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record internet orders

Re: reoord internet orders

You are preaching to the choir here Wizzel. However when you add new things, anything not just what I do, it should be with an eye to increasing top line sales without increasing labor percents, etc. Mr. Guest is he suggests the online ordering is not valuable because it will lower tips because people will not want to add tips online until the order arrives for a number of reasons.

First of all I have not heard that concern from anyone, at all across, our portfolio and I know many of the people in my local stores and I do visit and talk with them as this is an evolving tool and we want it to evolve in a positive direction for everyone.

The point that sparked anger and rage here was essentially if you are running a basically good shop that perdictably provides great service I sincerely doubt people are going to be up in arms about paying on the web. After all they are there by choice to begin with. If, however, you make a good pie, but your delivery service is not as on the mark as it could be I can see a lot of customers using the tip to make a point to the driver and the restaurant. In other words the better you are all the time, the less this is even an issue.

He does bring up a good point and we have not done a survey in a while and I am interested in what people say. Clearly we also have an interest is higher tips. So it is something I want to include just to see the results.

It is hard to make any CC case when the person walks in and it is not usually a high priority for any police agency. Getting a subpoena is not that hard, in my consulting business we ran into this. It really is super easy to fill it out and identify the server it came from. Literally a couple of minutes. If you are on a business server you can be identified in zero time, I’ve had to do it several times. Ealier they were talking about more liablity with taking cards online. my point is your liablity is actually less because you have the CVS number (CSV?), the address is checked, the phone number is checked by the processor before it completes the order. If it did become part of something bigger with the police it is likely you lead the police to an address. Of course you rightly point out this is really not something people spend much time doing and in my opinion it is bad to lose cash to these people, but to run your business with these people in mind is a bad idea.
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Re: reoord internet orders

RobDewey, tips are important!

Been on both sides of the street.

Worked inside pizza place, worked as a delivery driver, working on opening a shop.

This topic was interesting because I am looking at online ordering. As a person working on opening a shop, online ordering is definitely on my radar. I personally would like my system to be able to add the tip at the door. I agree with other people here, I will not tip before I receive the service and every person that I know is the same.

Tips will not change my bottom line, but in a very competetive employment market retaining employees is the life blood of a small business. As a previous delivery driver if I knew I could go do the same thing somewhere else and make more money, I would and did leave my job and go and work there. So in the end if you drivers see that online ordering means bad tips and that they can make more money down the street, away they go.

But, back to the original message and I think that I am preaching to the choir here. As I see my own children’s knowledge of computer growing by leaps and bounds I can see how the future is in online ordering. I am no slouch in the technology department, but I didn’t have my own computer until I was in my early twenties. My children have had a computer in the home since birth. They are learning things in elementary school that I learned in college. As this generation gets older online ordering will be the norm and not the exception that it is now. Look at how much more accessible it is getting, public wi/fi, cell phones. JetBlue announced that they will be testing limited internet usage for there airplanes. So that you can surf the web while flying.

In my investigating for a service it seems like the technology is slightly lacking or I haven’t found the right combination yet. From an outsider looking in I think that we will find systems will start to come around be able to do what we want. We just have to make the people making the software understand what we want.

That is my, to quote a wise man, “2 cents, because thats all this information is worth.”
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Re: reoord internet orders
But hey, while we’re having fun on the subject, let’s talk about who really gets the access to those ISP logs. It’s folks like the RIAA, AFTER showing reasonable cause and getting a judge to sign off on their request. The ISPs don’t and won’t give that information out to someone who just calls in. The RIAA has a staff of attorneys out there, do you?
Now, if you’d like to continue this whizzing match, I’d suggest you find a place that deals in whizzing matches. Better yet, my CURRENT DHCP address is Why not just come over to my house and discuss it. I’m taking no steps to hide my tracks. I’ve had this particular address for over 2 days and unless Comcast blows up again, I’ll keep it for at least a few more days.

