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record internet orders

Re: reoord internet orders

Sal ended his last post using the website of his so called online ordering company, so is that who he really is.

When you read the post relating to how tips are done I think you would know what you are talking about. Of course what customers think is really not relevant is it? No, we really do not want to take that into consideration.

Do some research on the posts and you will see there was a pretty good discussion of do’s and don’ts…but then you do not care about any of that…

I did not call anyone a liar, but I note you call names. That you put signs in to “cover” does not show what a decent person you are.
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Re: reoord internet orders

Please leave this message board for Pizza Shop owners.

Sal, if there is some sort of Security Breach with your online ordering system, you need to clarify this with that company.
Rob, please advertise your business elsewhere. This is a discussion board for pizza owners. Your damaging your businesses reputation with the above posts. I certainly wouldn’t buy from you.
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Re: reoord internet orders

I am not advertising here sir. If I was doing that I would be much less blunt. The reality is this little industry for online ordering has too many people running little games on people who know not what they are getting into.

I encourage no one to call me, make contact with me or in any way look to use any service or product we offer. Let’s take that nonsense right off the table right now.

I encourage everyone to look at the issues I raised above and when looking for any service of this type, use those yard sticks to measure the quality of the service you are using. In at least one post I laid them out very clearly and did so in a way that you can measure them up on your own. There are some excellent companies out there, look hard for the good guys and then use their excellent services. To name a couple there is and Campus Food is great if you are just starting out. I know of a restaurant in Texas using who really loves what they do.

This Board is for anyone i am not sure there is value in your pushing people off because you do not like the information you are seeing. We are all adults and do not need a Blog Cop.
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Re: reoord internet orders
This Board is for anyone i am not sure there is value in your pushing people off because you do not like the information you are seeing.
Obviously, your mother never said “It’s not what you say, but how you say it” to you, eh?

If you are not here to advertise, then remove your link from your signature.
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Re: reoord internet orders

I spoke to my POS company . They are simply going to change the URL so I dont have any possible issues. In fact .I think it was that way to start and I asked them to have it say…but I was unaware of any issues…

My url was in one of my first few posts. I simply put my vendors website in here as they were unknowlingly trashed by Rob Dewey and needlessly so.

weekly stats…I would not suggest as a practice sharing financial information however this is a real world example of online ordering…this is not a test…or a maybe or whatever…these are my last weeks actual results.

online orders total 134 orders totaling $3,525.67 or $26.31 avg internet orders…
if we throw out the $750 order… the avg was 20.86 this also includes some internet carry-out orders which tend to be of lesser amounts and of course it includes MOn -TH which are lower check averages than the weekends…but this my friends are real numbers not fictional…

keep in mind these numbers are from a relatively high volume store located in a urban,high computer user, location…results at your locations can of course be greater or lesser…

all the best
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Re: reoord internet orders

OH in other words thank you Rob Dewey for saving me a possible lawsuit??? How ungrateful can you be?

To Registered Guest…We get about 1000 people coming from Google every month. So far this month 17 visits from PMQ. This is not about advertising this is about keeping people like SuperDeliver accountable to do business right so their clients, the restaurants, do not get taken advantage of. The cost/benefit alone suggests a waste of marketing effort. Beyond the numbers my blunt presentation probably does not make that cost/benefit any more rewarding.

I am in a unique position to expose these practices, I think it is important to do so because there are so many people selling these services who do not know what they are doing. In the end these boards are not too busy with my client base which consists mainly of stores that are not on the web or even have the internet in the stores. if you are here and posting you have a level of computer know how that most of my clients are not interested in. We do better from stopping in and saying hello.

