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record internet orders

Re: reoord internet orders

I am not sure if you are asking me or the previous poster.

You hit the nail on the head with 2 other issues, one of which I refer to but did not clarify as well as I probably should have. How the credit card is taken, how the card is charged and who controls the money. The average webmaster does not have this skill level because it really gets into a comuter programmer’s realm. I use a vendor for our online ordering clients who takes care of this for me because of this reason. Too often, though, most people think “computer guy” and assume we are all powerful. We simply are not, but it leaves a wide hole for some people to jump in and pull stunts like what is doing. Not that they are evil thieves, but they are using short cuts that are setting their clients up for all kinds of problems. Hopefully no one ever suffers, I hope not.

They sneak around the typical rules by using their certificate on your site. So they pay GoDaddy for the certificate and the secure option ($350 or more each) and do not have to put that cost on the restaurant. They also get around the gateway fees to take the credit cards and in some cases the fees for taking credit cards. The problem as I see it is it puts the money into their hands first or they are sending you people’s credit cards for you to process later on…Hopefully Big Sal will get us more clarity on who handles money, I am just hunching based on a read the code in his website.

In our system because our vendor is a programmer our client’s always control the money. If us computer guys were in a meeting and all went across the street for coffee and got hit by a bus, the client would have all his/her money in their own account. In fact, his system could operate on its own for quite a while without any further input from any of us.

I do not want to give away our secrets, but our clients have accounts for collecting money they control from a nationally known company which charges nothing for the service. They earn interest and you get a debit card that gives you back 1% when you use it as a debit card, and you can transfer money to and from your account to your bank at no cost. I am not selling, please forgive the appearance, just making the point what and their ilk are doing is not the best, most transparent way. (please use companies like who do great stuff, they do this right in their own way and can be trusted!)
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Re: reoord internet orders

Well, I was asking either - but you didn’t really answer my question 🙂
  1. Using your system, does the customer have to specify a tip at the time the order is placed?
  2. Does the pizzaria have the ability to adjust an online ordering CC transaction for tips after the order is placed?
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Re: reoord internet orders

I am aware of the web address issue before I started… and are owned by me and by me only. I currently use mealage or supedeliver as my method of choice to handle my server …I pay $50 month…there are no faxing of orders to anyone…

The orders show up immediately into my POS as if the customer had entered it himself while standing in the store. THere are no transaction fees…whatsoever…so I pay $50…month…my total system cost was

$700 software and 4 Pc;s that run windows XP…I bought those all used…so maybe I spent maybe $2,000 for everything I have…which included a functional working website with seemless online ordering…

I can always pay much more and redo everything…when needed…

My credit cards are entered manually into my store credit system…tips are added at the door by the customer…I am currently getting ready to switch to mercury payments as my POS has encrypted credit technology.and can take Creditcards…store them…and send for approval over the internet…this will be huge…

all the best

Big Sal
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Re: reoord internet orders

You still have the issue that the information is taken in what appears to be a secure setting, thus the certificate. The certificate does not match the site and when speaking to Google last night just looking at the one page they are concerned. I did not file a complaint, but you are setting yourself up.

If you collect credit card data from the site the situation is even worse.

Your comments here only confirm my concerns. You have sensitive customer data being collected in what is purported to be a secure setting, which may or may not be, being transmitted over the web to your POS device. If it is secure the certificate does not match the site and it purports to be.

Sorry but the verdict is bad online ordering and for $50 a month there is not one reason in the world they should not make your site properly sercure. I know for our system the only cost after set up is the cost to fax to stores with no computer. Ditto here.
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Re: reoord internet orders

If there is an issue it will be resolved…obviously lawsuits are not good and rather expensive…

The best
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Re: reoord internet orders

The only way they could possibly be doing this right is if they have a “Wild Card” account with GoDaddy. I would ask them why the certificate does not match your URL. The next question is how many websites have the same certificate, they can only have 6 on the wildcard and

I tried to check this out on their website, but they are using a variety of formats to make online ordering work, for example it links over to a site they control and this is entirely kosher. I can see at least 6 including yours. If there is anyone else not on their home page using it on their own site, they are out of compliance.
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Re: reoord internet orders

Sorry forgot to mention this…Yes our system does allow for tipping. I wanted to check with our vendor before I answered this point. Many systems do not offer this because, again, the programmer’s skill level does not permit, or that do not have a credit card processing system that allows for tipping.

