Using facebook?

well…if I may but in…you’ll never be able to tell what # a fan is or isn’t we’ve got a few & new fans are not alphabetized nor in any numerical order…

Best to do something similar to what I do, perhaps…I run a free pizza thing every so often, that when they complete my pizza poll & write on my wall, I give 'em a free medium pie…

When they pick it up, I snap their picture…post & tag it so it appears on their friends pages as well & but a marketing spot on as well (sometimes)

I sometimes do a free birthday thing too…

Facebook is a LOT of work…


Unbelievable…snatched from Facebook…

Asia L. “dude I think the Golden Knights Pizza place may be a top reason on my list for why I can’t wait to move to Orlando. What kinda pizza place comments you on facebook hoping your pizza was good?! haha”

Alecks C. “it was free too dude. i won a free pizza then they make small talk with me and tag me in a post. haha”

Golden Knights Pizza “Alecks Carlson hope the pizza was good! Still it won’t heal the Viking’s loss tho! Thanks 4 your biz!”

this guy ending up buying 3 pizzas this month
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well…if I may but in…you’ll never be able to tell what # a fan is or isn’t we’ve got a few & new fans are not alphabetized nor in any numerical order
I don’t think this is case.

If you’re using a Page (off your personal account) here is how you track who is number x00 - I start my promotion when it gets close to x00 (say 389). If you pull up your Fan List by clicking “see all” you will see that the most recent fans are on top and that it counts down to your first fan. So that top person is 389. I make a note of that person. If you get just a few over 400 you can simply count backwards (say you have 405, you just count down 5 and there’s your winner). But if you have a bunch, you can just scroll down to 389 and count upwards 11. Voila.
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I joined your page a few days ago. Try not to overpost on FB, it can come off spamy. I try and limit it to 1-2 a day.
I agree… sort of. If you have more than a few dozen friends whatever is posted moves down the list so fast that it is off the page in an hour or two. Considering that my first post is generally around 5AM I am thinking that no more than every 3-4 hours is fine which comes to more like 4 times a day.

If I only post once or twice a day, I think I miss about 80% of the fans on any given day.
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I’m thinking of doing the recipe contest to start interacting more with our new Facebook page. Then running the winner’s creation as a special and even having them cook on a certain night so all their friends can come in. I’m also encouraging my staff to interact with guests, especially the wait staff. I agree that Facebook is a social website and should be treated as that instead of another avenue to post specials. I think there is amazing potential to create a profitable environment and keep it light and fun. Anyone else have any guest interactive things that work?
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I think that people who sign on to a “fan” page understand that they are connecting to a commercial enterprise and one of the things they are looking for is deals. On the other hand, there are a lot of businesses that have joined as members rather than fan pages and innundate the “friends” with all the updates about who is a friend etc. Now THAT is spam.
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I agree that they are looking for deals, just that the other I recieved 3-4 from you within the same hour or two. Maybe it was a computer glitch cause I think it was the same text.
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Well, we are up to about 350 fans now. I get a lot of comments around town from people that say they have seen the posts and noticed our “pizza of the day” but hardly any actual orders… I guess if it really worked well, everyone would be doing it.

One funny aside… one of our competitors (we will just call them “cheap and open late” for this post) put up a picture of one of thier pies and somebody commented “dude, those pepperoni are over an inch apart!” which I found pretty funny as it pretty much nailed them.

We are doing a super bowl pizza party to try to drive fan membership. I think that over all, facebook will be a good thing for us in name recognition and keeping our logo in front of folks, but at least so far, it does not seem to drive immediate order volume… hey, at least its free!
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Important Information for Facebook Fan Page Business Owners

View Profile By Heather Turner

January 28, 2010

Be careful who sets up your fan page. If you have an employee set your fan page up, it’s connected to their accounts, if they leave, you can get screwed, as they can not only alter information in your page but can delete the fan page totally.

This applies for having an employee be an admin as well. If an employee leaves, you should revoke their admin status ASAP, they also have the ability to alter and delete the page as well.

You could also have an employee that’s created the page and they may leave and forget or refuse to give you access to your page. So when you set up your fan page make sure it’s registered through your own account.

I recently had this happen to one of my inns whose employee set up the fan page and has now departed for places unknown. You can submit a help request at … t_restored but there is no guarantee the problem with ever be addressed. The downside of facebook is lack of tech support for issues. Free does sometimes come at a charge.

Read more: … =Important Information for Facebook Fan Page Business Owners#ixzz0eEiqexXa

I came across this blog and thought I would share it here.
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I’m thinking of doing the recipe contest to start interacting more with our new Facebook page. Then running the winner’s creation as a special and even having them cook on a certain night so all their friends can come in. I’m also encouraging my staff to interact with guests, especially the wait staff. I agree that Facebook is a social website and should be treated as that instead of another avenue to post specials. I think there is amazing potential to create a profitable environment and keep it light and fun. Anyone else have any guest interactive things that work?
I’m not sure how they police the thousands of fan pages that they host, but it sounds like facebook is also looking at how they could make some money. You may want to read this cnet article…

Running a contest on Facebook? That’ll cost you

I couldn’t imagine facebook getting too upset for something like a recipe contest, but you never know.
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Late to the thread but it’s great to hear it’s working as a way to communicate for you. If you want to expand your coverage in a easy way you could create myspace and twitter accounts as well and manage them all with a program called tweet deck. Tweet deck will allow you to aggregate your different responses, wall postings, tweets, etc in one program. I use it to keep track and respond to virtually of everything that goes on with my twitter, facebook, and myspace accounts.

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Up to about 400 fans now. Most days we get an order or two on the PIZZA OF THE DAY that we post and several people around town have told me they see the posts. I think the best application here is jsut reminding people of our name and what makes us different… in other words recognition more than call to action.

We are using Facebook ads and getting a click through rate of about .07 which I am told is pretty good. We are gaining new fans from it by promoting a free pizza party for the Superbowl that they need to click onto our page to learn about. We are having fans describe the three large combos they would choose if they win and asking them to get five fans to comment in favor on their post. We will draw the winner from a hat from those that get enough fan posts.

I am hoping to drive the fan count to 1000 by the end of this month using offers and promos and will then settle back to use the medium for reminding people we are there and about our unique products.
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So in order to have a business page, you have to give up your personal page?..
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you keep your personal profile - but I recommend you create another profile, with another email address & keep that one just 4 business (altho against TOS)
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So in order to have a business page, you have to give up your personal page?..
Under your personal page account, you can set up a fan page for your business. If you do not say so to the public, that connection is not visible. Fan pages have fans rather than friends and the way activity pops up on peoples walls is different.

Personally, I find the businesses that set themselves up as people rather than fan pages to be annoying. I don’t want to see a stream of posts about who became a friend etc etc and tend to hide them which defeats the purpose of being there for the business.
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Personally, I find the businesses that set themselves up as people rather than fan pages to be annoying.
Aside from annoying, customers are less likely to become a “friend” apposed to a “fan”. If someone is a friend you can see all thier photos and personal info. If they are a fan depending on thier privacy settings you can only view thier profile pic.
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We use facebook for a lot of our advertising. I you would like to get more members of friends on your page to check out you restaurant then try getting know one of the local radio DJ’s. There are a lot of them who are on facebook and they have hundreds or sometimes thousands of friends. Send them some free food and just ask them to send a message to all their friends to become a fan of your facebook page. I had one DJ do that and in 1 week I increased my friend by 500 people.
Have a contest to try and reach a magic number like 500 or 1000. When you reach that number have a special or give something away to just the facebook fans. Remember, people like contests and they love free stuff.
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