Big Sal there is a reason. First of all it is strange for you to use their website and secondly the ZENO guy who recommends his services parades around as a client of ZENO when in fact he is the ZENO online ordering guy. I ran into him a couple months back and did research and found out the pizzeria did not even exist…The pizzerias had fake phone numbers. I wanted to know for certain if you were for real because if you were not I was going to out you the same way I did the ZENO slime. It is hardly a huge leap when you sign off with their web address, bud.
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Re: reoord internet orders
To Registered Guest…We get about 1000 people coming from Google every month. So far this month 17 visits from PMQ. This is not about advertising this is about keeping people like SuperDeliver accountable to do business right so their clients, the restaurants, do not get taken advantage of. The cost/benefit alone suggests a waste of marketing effort. Beyond the numbers my blunt presentation probably does not make that cost/benefit any more rewarding.

I am in a unique position to expose these practices, I think it is important to do so because there are so many people selling these services who do not know what they are doing.
Thank you Rob Dewey for keeping other companies accountable and for saving the clients of those companies from lawsuits and themselves. You are doing a wonderful service and I, if no one else, would like to recognize you for this and extend many thanks and my personal appreciation and admiration for your service and commitment to this cause!

Again, I offer to add you to my Christmas card list - if anyone deserves to be on my list, it is you my friend - our saviour!
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Re: reoord internet orders

Yeah I would not put my real name out there if I were you, either. Now I get it. LOL
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Re: reoord internet orders
Yeah I would not put my real name out there if I were you, either. Now I get it. LOL
Thank you Rob Dewey for your response. I choose to remain anonymous as to not position myself more equal to you, as I know that I don’t deserve to be at such a level. Maybe someday, once I’ve risen to the internet greatness of Rob Dewey, will I disclose my real name like you. You are my hero and mentor, thanks again!
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Re: reoord internet orders

RobT I think if this board was limited to pizza shop owners only it would have far less value…Vendors and others have a contribution to make…Sure we are are trying to make sales but we can not do that without offering solutions that work for the businesses we serve…As far as Rob Dewey…Seems to me in the past he has had “discussions” with me and I think we were on opposite sides…No one has to agree with everything said, however, if it inspires further discussion it is helpful in making sure everything about an issue is fully investigated…That is a good thing…

I know very little about online ordering for restaurants…However, if I was pondering such a decision for a pizza business the discussion that is taking place in this thread would certainly allow me to be better informed and ask better questions to a potential vendor…
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Re: reoord internet orders

Online ordering is the wave of the future. We have been doing it about 2 years now. We recive our orders by fax. Our biggest problem is enter the faxes into our POS we get so many and if its also busy sometimes you can have 10-12 faxes(orders in your hand). Our Pos company is working to get the orders intergrated to go directly into the POs.
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Re: reoord internet orders

I know a Rugby player from Scotland named Rob Dewey. He likes to scrum as well.

People like THAT Rob Dewey.

Sorry I broke up your Black Panther Online Order party…

That’s all I have to say about that…
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Re: reoord internet orders

Folks, hang on…

First off, I AM a moderator, just so there is no confusion.

Now to answer a few issues:
  1. Yes, this site benefits from non-pizza owners (at least I’d hope so since I don’t own one). So often, we forget about the customers, and the customer can chime in from that viewpoint. Most customers never find their way here, but other pizza enthusiasts do. Let’s respect that.
  2. Calling people out will not be tolerated. If you believe Big Sal really is some shady online order vendor trying to pimp his wares on unsuspecting fools, get in touch with webmaster.
  3. I have no official verdict on this, but since royster13 has used his url in his signature and is obviously a vendor, I don’t see why RobDewey isn’t allowed the same courtesy. We have other POS companies on from time to time that also have their info in their signature. This has to be an “all or nothing” rule. Without Royster13’s signature, I still know what he does and can and HAVE sent him PMs about products and pricing in the past. As long as you aren’t here trying to pimp your business, I see no harm in it.
  4. “Registered Guest” is an actual username, not an “anonymous” user posting. He’s no more anonymous than the rest of us. His words are attached to that specific userid and he uses that specific account. He is not someone hiding behind an anonymous entry looking to pick fights.
I have more comments, but they aren’t as a moderator, so I’ll continue them below.
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Re: reoord internet orders

