Using facebook?

From a user’s standpoint, I’m more inclined to become a fan of a page more than a member of a group. It’s like electing to get info that I can “pull” at my discretion versus getting info that is “pushed” to me whether I want it or not.
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Our facebook fan page is now up and running and starting to get a few hits. http://www.facebook/pizza-pizzazz
My daughter / manager just completed taking photos of all of our 33 variants of pizzas and downloaded them into our photo albums, along with interior and exterior photos of the shop and a collection of our staff.
Now people visiting can see what each of our pizzas look like and when they hover the mouse over the picture we have a full description.
The next step will to have the pizza pictures incorporated into our menu on the web where viewers can hover over the descrition and the photo will come up.
Oh and by the way – these pizzas were cooked in a conveyor oven 😛

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your link above to your FB page doesn’t work (it’s missing the .com)

when you correct it to www.facebook/pizza-pizzazz that links to YOUR personal FB page NOT your shop page.

I think you did the unique name when you were on your own page.

I did the same with my own shop site as well. Its been a few months but it was easy to correct HOWEVER you only get to change the unqiue name ONCE only so be very careful. You’ll have to change your own FB unique name for your own page THEN make sure you do it correctly for your shop page. Be careful!
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Wizzle Wassell:

your link above to your FB page doesn’t work (it’s missing the .com)

when you correct it to http://www.facebook/pizza-pizzazz that links to YOUR personal FB page NOT your shop page.

I think you did the unique name when you were on your own page.

I did the same with my own shop site as well. Its been a few months but it was easy to correct HOWEVER you only get to change the unqiue name ONCE only so be very careful. You’ll have to change your own FB unique name for your own page THEN make sure you do it correctly for your shop page. Be careful!
Thanks Wiz

I’ll gey my son to fix it as most of the techno stuff goes right over my head :oops:
Anyhow this link will take you directly to our shop FB … 901?ref=mf
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We hit 600 fans yesterday. We are seeing 1-5 orders per day asking for our “facebook special” and I have had a number of people I know mention that they are seeing the ads. When we put up a better offer, we see more orders. Right now our ads are costing us about $10 per day and we are seeing 20,000 - 25,000 impressions per day.
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I’ve noticed that if you bid at the high end of the suggested range (as opposed to the low), the number of clicks increases and your cost-per-impression actually goes down. I assume a higher bid gets “top” placement. My low bid (bidding by impressions) was costing over $.42 per click and when I upped the bid my cost-per-click dropped and is now averaging $.37. This is for a membership drive (targeting those not already fans).

I just started targeting ads at my own fans too. About 6,000 impressions yesterday cost me $1.00 with each click working out to be about $.08. I know with very active people (like my wife) my posts drop off their news feed sometimes before they’ve had a chance to see it. I figure this is an inexpensive way to reinforce what we are doing on our page. Since I’m using an offer unique to facebook, I think it will be interesting to see the final results at the end of next week when the deal expires.

Over 1 million total impressions so far… for about $200.00. I figure generating that many impressions with a direct mail campaign would have cost me just over $300,000. The impact of each type of impression is obviously different, but this trackability makes paying the monthly direct-mail bill all the more painful.
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Impressions and clicks are coming in higher around here than the numbers Brad mentions, but still a very good deal I think. We are running about 25,000 impressions a day with an add that does not need to be clicked to work. (It includes our phone number). We are running about 30 cents per 1000 on impressions so about $8 a day. I have now tried a number of different types of ads, some aimed at getting fans, others just at keeping our logo in front of people. Our Superbowl and Free Ice Cream ads produced the most clicks both at about .07 Our current Pizza of the Day ad is producing about .04 but is up to 400K impressions now.

We are going to take the Free Pizza promo another TTer posted about recently and combine that with Face Book after our resort closes and give away 100 pizza in one day. I am aiming to create the campaign in a way that drives the face book fan base and hopefully gets some newspaper coverage. We will combine with our new menu and promote our new combos.
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Your pizzas look amazing. Yum.


I agree! After hearing you talk of using low fat cheese(and not much of it) I was expecting skimpy pizzas with a few splotches of cheese. I was extremely surprised when I started clicking on the pictures to find VERY appetizing photos of nicely topped and perfectly cooked pizzas. Bravo Dave. I’m definitely going to consider adding a few Pizza Pizzazz inspired specialty pizzas to my menu!
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Your pizzas look amazing. Yum.


I agree! After hearing you talk of using low fat cheese(and not much of it) I was expecting skimpy pizzas with a few splotches of cheese. I was extremely surprised when I started clicking on the pictures to find VERY appetizing photos of nicely topped and perfectly cooked pizzas. Bravo Dave. I’m definitely going to consider adding a few Pizza Pizzazz inspired specialty pizzas to my menu!
Thanks Paul and Kris
We really try to make a great tasting and visually enticing pizza. The low fat cheese does have an incredilble melt so we can go a bit lighter without appearing to have splotches as you thought they would.
Yes, and they were cooked in a MMPS360 CONVEYOR !!!
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We hit 700 fans yesterday. I think we will get to 1000 within a few more weeks. Hard to say how much business it is bringing us. We have not been doing aggresive offers there. According to our POS we are getting about 3 orders a day on our Facebook offer, but that offer only is good on the pizza of the day which is generally a specific high end combo from our menu.

I should add that it looks to me, based on the FB demographic info, like a good number of our fans are from this board which means that our local fan base is somewhat smaller.
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How much editorial control do you have over posts made on your Facebook page? Can you delete any posts that you’d like?

In the past I had a problem with a competitor posting negative internet reviews of my store. That competitor is now out of business, but I’m still concerned about it happening again.

By the way Steve, you do an excellent job with your Facebook page. It seems like it’s set up for overall branding while at the same time generating some instant results.
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Yes, you can delete posts that you don’t like. I had one fan posting links to his business page - he finally quit after I deleted them a couple times.
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brad randall:
Yes, you can delete posts that you don’t like. I had one fan posting links to his business page - he finally quit after I deleted them a couple times.
I’m really nervous about that, but being able to delete eases my concern.

Also, when somebody posts on your fan page, does it show up on all of your fan’s news feeds? Or just when I make a post?

Sorry for all the newbie questions. I’ve been on Facebook for over a year and I’ve probably logged into it about 4 times. I have no idea how it works.
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Only the posts initiated by you show up. At least, that’s how it appears on my personal page. Although, on those posts I do see the replies by fans.

For example, D.G. Sullivan’s has posted some stuff recently and I can see those posts and the responses by fans. If I got to D.G.'s page, I see that a fan initiated a post and it is currently at the top of the page. However, that post doesn’t show up on my personal feed.


In other Facebook news, move over Google… Facebook becomes most-visited site
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Thanks Brad!

We have a very large mass media event coming up in about 3 weeks, so I want to have a Facebook page ready for when it hits.
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Ok, got it up and running yesterday.

I’m also purchasing ads (click through based) to help drive more fans. I submitted the ad last night and it was approved in about 90 minutes. Shortly thereafter I decided to change my target slightly and the ad went back to “Pending Review” where it has now been stuck for 14 hours. Does it always take this long? And does it really have to go back to review just for changing the target market? I love the concept, but I shouldn’t have to wait 16 hours every time I want to add a different segment to the campaign.
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Since you can have more than one ad running in the same campaign, a trick to avoid downtime is to set up a 2nd ad and leave the 1st alone until after the new one is approved.

Also, it doesn’t hurt to test different ways to find customers to see which one works best. I’ve found friends of fans and targeting by city to both be effective. Don’t forget to exclude your current fans from the recruitment ads so you’re not wasting money on those impressions.
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