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"Sorry, no substitutions"

I said we never discount from our regular menu prices. Thats the price every single day. Never changes. All regular menu items. Your logic would also say that I’m discounting the pop by charging $6 for a six pack vs $7.50 .
Boatnut - After having what I thought was a reasonable discussion about ‘discounting’ i.e. changing the price of items to encourage sales I realise that you’re definition of discount is waaaaay different and fairly fluid (i.e. changing). Anyone who has lower prices for ordering multiple items is discounting whether it is on the menu or not. I’m actually not really sure what else to say but there is one thing we can agree on:
I am aware that I am ,at best, “different”. Probably more like “strange” in some of my thinking.
yep, definitely

And another thing your thinking appears to be a little fuzzy as well. ‘I said we never discount from our regular menu prices’. ummm nope you never said that at all - not in this thread!
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I don’t even understand Boatnuts pricing.

“2 for 1” costs $19.95 yet 1 (or at least what I assume is 1 as “half order”) costs $11.95?

How exactly is that “2 for 1” if one costs $11.95?
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WOW boatnut, after all your high and mighty posts about no discounts or coupons, yet your menu is exactly like a chain’s coupon page. You say you dont want discount shoppers as customers but that is who you sell to. You also said you would rather have 10 orders and make $100 than 20 to make $100, yet your 10 orders consist of 20 pizzas, 20=20.

I really cant even believe you had the nerve to make all those posts when you do exactly what every chain does.
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Let’s not beat boatnut up too much, though. Technically, he is cleverly “bundling” items to increase his ticket average and gross sales. That is a little different from discounting. I agree that his pricing schedule seems more like an old LC menu, but that is from years gone by (pizza!pizza!). It appears to be successful for boatnut . . . I personally would not shop that pricing scheme, but I am not on the island in Canada with him.

Publishing an elevated price and then couponing or cutting the price to your target . . . that’s old fashioned discount pricing plan. The 2 for 1 (which isn’t so much 2 for 1, except that it is one price instead of two) added together was really confusing to me, but it isn’t orthodox discounting. I still can’t figure out what the “1” is in two for 1. If I am paying the 2fer price just for 1, and then getting a true freebie . . . then the “half order” is back to old school discounting. If it is just a slick way to get people to pay the 2fer price, then it is a horse of a different color.

All that said, if the bait is catching enough fish . . . then leave it on the hook.

Just don’t go making cracks about others’ bait and expect not to get a little backlash :)
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Pizzability - Sooke 2 for 1 Pizza Delivery Shop - - Affordable Gourmet Pizzas made with the Freshest Ingredients

It is a normal bulk price discount and he charges more if you only want one, nothing out of the ordinary. But his posted stance of NO SPECIALS, NO DISCOUNTS, quality food and you pay for it or leave, is not what his menu shows.
We offer the same special 100% of the time. None. Nada. Full price every single time.
That is just a flat out lie. 2 for 1 at a discounted price is not full price.
In retrospect I think the point I am trying to make is that us independants do NOT need to discount.
You do discount, or you would not sell 2 for 1 pizza at a discount price.

Trying to kid yourself into thinking you do not discount your product makes no sense. Im sure the argument is that the 2 for 1 price is your price point, and they pay more when they buy less. Guess what, same with everyone else that offers coupons, specials, flyers, you just do it all the time but that doesnt change the fact that the customer sees it as a special. Just because the customer doesnt hand you a piece of paper coupon doesnt mean anything.
As far as Canadian pricing, I know they are higher than prices in the US like 10-30% higher, so when you compare that to a placein the US your prices are low and you cant afford anymore discounts.
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Wizzle, you are right. It looks like I did NOT make that statement. Just thought it was what I was saying all along (in other words). Nick, thank you. I believe that you understand what I believe to be discounting…
i.e taking some of your regular menu items and for a limited time, lets say Tuesday, discount the price from the regular everyday published price.
My menu is posted on the web, in the store and is printed. We never reduce (or discount) the published price. In regards to my menu looking like a chains flyer… Well, all I can say is the chains in your area must charge a lot more than around here! How about a $8.95 large pepperoni, or a $5 small for an example at the Little Caesars. Now that is discounting. How about my competition sending out flyers with 3 for 1 for the same price as his two for one ? That’s discounting.
I really can not think of any other way to explain my thoughts on this so I’ll just read any further comments, re-read what I posted and the responses and keep any more of my fuzzy thinking to myself on this topic lol… (no offense taken and no, I am not sulking).
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My menu is posted on the web, in the store and is printed. We never reduce (or discount) the published price…

