Words from a delivery driver!!!

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I don’t like tea! :x Start the morning with a stiff screwdriver! 8)

I hooked up 3 deep cycle Optima Blue batteries out of my boat with the neg line hooked to a door mat and the positive to the doorbell. It’s SHOCKINGLY fun to watch. :twisted:
Glad it’s not hooked up to the urinal :twisted:
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Unfortunately Mike you will most likely be getting the drivers that are actually happy with their job, not the few disgruntled ones we see on here.
Oh sure…ruin all my fun! 😦
I always try to avoid these threads, but my willpower today is a little weak.

My drivers are compensated so poorly that they all stay with me for years, some leave for other jobs and then come back because they make more money here for less hours. My current junior driver has been here 4.5 years. In the last two years he turned down two full time jobs because they would interfere with his driving schedule. If drivers were being underpaid and losing money they would move on to other jobs. One of my drivers left when she had too many tickets to drive because she could not make as much as an assistant manager, the day the oldest ticket dropped off her MVR she was in the store asking for a job. If I hire a driver and they last 90 days, they will be with me for years. If they don’t last 90 days, they can go to the big three.

I do not now, never have, and do not ever anticipate receiving any payouts from the government to supplement my shop. The comment about handouts has me completely baffled. Can someone please explain. I would see a government handout as the government giving one persons money to someone else, not one individual paying another individual for labor.

I hope I got all my spellings and punctuation right, I would hate for that to detract from the meaning of the words.

Edited to correct spelling because my fingers are stupid.
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:roll: How did I miss that one! I have edited because that was “too” good to pass on! Rick… get spellcheck! 😛
:roll: How did I miss that one! I have edited because that was “too” good to pass on! Rick… get spellcheck! 😛
Normally I use Firefox, but the last few days it has been acting stupid. evidently it does not like McAfee anymore. Firefox has built in spell check TO let me know when the bandage on my finger gets one TOO many keys(which would be TWO keys) or gets a little behind. :mrgreen:
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Rick G:
:roll: How did I miss that one! I have edited because that was “too” good to pass on! Rick… get spellcheck! 😛
Normally I use Firefox, but the last few days it has been acting stupid. evidently it does not like McAfee anymore. Firefox has built in spell check TO let me know when the bandage on my finger gets one TOO many keys(which would be TWO keys) or gets a little behind. :mrgreen:
To, Too, and Two…Love how you worked it in.
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I would like “to” take some time “to” 😉 make a few things clear that may have been misunderstood or misinterpreted.
  1. I am NOT a delivery driver. I am a former worker of the pizza business, working in various aspects of the business all the way UP “to” driver.
  2. I was never “disgruntled” with the delivery aspect of the job, nor did I slack at my job. In fact, the only way “to” make money as a driver is “to” hustle the pies “to” the door.
However, I am disgruntled about two things:
  1. The way that the industry forgot about/screwed the drivers. “To” make an extra buck, things such as tip credit and delivery charges were implemented. You guys can him-haw all you want and tiptoe around the subject, but as someone who did deliver I can and will tell you that both items hurt a driver’s bottom line.
  2. The way that drivers are viewed on this forum makes me sick. However I will concede that on the drivers’ board, owners and managers are seen in about the same light as drivers are here. That makes it incredibly tough on someone (such as me) who has been in different aspects of the business.
I have never said that drivers should be able to purchas a mansion on the hill with the wages and tips earned. My record here will prove that. What I have said is that subminimum wages are absurd for such a dangerous job. I don’t care if your shop only delivers “to” the most posh neighborhoods, there is always a chance that a “homie with a gun and an empty stomach/drug high” will be waiting on the other end of that phone call. I have also talked ad nauseum about mileage as 1. not wages and 2. not enough to cover all vehicle expenses. I did not male that up folks; those are the facts.

You guys may not agree with my platform, but at least be respectful enough “to” quit making a mockery out of everything I say.

