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who is into the mobile marketing sms text coupons??


37 opt ins did a free pizza promo with any order resulting in 11 redemtions at average ticket of 14.37

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Today is monday august 31st and I am going to send out a text for a 12 cut 1 topping pizza 8.00 today only. Will be back with results

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Twitter is more of a social spam imo, texts are spam free(for now). You know when a text hits your phone its from someone you know.
Plenty of brands have exceled under Twitter marketing. Look at NakedPizza for example.

I know for my concept, Twitter is more essential then most, as we are mobile, but still, I wouldn’t discount twitter, though if you do it, you should make sure you do “twitter only” specials.
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Twitter came out with a new service that if you text Follow [twitter account name] (eg. BurkeCorpMeats) to 40404 you will automatically receive twitter updates via text from that account even if you aren’t signed up for twitter. Free text messaging service.

My suggestion is that you set up two accounts: 1 for people who want to engage with you and 1 for the promotions. This would keep the people who only want promotions from unsubscribing from the service and you can still run the promotions on the engagement account.

With TweetDeck or Hootsuite you can monitor multiple accounts so it wouldn’t be too difficult to manage.
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UPDATE It seems that my area is slow to the text message sign up. I currently have 54. I projected 500 hundred by now and if you talk to anyone trying to sell this to you they will say the same—it’s not so easy.

I sent a text out tonight from 8pm-11pm
It offered a free order of breadfstixs and free 2 liter with any 12 cut 2 tooping pizza.

I will let you know the results.

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54 text @ .02 = 1.08
breadstixs = .50
2 liter 1.29
pizza 2 topping 3.50

Total 6.37
retail 14.65
profit 8.28
cost 43.48%

Now if I can get 50 returns on a text campaign that would = $414

I will share my progress.

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Chances are, at that price rate, you used an email server vrs a sms server…and many of those msg were never rec’d…many cell phone companies won’t deliver bulk email server msgs but will if using an sms server…

I’ve done both (started w/an email server) but find I get better response w/a sms server…

in any case, you need to let it run over a 3-day time frame & the deal has to be so irresistible…that it will make them keep the message & show you when they pick up the order…
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Chances are, at that price rate, you used an email server vrs a sms server…and many of those msg were never rec’d…many cell phone companies won’t deliver bulk email server msgs but will if using an sms server…

I’ve done both (started w/an email server) but find I get better response w/a sms server…

in any case, you need to let it run over a 3-day time frame & the deal has to be so irresistible…that it will make them keep the message & show you when they pick up the order…
The company I use is 100% sms server. When I hit send, it is literally 5 seconds to get the text. I include my phone and my workers to know what the deal is with 100% received rate.

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Wow!/Hmmm…@ $.02 who are you using by chance…my provider has a $.02 rate, but it is 4 the email server…$.05 for the sms server
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Mobile marketing via SMS coupons can work great depending on how you do it. What service/ company are you using?
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I sent out a text today for 2 pasta dinners $15 and got 6 customers to bite. I’m only up to 66 text customers but thats 10% and they ordered add ons. I’m thinking this is going to work as I get the numbers higher.

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That’s great for a first run! And you’re right, your ROI will increase exponentially as you both send out more coupons and get more customers to opt-in. Are you using a particular company to do your mobile coupons? You’re ROI could really skyrocket with the right company and I know some good ones! 😃
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…your ROI will increase exponentially as you both send out more coupons and get more customers to opt-in.
Not exactly, unless you can detail how ROI increases “exponentially”. With a monthly and per-text fee I could see it maybe increasing logarithmically, but certainly not exponentially.

Sorry, I’m not trying to be a jerk but the misuse of term “exponentially” drives me crazy - especially when used as part of a sales pitch.
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Not exactly, unless you can detail how ROI increases “exponentially”. With a monthly and per-text fee I could see it maybe increasing logarithmically, but certainly not exponentially.

Sorry, I’m not trying to be a jerk but the misuse of term “exponentially” drives me crazy - especially when used as part of a sales pitch.
Piper, being a physics nerd, you’re my hero :lol:
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