Now, as a ordinary customer/pizza enthusiast…
  1. Yesterday I had to pay $2.14 on a blamed debit card because I didn’t have any cash. If I’d ordered on-line, I wouldn’t have given a tip before the service was received. If I had no option to add the tip to the credit card at the door, the driver would have gotten $2.09 since that was every cent I had on me. The point is, some folks just don’t carry cash and people aren’t likely (in my own uneducated opinion) to tip beforehand.
  2. RobDewey started off providing useful information. An unsecured site taking credit cards is bad, bad, bad news. Likewise, if the vendor handling the cards can’t get a site certificate right, I’m not so sure I would trust their methods of handling payments and credit card info. Credit card info gets stolen every single day, but you’d like to know it wasn’t from you.
  3. RobDewey, dude, you simply are being rude. You started off in this thread just fine, but then you started attacking and such. From the responses of others in this thread, it would seem you have a reputation that proceeds you. Step back and think about what you’re writing (and trust me, that is about as ironic as it can get coming from me… I’m as bad as you are). You are trying to represent your business in some way, shape, form, or fashion. Would YOU do business with someone who posts the way you do? You start getting defensive and offensive at the same time. You’re hurting your own credibility when you do that.
  4. We don’t fight here. We may disagree at times on certain issues, but we don’t call names, pick fights, etc. There’s a bunch of other sites that you can play keyboard-wargames on any time you want. This isn’t one of them. Keep it civil. If you have an issue with a post, alert a moderator. Please do not simply respond in anger. It helps no one.
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Re: reoord internet orders

And I think if you are being fair you will see persons other than myself calling names and when you read back you will see my responding to the snipes…I do not see your addressing those at all.

I am not sure the concern I raised about Big Sal was accurate. I noted he signed off with the online ordering company website rather than his own. I note this is a bit shady and feeds into a company that so far as I can see has several different names. For you to “police” this would be impossible. Big Sal can answer for himself and people can surely make their own decision. For my part I am not sure how or why that mistake happened, but the comment was fair.

Registered Guest is anonymous to people here. It is shady. While I respect his opinion, in this specific case, because he does so in a way that no one (other than PMQ) really knows anything can be taken into account one wonders if he is what he seems to be. He can at least be honest, is he an owner, is he an employee, is he a driver. His perspective seems to be somewhat narrow.

I appreciate the comments in point 3 of the 2nd post. As I have said there are many people doing this service who are winging it and too many people just trying to make a living are being left open to all kinds of trouble as a result. I was stunned by people blindly defending bad practices even when I am giving information that can be clearly checked out and verified by people other than myself. My concern is not to sell anyone, my concern is the “short cut” and “scammer” or “improperly informed” companies need to be exposed and this exceeds any real desire to make a sale.

In that context, as posters begin to focus on me with name calling and dismissing me as a sales guy I am now faced with backing down or pushing this farther. Continuing to expose good, verifiable information is more important. If getting that information requires more assertive posts directed at people who are making rude comments to me is appropriate.

In the end I think the message got out and I hope people can look at these services a little harder before hiring them.
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Re: reoord internet orders

OK guy, you made your point. when we have a question about internet ordering, Buyer Beware.

We all know your expertise is Web ordering/detective work/credit card security/Tip issues/lawsuit issues, etc…

When we have a question, we will summon you.
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Re: reoord internet orders

And perhaps you will share some tips in your field of expertise…filling up septic tanks.
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Re: reoord internet orders
And perhaps you will share some tips in your field of expertise…filling up septic tanks.
Listen, everyone just back away from RobDewey. If I’ve seen this once, I’ve seen it 1,000 times. You see, behind anger… is pain.

Instead of arguing with him, let us open up to him and allow him to share his pain with us. What a sad, lonely life it must be for him.

I for one, am here for you brother. PM me and we can talk things out. Release the pain and allow the healing to begin…

Let the healing begin.
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