Finally, I just want to ask where this “money for nothing” garbage is coming from? I am quite the fiscal conservative and believe that every able-bodied person should work or receive nothing from the government. But when businesses do not make it worthwhile to work (i.e being able to pay one’s bills with the paycheck,) they give an excuse to lazoids not to work.
Rick G:
I always try to avoid these threads, but my willpower today is a little weak.
My drivers are compensated so poorly that they all stay with me for years, some leave for other jobs and then come back because they make more money here for less hours.
I do not now, never have, and do not ever anticipate receiving any payouts from the government to supplement my shop.
Edited to correct spelling because my fingers are stupid.
Hi Rick,

LOL on the editing issue. I don’t usually care about such things, but since Mike likes to dismiss my posts, I just wanted to point out that he isn’t perfect either. :!:
About the government issue. If you use tip credit, you are taking drivers tips and putting them into your pocket with the ok of the government. If you don’t I applaud you.

I too went back to my delivery job (twice - indie shop) in troubled times. (I was such a bad worker that the boss took me back both times). 😉 The job can be quick money fast. That is not the point. The point is that drivers should receive full compensation from the shop for work performed, which should be AT LEAST minimum wage AND mileage decent enough to cover ALL vehicle expenses.
I too went back to my delivery job (twice - indie shop) in troubled times. (I was such a bad worker that the boss took me back both times). 😉 The job can be quick money fast. That is not the point. The point is that drivers should receive full compensation from the shop for work performed, which should be AT LEAST minimum wage AND mileage decent enough to cover ALL vehicle expenses.

so you are telling us, that if the business supplies the vehicles for you to deliver in, drivers would be happy making what we pay the kitchen crew, (minimum wage or a little above that)?

because that would be easy to arrange we can double our delivery charge to cover this increase in wages we pay, and then tell the customers that everything is included in that price and tips are not necessary because we pay your full wage. I don’t think my drivers are going to like you for even suggesting that.
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I don’t like tea! :x Start the morning with a stiff screwdriver! 8)

Why do we waste our time withm someone that is so far removed from reality?

Why do we care what he thinks when we know better?
Why so dismissive? What exactly have I posted that is “removed from reality?”

A hard day’s work = a hard day’s pay (not paid for by customers’ tips)

The “reality” is that this model worked in the past, and it could work now as well.

By the way the “we know better” implies that you are desperately seeking allies and that you believe you are the are the know all-end all of the business. If anyone was the know all-end all there wouldn’t need to be a think tank now would there? :!:
Check out my new website: SHOCKTHEPIZZABOY.COM

I hooked up 3 deep cycle Optima Blue batteries out of my boat with the neg line hooked to a door mat and the positive to the doorbell. It’s SHOCKINGLY fun to watch. I am ordering pizza all this week! Who’s in for a podcast? :twisted:
Simply disgusting.
so you are telling us, that if the business supplies the vehicles for you to deliver in, drivers would be happy making what we pay the kitchen crew, (minimum wage or a little above that)?

