If you have to discount your product to keep a customer happy you have a problem with your pricing or your product. When was the last time you went to a fine dining establishment that offered a discount. Did your local pub give you 20% off that beer?
In my mind it comes down to who you want to market to. If you are going to try and compete on price, give up, you will lose to the big chains every time. Thats their game.
My own sister in law (whom lives in a different town) when asked who she orders from said" I look who has the best coupon/special. ZERO CUSTOMER LOYALTY because there is ZERO LOYALTY GIVEN TO THE CUSTOMER WHO PAYS FULL PRICE .
People WILL PAY for a quality product. Sure, I tell a good customer " That’s on us, thank you for your business" once in a while. That is NOT discounting your product.
In my other life I am the guy who buys the used cars for a large group of 17 automobile dealerships. Our group has everything from Hyundai to Lexus. By far the most sucessfull franchises are our Toyota stores. They have a rigid policy about price on new vehicles… That’s the price, no discount price, no free floormats, no free anything. They can do that because of the quality of the product. ( This policy is in effect throughout all BC Toyota dealers).
Why do some people have a problem accepting this? You don’t get a discount on your electric bill. You don’t get a discount at the gas station. You don’t get a discount when the cashier at Safeway says " That will be $123.76". ( Can you imagine the look you’d get from the cashier AND THE OTHER CUSTOMERS if you said " How about $120 even?, or, “I’ll take these groceries if I can trade this hamburger for a steak?”)
Anybody can “market” a product by offering a discount. That isn’t marketing. Thats discounting.
So I’m the customer, last time I ordered “Jane” took my order. Even though the menu says “BLAH BLAH BLAH” she didn’t charge me for the whatever. Next week “Joe” answers the phone. I ask for the same thing. Joe tells me the price. It is of course higher because Joe charged me as per the menu. I’m pissed off because I don’t get my “special deal”. Joe’s pissed off because he has three lines on hold, two customers in front of him and some a-hole on the phone claiming he got something for free last time and giving him attitude.
In my mind it comes down to who you want to market to. If you are going to try and compete on price, give up, you will lose to the big chains every time. Thats their game.
My own sister in law (whom lives in a different town) when asked who she orders from said" I look who has the best coupon/special. ZERO CUSTOMER LOYALTY because there is ZERO LOYALTY GIVEN TO THE CUSTOMER WHO PAYS FULL PRICE .
People WILL PAY for a quality product. Sure, I tell a good customer " That’s on us, thank you for your business" once in a while. That is NOT discounting your product.
In my other life I am the guy who buys the used cars for a large group of 17 automobile dealerships. Our group has everything from Hyundai to Lexus. By far the most sucessfull franchises are our Toyota stores. They have a rigid policy about price on new vehicles… That’s the price, no discount price, no free floormats, no free anything. They can do that because of the quality of the product. ( This policy is in effect throughout all BC Toyota dealers).
Why do some people have a problem accepting this? You don’t get a discount on your electric bill. You don’t get a discount at the gas station. You don’t get a discount when the cashier at Safeway says " That will be $123.76". ( Can you imagine the look you’d get from the cashier AND THE OTHER CUSTOMERS if you said " How about $120 even?, or, “I’ll take these groceries if I can trade this hamburger for a steak?”)
Anybody can “market” a product by offering a discount. That isn’t marketing. Thats discounting.
So I’m the customer, last time I ordered “Jane” took my order. Even though the menu says “BLAH BLAH BLAH” she didn’t charge me for the whatever. Next week “Joe” answers the phone. I ask for the same thing. Joe tells me the price. It is of course higher because Joe charged me as per the menu. I’m pissed off because I don’t get my “special deal”. Joe’s pissed off because he has three lines on hold, two customers in front of him and some a-hole on the phone claiming he got something for free last time and giving him attitude.
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