I’ll make it easier. I’m in zip code 37013. I don’t expect you to really come visit me, but you can post my address if you’d like. No response needed other than an apology or my address. Anything else will be taken at face value as being more drivel.

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Re: reoord internet orders

No it really is not. Snowman is basically confirming what I am saying. I did say a few posts back I have little or no experience with WIFI in a public place so I really cannot speak to that issue.

I also agree the police would have to subpoena records unless they are from a business using its own servers. I know it is traceable because as a web designer I have been involved in several situations requiring our company to provide information.

It is all traceable, what Snowman is doing is giving you a partial explanation and picking and choosing. The fact is most criminals are going to you a web based email like hotmail or yahoo. Just being on their site is all they need to track you down and you are going to or accessing their site for email. You never need to get to the SMTP in reality, although the path is included.

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Re: reoord internet orders

LOL, no really the Snowman just gave you a snow job, the question is whether by ingorance or intention.

Weren’t you one of the people demanding civility here???

Well I was not so on everyone’s next visit to , for the best smell they have please visit the dumpster in back. Come early for the best seats in the house…
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Re: reoord internet orders
LOL, no really the Snowman just gave you a snow job, the question is whether by ingorance or intention.

Weren’t you one of the people demanding civility here???

Well I was not so on everyone’s next visit to Vocelli’s Pizza in Altoona, for the best smell they have please visit the dumpster in back. Come early for the best seats in the house…
Was that you picking through my dumpster the other night :shock: ? I was wondering who that was,thanks for admitting it was you.

Next time, come inside and we’ll toss you some leftovers.

Poor fella having to dig through people dumpsters like that… so sad.
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Re: reoord internet orders

Time to a moderator to shut this guy down.

We are here to talk about the pizza business. You keep mentioning peoples businesses in specific that will come up in a google search. Maybe we should start posting about and bad mouth it.
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Re: reoord internet orders
No it really is not. Snowman is basically confirming what I am saying. I did say a few posts back I have little or no experience with WIFI in a public place so I really cannot speak to that issue.
I confirmed NOTHING you said. You said that most IPs are static that are handed out by ISPs. That’s not true, plain and simple. Businesses normally will have a static IP (if they buy the business package). End users will very highly probably (as in WAY beyond the 50% mark) have a dynamic IP which is merely leased, often for only a few days. If the person isn’t using an “always on” connection such as DSL, Cablemodem, etc, then the IP is only that user’s during that session. There appears to be a lot you have little or no experience with but that has yet to stop you from telling us all about it.

My suggestion to you would be that you stick to programming, let the pizza owners stick to customer service, and I’ll stick to handling servers and email. That way, we all can do what we do best and not fail miserably in things we know nothing about.
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Re: reoord internet orders

LOL, it was me! How did you know!?!?!?! I was really worried I would get caught before I got my gourmet pizza!

Actually my kids are traveling in PA this week and I was thinking it would be fun on their way back across state to bring me some Vocelli’s Pizza and mention the blog while they were there! I would even fax the order…Too bad they always travel in the middle of the night!

AND ROB, the comment I made was in response. At least me and Vocelli are having some fun with this. You are just an ordinary run of the mill hypocrite. It is a free country…go ahead and have some fun, exercise your brain a little beyond sitting on the sidelines being a toad.
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Re: reoord internet orders

Once again you are misinformed and misinforming snow man.

A dynamic IP Address is traceable. The ISP has records, this is where the police get the information. The ISPThe ISP and the servers of the webmail service can be connected. If the police were so inclined, it is all traceable.

BTW the changes in the law deal with requiring ISP’s to keep information a certain period of time.

Here are others thoughts: … 1&lsc=true

Snowman is only perpetuating a myth. There is some truth to his comment, but where it fails is that the ISP who gives you the dynamic ip address can trace back who it came from from their records. An effort to trace may require a couple of subpeonas to more than one ISP, but it is really very easy to track the information down.
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Re: reoord internet orders
Once again you are misinformed and misinforming snow man.