because that would be easy to arrange we can double our delivery charge to cover this increase in wages we pay, and then tell the customers that everything is included in that price and tips are not necessary because we pay your full wage. I don’t think my drivers are going to like you for even suggesting that.
No that is not what I am telling you. Company vehicles eliminate the need to pay mileage, and that is it. Drivers should still be paid at least minimum wage plus tips regardless of the vehicle in use. Now tell your drivers I suggested that and see how it goes over. 😉
You know Bill you try to take this moral highroad every once in a while but you are full of it! I dont know where to start. A hard days work? The comments you and your ex-pizzaboy buddies post over on the other sites? You take offense to the logic that is spoken here by many and in turn contribute to a forum where topics include “How to screw the kids for extra tips” and things like “How to intimidate a customer at the door” as a way to scare extra money out of them. So…you go back for that “quick fast money”… how do you handle the stress of endless possible attack? Allies? I really do not care what anyone thinks about my views…they are mine. I do not try to force them down anyones throat unlike some do! I have talked many times here about my success and FAILURES! So know-it-all? Not even close on that one. Know more than some…yeah! Less than others…sure! You can pick where you fall! I did like the “working all the way UP to delivery driver” comment. Two things and then you can get back to the mental health world. First, the only person on this site that has a bad impression or view of delivery drivers is YOU! Yes I poke jokes at you at times…but it is you that has the real issue here. You are offended that drivers work for tip-credit pay and because you hold them so high… it makes you mad. Second, there is no “working UP”…well maybe in your eyes but not in the business owners eyes. No matter how or what you call it… I have never heard someone ask to speak to the owner or manager or the one in charge…and hear the response… “have a seat…my delivery driver will be back in 20” COME ON!!! That is reality!!! Also, dont read that as a poke at drivers… it is just fact that a delivery driver is an employee at any operation and not the magical piece that keeps the whole place going. In the real business world that piece is everything working together and not any one person! You are a member and contributor at sites that are about as vulgar as it gets. You come on here and whine and bitch to anyone that will listen to you about getting your feelings hurt and then go elsewhere to gloat about things. How high you hold yourself is amazing isn’t it? What is really amazing in it all is that all of these rotten and abusive business owners that run successful operations with a combined thousands of employees, oh…and executive delivery drivers…have all these happy long term ones sticking around. Surely it cannot be because of the great working conditions and pay and benefits? You are so right… it must be either all illegals or shackles on their legs… kidnapping international visitors and holding onto their passports maybe? Daddio? Dave? Is there something you would like to share with us all on that one??? :shock:
PPG2270 quoted:

I am NOT a delivery driver. I am a former worker of the pizza business, working in various aspects of the business all the way UP “to” driver.

“Working “UP” to driver”, what a joke and an over estimation of what drivers are and do. After picking myself up off the floor I looked at our drivers over the years. Only about 3 or 4 could manage to take orders over the counter and could wash dishes to a satisfactory level. Don’t get me started on them sweeping an mopping. Yes they get paid well and get more per hour than other staff (we are are a non tip society - our drivers wage is min $16 per hour plus delivery allowance from $2.50 - $4). The only job we have under a driver is the dishwasher, so hey they have a lot to work “UP” to

A hard day’s work = a hard day’s pay (not paid for by customers’ tips)

What a joke - Work Hard. Try working on the make line in peak times making and putting through 100+ pizzas an hour with the added pressure to keep to quoted times.
Our drivers do prep work and what takes them “working hard” 3 hours I or my manager can do in less than 1 hour.
Or what about the end of night clean up when they sweep and mop to the edge of benches, ovens etc instead of doing it right and going under all these to get all the dirt up - working slack.
What about unloading the delivery truck and putting the stock away in the right place and rotating stock, moving a ton of stock in under an hour. The drivers need a break after moving 6 or 7 cases of drinks.
In min wage / tip jobs where they just deliver is NOT hard work, so get you hand off it.
I have heard of many drivers say that they couldn’t do this or that job (in pizza shops) because it is too much hard work. Others have not taken up positions because they have to do prep, dishes and the floors stating they do want a job where they ahve to do hard work even though they get paid above the min wage amount and more than other staff.

Drivers should still be paid at least minimum wage plus tips regardless of the vehicle in use.
What right is there to state such utter crAp.
If they are just delivering pizzas why should they get the tips alone? And don’t bullsh1t about remembering 100’s of street and the “good service” and “face of the company”. Most drivers either have a GPS, or stores have google maps etc. Do delivery drivers working for FedEx etc expect a tip for delivering items people have paid for? What makes pizza drivers so special that they think taking a bag of pizzas and getting in the car and driving to someones house while their stereo blasts out music makes the think they deserve a tip? Oh, that’s right every house delivered to must be regarded as a fear of being killed or mugged. In over 6 years in the industry here where I am there has only been 1 or 2 at the most reported muggings of pizza delivery drivers and not one has been killed or seriously injured.
Why wouldn’t drivers share the tips with those who make the pizzas and take the orders? Are drivers so special and so full of their own self importance that they think it should be for all. And you are not providing an exceptional service - YOU ARE JUST DOING THE JOB YOU ARE PAID FOR AND CHOOSE TO WORK IN.

