pops up

" use to think this was the best pizza place in town. I use to order from it very often and would tip well. Today was the worse experience I’ve ever had. When a owner, employees and website can’t tell me how many carbs are in the food I am ordering to deal with my son’s type 1 diabetes and the only answer I get is, “I can tell you it has like a whole lot more carbs than any other pizza place, because of the dough.” It’s time to stop eating there. Last I thought, every restaurant was suppose to have this magical paper called nutrition facts sheet to know what is in the food and how much counting needs to be done."

Im at a point mentally where I almost can’t take it anymore. These people use this almost as a means to punish me.
I’d respond stating your side. She’ll look dumb, you’ll look like the good guy and you’ll probably feel a little better.

You don’t have 20 locations right? Isn’t that the magic number to HAVE to provide nutritional data?

Also, she used to go to your place all the time? Now her son is diabetic? Okay I get it, but if he’s diabetic, shouldn’t she have consulted someone before ordering? [emoji849] people

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This was my response, thoughts?
My response - Hey sorry we don’t have nutritional data. It is only required of restaurants that have 20 or more locations and it prohibitively expensive for a small local family business to afford to have done. (per the FDA To be covered by the final rule, an establishment must meet certain criteria. First, the establishment must be a restaurant or similar retail food establishment, as defined in the rule. Next, the establishment must: (1) be part of a chain of 20 or more locations, (2) doing business under the same name, and (3) offering for sale substantially the same menu items.) You will find that all the other local owned restaurants in Newaygo are in a similar position where they do not have nutritional data. Best Regards.
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This was my response, thoughts?
My response - Hey sorry we don’t have nutritional data. It is only required of restaurants that have 20 or more locations and it prohibitively expensive for a small local family business to afford to have done. (per the FDA To be covered by the final rule, an establishment must meet certain criteria. First, the establishment must be a restaurant or similar retail food establishment, as defined in the rule. Next, the establishment must: (1) be part of a chain of 20 or more locations, (2) doing business under the same name, and (3) offering for sale substantially the same menu items.) You will find that all the other local owned restaurants in Newaygo are in a similar position where they do not have nutritional data. Best Regards.
I think you misspelled “F*** off, if we never see you again it will be too soon.”

For real, looks good - professional, polite, informative, and dispassionate, which I’m sure is hard given how maddening the situation is. A response like that just highlights how crazy and uninformed the complainer is.
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This was my response, thoughts?
My response - Hey sorry we don’t have nutritional data. It is only required of restaurants that have 20 or more locations and it prohibitively expensive for a small local family business to afford to have done. (per the FDA To be covered by the final rule, an establishment must meet certain criteria. First, the establishment must be a restaurant or similar retail food establishment, as defined in the rule. Next, the establishment must: (1) be part of a chain of 20 or more locations, (2) doing business under the same name, and (3) offering for sale substantially the same menu items.) You will find that all the other local owned restaurants in Newaygo are in a similar position where they do not have nutritional data. Best Regards.
Myself, I would’ve explained that you were more than accommodating to give them their money back if they returned the food and that the 1-Star review wasn’t deserved. Also putting the requirements to have to provide nutritional data was a nice touch. Don’t get too worked up over it though, people just suck. I’m sure reviews fester with all of us for a few days or a week but usually they’re easily forgotten later on.

Interesting note, I had some customers in the other day for the first time and asked them how they had heard about us and they said they found us on Yelp, which I found surprising since I really didn’t hunk many people used it to find pizza places because googling is so much easier, but anyway, they said we had good reviews, mostly all 5-Stars and I said yeah, except for that 1 baseless 1-Star review where the guy said our sauce was bland and that we were expensive. They said yeah, but it sounded like they were just cheap (which was my initial thought too) and that all of our other reviews were great. Morale being that if your good reviews outweigh the bad by a majority, just handle the bad ones as respectfully as possible and move on.

Best of luck.

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reading this thread makes me want to burn my place to the ground and walk away… people suck. I real’y wish we could talk straight with customers…“Oh, your upset because we didn’t dip your beef sandwich but, we did give you a 4oz container of au jus on the side? Don’t be a lill bitch and waist my time on the phone for 30 min and just pour the fucking juice on the sandwich.” (true story by the way but obviously not how I handled it) he did go on facebook 2 weeks later and gave me 1 star. I did get into it again with him cuz i just had to call him out on his bs vague ass review.
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reading this thread makes me want to burn my place to the ground and walk away… people suck. I real’y wish we could talk straight with customers…“Oh, your upset because we didn’t dip your beef sandwich but, we did give you a 4oz container of au jus on the side? Don’t be a lill bitch and waist my time on the phone for 30 min and just pour the fucking juice on the sandwich.” (true story by the way but obviously not how I handled it) he did go on facebook 2 weeks later and gave me 1 star. I did get into it again with him cuz i just had to call him out on his bs vague ass review.
WTF, I don’t think I have ever seen or heard of a french dip sandwich with the aus jus poured on it. That thing would be soggy and gross so quickly.
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WTF, I don’t think I have ever seen or heard of a french dip sandwich with the aus jus poured on it. That thing would be soggy and gross so quickly.
yeah, its a Chicago thing it was actuality an Italian beef sandwich and people love them soggy. its a long story, but he relay ordered a beef and sausage combo, that comes with red sauce on it. I didn’t want to wash away all the red sauce and mix it with the beef juice so I put it on the juice on the side. He didn’t care for my explanation.

Fact is hes just an ass hole. Hes a neighborhood guy and he gets into little spats with everyone in the neighborhood people think it’s the cutest/funnest thing! “oh that’s just Dave.” Well I look forward to the day he starts his shit with someone who doesn’t think it’s cute and he gets his block knocked off.

In the meantime, I’m quite happy he refuses to order from me.
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I keep looking for a profitable business to get into that does not require customers or employees, until I find it I have to get along with the customers and employees I can find.
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yeah, its a Chicago thing it was actuality an Italian beef sandwich and people love them soggy. its a long story, but he relay ordered a beef and sausage combo, that comes with red sauce on it. I didn’t want to wash away all the red sauce and mix it with the beef juice so I put it on the juice on the side. He didn’t care for my explanation.

Fact is hes just an ass hole. Hes a neighborhood guy and he gets into little spats with everyone in the neighborhood people think it’s the cutest/funnest thing! “oh that’s just Dave.” Well I look forward to the day he starts his shit with someone who doesn’t think it’s cute and he gets his block knocked off.

In the meantime, I’m quite happy he refuses to order from me.
We had a guy like that. Banned him from our establishment. Would eat 95% of his food then claim it was doughy. We have a good relationship with the township cops and they called him to tell him he’d be trespassing once entering our doors. Luckily, I don’t think he’s computer literate so we’d never see a review from him

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I keep looking for a profitable business to get into that does not require customers or employees, until I find it I have to get along with the customers and employees I can find.
Politician, everyone works for you !
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I keep looking for a profitable business to get into that does not require customers or employees, until I find it I have to get along with the customers and employees I can find.
As we say in construction…" if it weren’t for the employees, customers and suppliers I might actually like this business"…
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You poison pusher you! God I hate people

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Plus he loves our pizza and is a long time customer. How about just taking 1 star off for not having " everything ".
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