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Who's going to Pizza Expo in Vegas?

We have some time yet, I’m working on a catering event that needs to be covered and get my Vegas schedule down. I will post possible meeting places and times, we can go from there. Talk soon all.
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Ok I see we already have this topic going! I will be going again as well. I will be doing a couple of semminars as well one on marketing partnerships and one on how to use social networks for free advertising. Check out Hope to see all of you there!
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never been to vegas let alone pizza expo really looking forward to it…any recomendations on flight and hotel accommodations?
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If you go to they have a section for hotels. If you stay at a hotel that they have blocks of rooms at they also have a shuttle to and from the convention centre. We try to stay at different places each time we go down and have enjoyed them all we have stayed at NYNY, Planet Hollywood (twice) and this year we are going to try Monte Carlo. As far as flights I am not sure as prices go up and down everyday it seems.
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Wish this show was just a few months later. I’d be too tempted to buy some stuff now when I’m not quite ready to, haha.
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I just mentioned the show to the soon to be wife. She said, “sure, only if we get married there”, haha.

We’ve been engaged for over half a year and still have no we idea what we’re doing for our wedding. I think we’ve dismissed the idea of a big wedding since neither one of us could imagine spending $15k+ on a single day’s event. I guess the practicality with money is something we’ve forged from our degrees in accounting and finance, and my general upbringing. We’re either gonna do a very small backyard type of thing, or just elope.

Kill two birds with one stone on this one? What do you guys think? I’ll have to mention it to the boss today and see if he can grab a few passes from Roma or Cysco or someone, haha. Man, I still really wish this thing was just a few months later!! I’m not ready yet, Pizza Expo. Gimme a few months!
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Kill two birds with one stone on this one? What do you guys think?
I swear you and I are almost the same person. I was also engaged when I started planning my restaurant, but we didn’t get married until it was open for a year.

I honestly can’t imagine opening my restaurant at the same time I was a newlywed. We probably would have been divorced. Even then our 1st year of marriage (2nd year of business) wasn’t all peaches and cream when I was at the store open to close seven days per week. She still resents me for that, and reminds me almost everyday! You’ve got a lot of guts.

On topic, I was planning on going to Pizza Expo this year but I’m going to skip it. We now have a one year old and we’re still not ready to be away from him overnight. I know, first time parents 🙂
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I can’t make it this year but for those of you who are going don’t for get to put your business card in the fish bowl at the Pilgrims Pride booth. They will draw 40 names to play in a Texas holdem poker tournament. I got 3rd place 2 years ago and won $2000.00 in cash.
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how does this compare to the pizza show in orlando?
Vegas is a much larger “pizza” show as the Orlando show is dominated by fullservice restaurant vendors. More relevant seminars, more relevant vendors. I attended the Orlando show for an afternoon and had a chance to talk with all of the pizza vendors. In Vegas I attend all three days and feel like I missed things. I still enjoy the Orlando show because the vendors actually have a chance to talk with you, while in Vegas they are commonly overwhelmed with attendees and you cant get many questions answered.
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We’re entering our newest pizza in the non-traditional International Pizza Challenge. Anyone else competing this year?
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Has anyone decided where we will be meeting up ? This trip is slowly turning from business to pleasure. My financial partner loves Vegas and has planned some non-Expo activities for us. I’m pretty sure I’ll be at the Expo for the better part of the day on Wednesday. I hope to see you guys there.
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We are heading to the show this year as well. I have been 4 times as a pizza shop owner and this is our first time going as an exhibitor. For those who haven’t been before, you must take advantage of the workshops in the morning. These will give you such an advantage if you take what you learn and apply back in your pizza shop. The trip pays for it self in no time if you really take the time to apply new marketing and other strategies learned.

Thanks, Shane
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Yes, got the green light from the “real” boss and she actually wants me to go. I’d be a fool to say no. Flight, hotel, shuttle all booked. I’m joining NAPO tomorrow to get my pass for the show. I’m stoked! Is there a TT gathering or is it just the Beer N Bull?
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So where and when is the Think Tank meet up taking place in Vegas? I think a table at one of the beer and bull sessions would be good.
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I’ll be there too. Be sure to catch one of my presentations, or catch up with me at the speakers booth #880.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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