Words from a delivery driver!!!

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Bill (PPG2270)
When you took your Bachelor of Science degree at California University of Pennsylvania. Did you happen to take any Accounting, Economics, or Legal Studies as part of your degree? I am thinking you did not because the arguments you put on this forum indicate your lack of understanding in each of those areas.

The IRS DEDUCTION ALLOWANCE for a vehicle is strictly a number used for tax deduction purposes not as a reimbursement entitlement for use of a vehicle on the job. In other words if you receive no remuneration for the use of your vehicle you have a chance to recoup those costs by deduction it from your stated income.

Tip credit wages are allowed by LAW and therefore will be used by those who have determined they will be economically in a better position to do so. If you think the law is wrong petition the politicians not the people following the law.
~channelling my inner gregster~ BECAUSE IT’S ILLEGAL FOR TIP CREDIT EMPLOYEES TO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THEIR TIPS (even though employers are allowed to snatch tips to use toward satidfying minimum wage - kind of ironic if you ask me.)
Are you 100% certain it is illegal in Western Australia? It may be in Pennsylvania but please don’t assume all jurisdictions are covered by that law.

Seriously Bill, channel your energies into a positive area of your life. The negative frustrations you build up from arguing with people who are now only toying with you will eventually have an effect on your mental and physical well being.
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Bill (PPG2270)
When you took your Bachelor of Science degree at California University of Pennsylvania. Did you happen to take any Accounting, Economics, or Legal Studies as part of your degree?
No, but I am currently pursuing my M.B.A. :!:
The IRS DEDUCTION ALLOWANCE for a vehicle is strictly a number used for tax deduction purposes not as a reimbursement entitlement for use of a vehicle on the job. In other words if you receive no remuneration for the use of your vehicle you have a chance to recoup those costs by deduction it from your stated income.
Drivers don’t want deductions, they want to be able to pay for vehicle expenses when needed. Pay the MR.
Tip credit wages are allowed by LAW and therefore will be used by those who have determined they will be economically in a better position to do so. If you think the law is wrong petition the politicians not the people following the law.
No I will call out each and every crook stealing drivers’ tips, business owners and politicians included. Lobbyists who represent YOU have caused this.

And oh wow you found out my name. Impressvive. :roll: What did you think PPG meant anyway?
Mr. Bill…

Oh…my eyes hurt! Bill, go back and read a long long time ago, when I stated many times, I agree that all employees, drivers and even servers, should get minimum wage. So lets drop that one. Now, I only poke at one “Driver” as I have also stated because this is so far removed from the reality of businessm that it makes my brain bleed! You now state that drivers should get min wage, mileage, which I am glad Reuben pointed out that the fed mileage rate is only for tax purposes and not reimbursement, and that no delivery fee should ever be charged! Ok…so Mr. MBA… please humor all of us idiots that are well below the level of “Delivery Driver” and please explain just how you wish to get paid? Raise all pizzas by $5 to cover all expenses? I am 100% behind the idea to make sure that drivers and all employees are paid a wage that is equal to the task. That they have out of pocket expenses paid. All that said…being a tipped industry… it is 100% acceptable for drivers that make min wage or tip-credit wage to have to add their tips as part of reported incomeand then after adding all of their sources of income (wage, delivery fee, & tips), they can deduct federal mileage off their taxes. Does this mean drivers make $10 an hour…some times. Other nights they may average three times that an hour. YOU MISS THIS POINT EVERY TIME!!! It is all about the averages and it is not the fault of the owners or businesses that anyone person has the inability to manage their own finances.

A few other notes:

PPG stands for “Pissed off Pizza Guy”

MBA… Mr. Bill’s an… Oh I won’t finish that one! 😛

Wait…why don’t pizzaboys want deductions???

The point about the driver will be back in 20 has nothing to do with title or money. It has to do with the fact that the driver is an employee and not any better than a line cook, dishwasher, server, order takers, or anyone else. DELIVERY DRIVERS ARE ENTRY LEVEL JOBS AS ARE EVERY PIZZA JOB EXCLUDING REAL MANAGERS AND THE OWNERS.