…or a $5 small for an example at the Little Caesars. Now that is discounting.
But that’s LC’s published price. It’s on the web, in the store and is printed. They never reduce (or discount) that published price. You don’t need a coupon to get that price, it’s their regular price offered every day. So why is it not discounting for you, but it is for Little Caesars?
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Just thought it was what I was saying all along (in other words).
It wasnt what you were saying. All you post make it seem like you look down on anyone that offers a special/coupon, and you offer the same thing EVERYDAY and the customers dont need a coupon. You also make it seem like Little Ceasers is doing something differnt than you are, well they might be now, but it was built on “pizza pizza” a 2 for 1 pizza place.

Honestly I would hate to see a chain enter your area, because you will lose. Because thier marketing, ads, coupons, and brand would hurt you enough to close you down quick. I can say this with your example :
At a retained profit of approx 10% on an average ticket of $30, I am making $3 per order. Every 30CENTS that I give away represents a 10% reduction in my profit. The difference in cost between topping two large pizzas with ham vs onions could easily remove over 50% of my profit! Two substitutions at no charge and I could be losing money.
Also the chains price all thier toppins the same, all thier specialty pies the same (without a coupon), and the coupons will just make it even worse.
You are lucky to be in a place that wont likely see a chain, but if you think you could have a profitable business in an area with multiple chain resturants I doubt it.
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Pizzability - Sooke 2 for 1 Pizza Delivery Shop - - Affordable Gourmet Pizzas made with the Freshest Ingredients

You do discount, or you would not sell 2 for 1 pizza at a discount price.
I am still a little uncertain about the actual mechanics of “2 for 1”. Boatnut, can you help me understand. That’s where I get all confused in this ‘discount’ thread hijacking 🙂 If I get 2 for the price of 1, and that one is actually HIGHER than the price for one pizza alone, then what is the implied value if not a true discount? It is late and I am not ciphering clearly enough to figure it out.

It is almost as hard to figure out as WA Dave and the ‘periodic table’ of pizzas.
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Nick I wish you were closer to Milledgeville, ga, I would recomend you to my offroad group, we go there once a year min, but it seems like it is 2+ hours away. Next time I am up that way I will be sure to stop in. Im in savannah so it isnt a quick trip.
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I am still a little uncertain about the actual mechanics of “2 for 1”. Boatnut, can you help me understand. That’s where I get all confused in this ‘discount’ thread hijacking 🙂 If I get 2 for the price of 1, and that one is actually HIGHER than the price for one pizza alone, then what is the implied value if not a true discount? It is late and I am not ciphering clearly enough to figure it out.

It is almost as hard to figure out as WA Dave and the ‘periodic table’ of pizzas.
Its all smoke and mirror’s.

If it were two for the price of 1 then one would cost the same. But then he introduces a ‘half order’ which isn’t half the price?? Its gotta be the strangest menu I’ve ever seen. Its got me confused and I’m in the business.

Maybe I’m just dumb not to understand it. I get customer who call and ask how my buy any pizza and get the send half price works so they sure would go for his deal. If he made it simpler then maybe this would be the key to unlock more sales from us uneducated people who can’t figure out the deal.
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Although this whole thread is giving me a headache I’ve been reading it.

I think the 2 for 1… is 2pizzas for one price. Not two pizzas for the price of one pizza. Still a discount…coupon whatever!

I think boatnut keeps his specials…discounts whatever you want to call them…limited to his published menu.

We always have bundled specials. Like another poster said knocking of a few cents to upsell into a bundle is a strategy which has worked for us for years. People just like the word special. Boatnut in reply to some of your answers you don’t make 2 out of 10 customers feel special. They hang up and go somewhere else. Sure people are willing to pay top dollar menu price for a pizza and that may be your stategy which is fine. In our shops we try and get, keep, retain ALL our customers and go a step further we get them to come more frequently and we build a trusted relationship with them. They feel special because we offer them a special.

Like another poster said what kind of special are you looking for?
Customer: Pizza and salad
Us: We have a special on pizza salad and soda.

So really we make more than they would have paid for regular menu price pizza and salad because we have bundled in a soda they didn’t know they wanted. They just wanted a special.

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I think the 2 for 1… is 2pizzas for one price. Not two pizzas for the price of one pizza.
Versus 2 pizzas for 2 prices? :shock: I really don’t understand.

Would that simply be 2 for $19.95 instead of 2 for 1 for $19.95 ?
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