A dynamic IP Address is traceable. The ISP has records, this is where the police get the information. The ISPThe ISP and the servers of the webmail service can be connected. If the police were so inclined, it is all traceable.

BTW the changes in the law deal with requiring ISP’s to keep information a certain period of time.

Here are others thoughts: … 1&lsc=true

Snowman is only perpetuating a myth. There is some truth to his comment, but where it fails is that the ISP who gives you the dynamic ip address can trace back who it came from from their records. An effort to trace may require a couple of subpeonas to more than one ISP, but it is really very easy to track the information down.
If we tell you that you’re right will you go away ?
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Re: reoord internet orders

I’ve stayed out of these discussions but RobDewy you would be one of the most bombastic, horn blowing, self opinionated jerk I have ever seen post on any bulletin board.

Mate, take the hint and leave. You are adding nothing worthwhile and if I was in the US looking to do business with companies like you, you wouldn’t be the last on the list … it wouldn’t even get on it.

In your own self importance you have no idea on how much damage you have done to your ability to create any credibity. Why in hell would anyone want to deal with you as all you do would be shoving your own idiology down peoples throats and no listen to what they want or have to say.

Personally I don’t care one bit for your ramblings, but seeing the way you operate I expect to get an return load of sh1t back from you.

Just leave and get a life.

MODERATORS: Could you lock this thread as it is now lost the direction of the post topic.

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Re: reoord internet orders

If it hadn’t lost track yet it will now…

Rob, how’d you hack your way into dewars avatar???
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Re: reoord internet orders

Please leave. You have nothing positive to add to anything we talk about. You turn every post into an argument or disagreement. Please refer to your Pizza Today message board.
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Re: reoord internet orders
Once again you are misinformed and misinforming snow man.

A dynamic IP Address is traceable. The ISP has records, this is where the police get the information. The ISPThe ISP and the servers of the webmail service can be connected. If the police were so inclined, it is all traceable.

Snowman is only perpetuating a myth. There is some truth to his comment, but where it fails is that the ISP who gives you the dynamic ip address can trace back who it came from from their records. An effort to trace may require a couple of subpeonas to more than one ISP, but it is really very easy to track the information down.
Okay dude, it’s time for some reading comprehension lessons:

I said “Wow… just wow… IP addresses are not easily traced. Most ISPs use DHCP and therefore lease IPs from a pool of IP addresses. The ISP is needed to determine who leased the IP at that given time. ISPs don’t hand that information out. It requires a court order in most cases.”

You said that the IP is easily traced, which it isn’t. It CAN be traced by the ISP and THEY can get the information with some ease. However, YOU getting that information is NOT easy. Nowhere above do I say the information isn’t available, I simply answered your point that it’s easily tracable BY YOU (where you were referring to your security and what not). The lawyers have to get involved, and getting lawyers involved costs money, which means (in most wallets I know of) it ain’t easy.

Next, you said "In most cases an IP address is entirely static. It is assigned by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Where the provider has random IP addresses this is also traceable because the ISP can identify which account was using which IP address at what time. Of course they would not give that out except by subpoena. "

You said that the IP addresses are entirely static, which you seem to have forgotten. They aren’t – not in the realm of home users which is what we are discussing when people would order pizza to be delivered using a stolen credit card. You even admit that the ISP isn’t giving the information out without a court order. Again, getting one is NOT EASY.

I am speaking from fact here and you’re simply trying to manipulate things to keep yourself from looking like you don’t have a full grasp of the information you seem to be telling everyone you’re an expert in. If anyone is misleading here, it’s you.
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Re: reoord internet orders

If that was the standard it would make more sense for you to leave. As much as having a Peanut Gallery is fun, if you are really not happy you are free to go.
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Re: reoord internet orders

Okay, I let Rob get the last word in. We’re done here. I’m locking the topic.
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