It is another thing to look for with these services. I was surprised when I started my web business how big a problem online ordering really can be. I wanted to really get pizza shops because I figure they have lots of visibility in the community and if you can say, “I do X’s Pizza” people get a practical sense that you are not just the newest fly by night showing up looking for cash.

It took me several months to find a vendor who could do it right and not charge a mountain of cash every month and we did not roll the business out until this piece worked. In most cases the people do know they are short cutting, and they count on their clients not having a full understanding of what is involved. Believe me that is about everyone, and I really got an education.

In fairness to the possibility their system does result in information getting out is not very high. To me, though, it shows the character of company more than anything. As High School teacher once said to us, “The true test of someone’s character is what they will do when they think they can get away with it.”

A few simple rules:
  1. If the order takes place on your site “OR APPEARS TO” the certificate must match your domain name
  2. You should always be in control of the cash, once set up the passwords to the account should be changed. All they are doing is dumping cash into an account.
  3. Nothing they do should required their having access to your POS other than to dump in information
  4. Look for https, not http for secure ordering ordering
  5. Can they accept tips? If not, they are not as skilled as their sales pitch may be.
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Re: reoord internet orders

I simply had my site read the right https: address…no harm no fowl… is the most integrated self-help. POS system on the planet…online ordering works seemlessly with the inexpensive but powerful software…features too numberous to mention…

by the far the most bang for the buck on the planet…

Big Sal
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Re: reoord internet orders

Yeah you just dismissed everything with one answer. This is why their sales work so well. I can think of at least two services about 1/2 what you pay per month both of whom meet current requirements.

But embrace the short cuts, that is usually the best way to go!
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Re: reoord internet orders
Sorry forgot to mention this…Yes our system does allow for tipping.
Rob, sorry - but you still didn’t answer either of my questions. The question is NOT does the system allow for tipping - the question pertains the WHEN the tip must be given.

In your system - does the tip have to be indicated by the customer AT THE TIME THEY PLACE THE ORDER?

OR can the customer write in a tip on a credit card slip that is presented by the driver AT THE TIME OF DELIVERY - and subsequently that tip adjusted by the pizzaria when the driver is cashed out.
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Re: reoord internet orders

The tip is optional, it can be added to the credit card at the time of sale or the customer can choose not to add it to the credit card and, of course, the hope is they would give it to the driver.

The sale is completed online so there is no “credit card slip.” When the restaurant receives the order they are informed of the cost of the order, any applied delivery fee, any applied tip and how the order is being paid for. If the customer is paying by credit card the order is completed only upon successful charge of the card. The funds are available in the account immediately and can be spent on the debit card or left in the account for transfer to your bank which typically takes 2-3 days.

There is nothing for the driver to bring to the customer (unless it is pick up) except the order…Nothing to sign at all.
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Re: reoord internet orders
The tip is optional, it can be added to the credit card at the time of sale or the customer can choose not to add it to the credit card and, of course, the hope is they would give it to the driver.

…There is nothing for the driver to bring to the customer (unless it is pick up) except the order…Nothing to sign at all.
Does that make sense to you? Do you give your server his/her tip at a restruant when you sit down at the table and order your meal - or do you give it to him/her after they provided the service?

Lets say I use your method and add a $5 tip to my order when I make the order. 30 minutes later the driver arrives with my pizza, but forgot my drink and salad. I want my $5 back.

I understand WHY it works this way with online ordering - because the CC’s are not actually being run against the pizzarias own merchant account. And this is the main thing I dislike about online ordering - the tipping makes absolutely NO SENSE.
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Re: reoord internet orders

No offense, but you do not understand and you are making my point.

First of all when the card is run it is run off your account, not ours. We hook you up with the service, but you control it. The money is in your account and is authorized on your behalf. Once the account is set up and you change the password we are not in on the money side of this. Really what we are doing is setting up a 2nd merchant account for you with a different company.

Really all we do is transmit information to the account, the account charges the customer and the account tells us the system the money is there.

Your whole tip thing makes little sense to me. My goal is to meet the customer where they expect us to be. This is an online transaction and in more than 2 years I have never seen any complaint they could not add to a slip. They know they are paying online and just like any other online payment they expect that to be it.