Like I have said I have had success and failure many times over. I tend not to gloat or throw it around. I am far from perfect and will always admit that. I worked for years making a salary as the manager of our distribution location that for quite a few of them I was the lowest paid employee in the building. The hourly workers got A LOT of overtime. Could have hired more but my family was doing well and the extra money for the employees was not disliked by almost all. Then throw a bonus on top of that. Now I want to gloat and throw it around a bit. We built an industry giant. Although only 300 employees locally, we became the forth largest, and the #1 privately owned, soup mfg in the country. We invented a concept and perfected it. We worked with Cryovac and engineered one of the first liquid & solid multi-stage on-packs. For years we were approached by many to buy us out or as Campbells wanted to do…buy and close us down…since we were really starting to affect their commercial sales. We held out and turned it into a $100 milion dollar business when we did sell to HJ Heinz…you know… ketchup peeps! I don’t put people down often…but Bill… whatever MBA program you are in needs a psych evaluation before students are admitted. You have ZERO business sense and even less common sense! You do not advance anything for the hard working delivery drivers and all other employees of the world. Your comments and statements go in an endless circle like a dog chasing its own tail. Good luck catching it! Now go whine and complain to whomever you can get to listen this time. Maybe all of those hundreds of pizza shop owners you always reference here that support your views or use tip-credit. Did I mention my eyes hurt??? :shock:
Why do you continue to try to change anyone’s mind? May as well go into the bathroom and “relieve” yourself in the booth.

I haven’t been reading this thread daily, in fact I just skimmed 2 or 3 posts and it’s simply stupid. How about just dropping it, don’t respond to those you think are idiots (myself included) and lower your blood pressure a bit?

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No I will call out each and every crook stealing drivers’ tips, business owners and politicians included. Lobbyists who represent YOU have caused this.
You have it all wrong. Here is the story:
  • I do not live in the same country as you
    I have a degree in Accounting
    I run a successful business
    I do not live in a jurisdiction that allows tip credit minimum wage
    I owned a courier service for 20 years and know there are good drivers and there are drivers that will whine about anything and everything under the sun
    I do not have staff drivers
    I enlist the services of a licensed courier company to deliver the orders and charge the customer a price they have determined
    I do not care if the drivers are tipped or not since they are not my staff
    My customers know up front if they are having a delivery there will be a charge by the courier service

Best of luck in your studies. An MBA is neither cheap nor easy. I do hope you are able to uncover the realities of the economics of running a small business. It is admirable that you are able to continue your formal education. I do encourage you to remember real education is not taught in a class or course, it is learned through experiencing the success and failure of real life. Many of the people here have only the education provided by the school of hard knocks.

Again, I urge you to free yourself of the animosity you harbor. Just let it go.
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As long as expectations are made clear before the applicant takes the job there should be no argument.
I do believe this says it all, I know I give a full job description of what will be expected (as do most employers) during the interview. And if they do not it should be up to the interviewee to ask questions before taking a job.

So there should be no whinning or complaining. If they don’t like it they can quit, it’s not like were not going to find a replacement that really wants to work.
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Re: Mr. Bill…
YOU MISS THIS POINT EVERY TIME!!! It is all about the averages and it is not the fault of the owners or businesses that anyone person has the inability to manage their own finances.
No Mike you miss the poit every time. It doesn’t matter if the driver averages $10 per hour or $30 per hour after tips. The base pay should still be al least minimum wage. And since you apparently agree with that, the argument is moot.
A few other notes:

PPG stands for “Pissed off Pizza Guy”

Cute but wrong.
MBA… Mr. Bill’s an… Oh I won’t finish that one! 😛

Wait…why don’t pizzaboys want deductions???
Blatant attacks to raise my ire…not working.
We held out and turned it into a $100 milion dollar business when we did sell to HJ Heinz…you know… ketchup peeps! I don’t put people down often…but Bill… whatever MBA program you are in needs a psych evaluation before students are admitted. You have ZERO business sense and even less common sense! You do not advance anything for the hard working delivery drivers and all other employees of the world. Your comments and statements go in an endless circle like a dog chasing its own tail. Good luck catching it! Now go whine and complain to whomever you can get to listen this time. Maybe all of those hundreds of pizza shop owners you always reference here that support your views or use tip-credit. Did I mention my eyes hurt??? :shock:
More self-propping and insults. So anyway…here is my quick eval on you: You claim that my comments go in endless circles, but the only person I see responding to each post I make is you. The definition of crazy (on the street) is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. So I ask: if I am crazy for posting my plarform over and over, what does that make the guy who keeps trying to bash it? :?: :idea:
As long as expectations are made clear before the applicant takes the job there should be no argument.
I do believe this says it all, I know I give a full job description of what will be expected (as do most employers) during the interview. And if they do not it should be up to the interviewee to ask questions before taking a job.

So there should be no whinning or complaining. If they don’t like it they can quit, it’s not like were not going to find a replacement that really wants to work.
sweetiepie is that you? 🙂 :?:

But seriously, people should know exactly what they are getting into. On both sides.
But seriously, people should know exactly what they are getting into. On both sides.
You say that here, and will then say it is not enough. No employee can be trusted to negotiate a sufficient wage agreement for him/herself. you continue to argue dispite many of us areeing with you that the contract between emplyee and employer should be clear, direct and between them alone.