PGG you have an utter twisted one eyed view on reality and the importance of drivers.
The bottom line is that they choose the job and the work conditions just like many others do in many other jobs and industries.
One thing I do agree on is the min wage. My personal view is that there should be a “liveable” wage and no-one should be reliant on tips to earn their living, but in saying that I come from a country where wages are high, tipping occurs but is not seen as mandatory and people can get by on the lowest pay rates. You are in a wage system that allow sub min wages propped up by tips and I guess there will always be a divide until it changes.

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You really must get over your anger and aggression about your friend who did you wrong. You are accusing the whole industry of treating their drivers the way you were treated. Let it go and concentrate on your job as therapeutic staff support. You will find the release of anger quite freeing.
Close, but not quite. (And why do I all of a sudden feel like eating some corned beef?)
Re: Blah…
Oh PPG… I have never put down any delivery driver…(then writes a bunch about HIS accomplisments)… Do everyone a favor and work on your own issues before you try to solve all of ours. :!:
  1. After explaining to you that “Pizza BOY” is considered a derogatory term among drivers, you came up with SHOCKTHEPIZZABOY.COM. But I guess that is not supposed to be an insult… :roll:
  2. I don’t care what your individual accomplishments are (but more power to you for doing well) and I am not here to solve YOUR issues. The standard issue I hear from ACTUAL shop owners is “without tip credit we would be sunk.” That is not an issue I care to solve. My platform is very clear and has never waivered. Pay the drivers at least MW, pay them adequate mileage, and eliminate delivery charges which reduce tips.
Now Mike, instead of telling me about your business accomplishments, throwing out stupid insults, and deflecting, how about you tell me why a driver cannot (and should not) receive at leat MW and adequate mileage?
wa dave:
“Working “UP” to driver”, what a joke and an over estimation of what drivers are and do. After picking myself up off the floor I looked at our drivers over the years. Only about 3 or 4 could manage to take orders over the counter and could wash dishes to a satisfactory level. Don’t get me started on them sweeping an mopping.
This sounds like bad training and/or bad hiring practices.
wa dave:
I have heard of many drivers say that they couldn’t do this or that job (in pizza shops) because it is too much hard work. Others have not taken up positions because they have to do prep, dishes and the floors stating they do want a job where they ahve to do hard work even though they get paid above the min wage amount and more than other staff.
As long as expectations are made clear before the applicant takes the job there should be no argument. One of the problems (in this country) is that drivers are expected to perform duties other than deliver for wages geared towrard tipped activities. (I.e. if a driver is mopping the floor, prepping, etc. he is still paid at the tip credit level). NOTE: I realize that this does not happen in ALL shops.
wa dave:
If they are just delivering pizzas why should they get the tips alone?
Why wouldn’t drivers share the tips with those who make the pizzas and take the orders?
~channelling my inner gregster~ BECAUSE IT’S ILLEGAL FOR TIP CREDIT EMPLOYEES TO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THEIR TIPS (even though employers are allowed to snatch tips to use toward satidfying minimum wage - kind of ironic if you ask me.)
I have never heard someone ask to speak to the owner or manager or the one in charge…and hear the response… “have a seat…my delivery driver will be back in 20” COME ON!!! That is reality!!!
So…what is the point? Titles or money?

Let the manager deal with the disgruntled customers…the driver is out making money.

I guess it comes down to what is worse, a manager at a fixed wage dealing with ALL problematic aspects of the shop, or a driver out there hoping for a tip and/or to not get robbed.

Each position in a pizza shop can be spun to look good or bad, so don’t give me no B.S. about who is “lucky” enough to deal with angry customers hoping to scam a free pie out of the shop.

LOL, try again buddy.