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record internet orders

Re: reoord internet orders

Yup that’s right, can’t be straight on the questions so attack the person.

I think I’d rather you put your words here. I am sorry if it is too hard for you to answer for youself without getting nasty.
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Re: reoord internet orders

I’m sorry, I didn’t see a single question that you asked. I’ll answer any questions that you’d like.

As far as getting nasty, I think it you reread this thread you will see that you are the one making the personal attacks and with the nasty attitude.

Again, please repeat any questions you had of me that I didn’t answer.
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Re: reoord internet orders

I’ve been following this thread since it started. I think everyone has a point, but everyone is taking it personal. Which I don’t understand.

I would guess that Sal is indeed a store owner. He either is a store owner, or likes to spend a lot of time asking and answering other questions. He seems to be just like SEVERAL other operators who are happy with their POS System and eventually become walking sales people. I’m very happy with my POS system, and I’ve said so several times, and in multiple treads over the years. I even recommend a system I USED to use because it is a great starter system and soooo much better then having nothing.

Registered Guest, you are so right about the tip. Very few people want to tip ahead of time. Some people do indeed want to do that so the driver knows they are getting a good tip when they get to the door. I agree with you though that the system should allow the tip to be added on after the transaction.

Rob, I see your point about the tip not being a big deal, but that is very broad stroke assumption that because an owner cares about his driver’s tips, he must not be an owner. Do you have any idea how rare a breed a cross trained, efficient delivery driver is? Not caring about their tips is like cutting off your arm before a gun fight. I do however disagree with your opinion that the tip isn’t a big deal. If your system is not capable of allowing the owner to go back in and add a tip to a processed credit card, I suggest you look into adding that functionality. I could see this working via a web page, or an IVR tied to the database.

I’m in the process of getting online ordering going at my store right now. It is my understanding that the credit card information will be sent to my POS system and it will be processed in house just like the credit card number was given over the phone. So the system will print the slip in the store and my driver will be able to get his tip at the door. My system requires an internet connection and a static IP, so it is a little bit more evolved then a fax machine receiving the order. I waited to add online ordering until I got a system that allowed full integration. It seems like just as much a hassle to receive the order via fax and then have my staff enter the order in.

Lets bring the topic back in line, and if you have specific gripes about someone’s system, take it private. After all, the intent is to help, right?
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Re: reoord internet orders

Ummm Big Sal last signed his name with the online ordering company website…

I agree an owner does care about tips, but not to the exclusion of everything else.
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Re: reoord internet orders

Thanks Scott.

BTW, I’m not griping about any one system in particular - as I said above, I didn’t even know if Rob’s system allowed for after-service tipping or not, that’s why I asked.

Rob, I choose to remain anonymous here. I’ve conversed in private to others here with my “real” information. If my decision to remain generally anonymous causes you concern, I apologize. I can tell you that I run 4 stores of a top-10 franchise system, and have been in this business for about 5 years - starting as a driver.

Did you have any questions specific to the topic of online ordering with credit cards and/or tips, etc? I’d be happy to answer anything you have.
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Re: reoord internet orders

BTW - Scott brings up another point that I’ve always wondered about.

Online ordering is supposed to save man-power by not having to answer the phone and take the order.

If I have to take a fax and then enter that order into my POS, how much time am I really saving?
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Re: reoord internet orders

No I think I already know what it is about, thanks anyway, I will check with myself when looking for reality.
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Re: reoord internet orders

If your POS company allows access to your system we can dump into the POS. Most clients do not have much tech in the store so we use the fax.
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Re: reoord internet orders
Registered Guest:
BTW - Scott brings up another point that I’ve always wondered about.

Online ordering is supposed to save man-power by not having to answer the phone and take the order.

If I have to take a fax and then enter that order into my POS, how much time am I really saving?
I can play DA, on this side of the coin too. However, for me personally, it isn’t enough without the full integration.
  1. Higher Ticket Average
  2. Still time saving, order is placed directly in the system by your employee without any wafting by the customer. Or taking them away from the task they were trying to accomplish.
  3. Order can be started immediately still, even if it isn’t in the system.
  4. Marketing. Once the user is registered, we have a cheap way to communicate with them, as well as a tool to have them “ACT NOW” to our marketing.
  5. Frees up phone line during crunch periods, possibly saving money by avoiding having to add other phone lines.
  6. Orders can be accepted even when the store isn’t open.
  7. It may introduce new menu items to customers, resulting in future orders.
I’m sure there are others, but these are some of the ones I thought about when I considered adding online ordering.
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Re: reoord internet orders

As with everything there are good and bad points. In our main market I do not see the tool itself as being a key thing to have. It is more important to make good pies always.

I think the day comes when you have to do it because of the big guys doing it. We have concentrated on our home county and we have no competition other than Papa Johns. Once the big guys start the education of your customer base then you are really stuck having to do it.

The biggest value is not the system itself it is the email blasts we can do right now. Less than 1% of registered users are using the system, but we reach them with twice monthly coupons and they are bringing these coupons into the store and calling in the orders. Until the big guys get online ordering in everyone’s face the labor savings will not be significant.
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Re: reoord internet orders

You guys are just feeding this Rob Dewey guy. He loves to argue. Go check out the other forum (Pizza Today), he turns every thread into an argument. He is knowledgeable and has a lot of useful advice but he loves to argue.

Rob…Registered Guest has been a contributing member of this forum for a while. He has never once tried to sell anything or referenced any businesses. Also now that you are posting here, please don’t turn it into your personal forum for arguing like you do over at PT. There are a lot of nice people here that have a lot of knowledge and valuable advice to share. This is a very positive place. Please don’t bring negativity to this forum.
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Re: reoord internet orders

yeah rog, thanks for adding something positive. Wow great words you have there buddy…thanks…
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Re: reoord internet orders

Rob, what’s the deal? No one on the PT boards to argue with? You have to come over here and pull your childish bull?
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Re: reoord internet orders

Definitly sad that you found your way to this board and are quickly ruining it with the same BS you throw out on the PT board.
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Re: reoord internet orders

better check the stats with PT…They went up. Perhaps now that this is ruined you can find a board where everyone says what you want? Gosh we would hate to have strongly held opinions and offend you there Bud.
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Re: reoord internet orders

Rob, just curious - are you a paid sponsor of this site? I don’t see your ad in the banner rotation above.

Or are you just trying to get free advertising with your signature link?
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Re: reoord internet orders

Why yes that is it, if you can’t knock down the discussion with logic, then go for the slime tactic of calling names as you have done and making someting up…Please can’t you do better than that?
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Re: reoord internet orders

Not looking for a board that everyone says what I want, just one where some arrogant a$$ doesn’t start calling people liars because they want their CC’s processed so tips can be appropriatly added. In one of your first threads on this board, you go out of your way to create conflict with both SAL and Registered Guest, both of whom have contributed much more to these boards than you. I guess what I really would like is to find a board that Rob Dewey doesn’t participate on.
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