I get clients who sometimes want phone calls from the customers after they make an order. I tell them to test the system from home before we turn it on. No customer wants to order online and call in anymore than they expect you to show up with your slip when they have a receipt online and have paid online.

Now if your people are so prone to mistakes in what you suggest then I suggest using a checklist or when they get ready to leave be sure to check the order and make sure it is all there. If you are really that worried you can refund the card online or you can take some cash and hand it to the customer.

Personally I know people make mistakes and I would not ask for the money back, that is insensitive and intolerant. Mistakes happen.
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Re: reoord internet orders

My system has you in control of how the creidt card is charged…

I simply enter the card and give the driver the slip…the tip is added at the door…

If you do not give the driver a slip to go to the door with…he or she is going to get shafted too many times…

that is not healthy if you want to keep drivers…

Big Sal
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Re: reoord internet orders

So Sal who exactly are you?,,, Duccinis, SupermenuPOS?,

I like your signature with your website.

Why do I get the feeling you are just an online ordering guy parading as a pizza guy?

We specifically ask if the person wants to tip as they come to the checkout point, so the driver does not get screwed.

Get your stuff right most of the time and a few mistakes will be forgiven, and if not hand them the cash or refund them. AND GUEST, how about you coming out of the shadows, too.
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Re: reoord internet orders
No offense, but you do not understand and you are making my point.

First of all when the card is run it is run off your account, not ours. We hook you up with the service, but you control it.
Wow, Rob. I understand this 100%. (I used to be a mainframe systems programmer for almost 20 years, just so you know I understand the technical side of this - far more than you probably).

It’s you that are not understanding a simple point. I’ll put that point on the next line:


Period. That’s my only point.

If you think it makes sense to commit to a tip before a serivce is provided, then so be it. But don’t try and make it out like I’m stupid or something - I’m not.

Do some research, and you will see that for Pizza Hut, tips on online orders are far lower than on normal orders - because they also require people to tip when they order. Some people forget - some people don’t want to. And then when they find out they can’t add a tip to their CC - they just don’t tip.
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Re: reoord internet orders

I think you understand what you are saying, but as someone whose company takes a lot of orders with a lot of stores I do not find this to be true. Of course I tend to look at this from the customers point of view not the driver’s point of view; not that I accept your logic. My primary interest is to ensure my clients customers have the best possible experience.

I am not sure where you are getting your numbers, but they are not real so let’s stop pretending they are real. Do a good job for people and for the most part people will be good to you. Our system does ask at the end of the process so we set it apart so it is less likely the person forgets to tip.

The reality is I cannot substitute good service. If your tips are bad it may be time to look at your service procedures and not blame it on customers too dumb to tip, or processes that are not sufficiently manipulative to get the most tip out of the customer.

DO YOU PLAN TO COME OUT OF HIDING AND HAVE A REAL NAME? It is pretty obvious you are not an owner, owners are interested in customers.
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Re: reoord internet orders

OMG. Are you kidding?

I am looking at this from a customer point of view. I, as a customer, would not want to tip - or be forced to tip - someone BEFORE they provided the service. Simple as that.

As far as backing up my numbers - right now I can’t. But if you would like to talk to a Pizza Hut driver or two, you will find what I say to be true.

Why you want to turn this into a “who are you” argument, I can’t understand. I’m no online order seller or anything else. I run 4 stores, we don’t have online ordering - and I’m telling you one of the main reasons I don’t like it.

There is no conspiracy here.
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Re: reoord internet orders

Yeah and I am sure as an owner your biggest concern is about tips…Please…I own a business and my concern is always my customers. If we do a good job the rest takes care of itself. You are too worried about something you know almost nothing about based on no facts whatsoever and are arguing with someone who has the facts and the facts do not move you. IN more than two years I have NEVER heard this concern.

I can read our numbers it is not an issue with any store. I am also a customer and I personally PREFER my tip is included and I say this when I order. Our users have no problem with this at all, it simply does not come up.

Regardless that driver has to come out in whatever weather to my house that he/she has to find my house, get all the stuff out and then try and hit the door bell with their hands full. If they forget something every so often I feel MORE sorry for them and have little urge to take their tip.

If this is the kind of person you want to market to, be my guest, for people like me there are lots of other places to go.
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Re: reoord internet orders

Rob, you sure are a hostile little man, aren’t you?

PM me your address and I’ll make sure you are on my Christmas card list - just to brighten your days a bit…
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