Either you agree an walk away, or stop giving it lip service, ostensibly just to sound reasonable and rational at that point.
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Bill… what’s a “poit”? Go edit before more catch it. Oh… and I see plenty responding to your endless rant of the PIZZABOY! I will say I have more time to respond as these other hard working OWNERS are running their businesses and have to spend theirs days doing the bidding of their delivery drivers. I hope I got the order of employee responsibilities right? :roll:

So the comment of knowing what you are getting into on both sides… owner side: looking for employee to make $xx dollar per hour based on wage and tips for providing labor for my business… and then PPG side: looking to be an a$$ of an employee. Complain constantly about eveything. Make $15-30 an hour and whine all day long. Not help other employees do inside work because it is below me and I will just tell the manager or owner to do it for me. Etc…etc…etc…

Bill… I honestly feel so sorry for any person, company, or entity that has to go through the experience of having you as an employee! I hope that Masters of Bltching to All takes you far. Far, far, far…away!
Finally, I just want to ask where this “money for nothing” garbage is coming from? I am quite the fiscal conservative and believe that every able-bodied person should work or receive nothing from the government. But when businesses do not make it worthwhile to work (i.e being able to pay one’s bills with the paycheck,) they give an excuse to lazoids not to work.
But this horrible pay you received as a pizza delivery driver, you were able to pay for an online BS degree and now going for and now going for an MBA from Phonix degree?
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If the tips are high enough, employers should not have to pay drivers any wage at all. There are plenty of examples of places where that is the case. I am currently in Vegas for a trade show and many of the highly tipped jobs in this town pay no wage at all (contract rather than w2 positions).

This nonsense about minimum wage, tipped minimum, tip credit etc is self-serving twaddle. There is nothing dishonest or cheating about it. When tips + wages are greater than minumum wage the subject is closed. Most of us know that drivers are most often the highest earning employees in the store. If they do not like what they earn or the job description they know where the door is.

Auto reimbusment is an entirely separate subject. If drivers are asked to use thier own cars, they should receive reimbursement for doing so that is sufficient to cover all costs for the pro rata share of the use of the auto including replacement.
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So the comment of knowing what you are getting into on both sides… owner side: looking for employee to make $xx dollar per hour based on wage and tips for providing labor for my business… and then PPG side: looking to be an a$$ of an employee. Complain constantly about eveything. Make $15-30 an hour and whine all day long. Not help other employees do inside work because it is below me and I will just tell the manager or owner to do it for me. Etc…etc…etc…

Bill… I honestly feel so sorry for any person, company, or entity that has to go through the experience of having you as an employee! I hope that Masters of Bltching to All takes you far. Far, far, far…away!
Whoa whoa whoa…I’ve never taken a job I did not want nor have I been fired from a job. In fact, I’ve never had a write-up as an employee. I think it is more than a bit presumptuous to imply otherwise Mike. While I was at my last pizza job, minimum wage went up, but the shop owner decided it was not going up for his drivers. Instead of “complaining constantly” I left. It’s as simple as that.

And I’m not going anywhere. I state positions rather than hurl insults like you BLATANTLY continue to do.
Finally, I just want to ask where this “money for nothing” garbage is coming from? I am quite the fiscal conservative and believe that every able-bodied person should work or receive nothing from the government. But when businesses do not make it worthwhile to work (i.e being able to pay one’s bills with the paycheck,) they give an excuse to lazoids not to work.
But this horrible pay you received as a pizza delivery driver, you were able to pay for an online BS degree and now going for and now going for an MBA from Phonix degree?
Not that it is any of your business, but during the vast majority of my original master’s degree I held two jobs plus obtained Federal funding. So no, pizza delivery alone does not cover the cost of a master’s degree.
This nonsense about minimum wage, tipped minimum, tip credit etc is self-serving twaddle. There is nothing dishonest or cheating about it. When tips + wages are greater than minumum wage the subject is closed.
Again, there are two excuses generally used for store owners to justify tip credit.
  1. It’s legal
  2. It’s necessary to maintain the store operations.
Can anyone guess which excuse is used in bodegahwy’s post?
Come on doggy…get your tail…you can do it… come on…almost there…ooooohhhhh… dang it. Missed it again! 😛
Geez…Bill… How many master degrees does one have to deliver pizza? You now have a BS, a Masters, and are working on another being an MBA? I got a real reality check for ya. Most jobs these days do not cover the first BS…let alone your first Masters. Now another one on top of it all. The real sad thing is how totally out of reality you are when it comes to the business world. You can stack degrees as high as you like… I have 2… and honestly they did little to advance me in the real world… but borrow your heart out and stay in school… I guess you can borrow money for school or lose it in a business. Your call. I agree with Eupher… YAWN! I am done also. Pointless! Anyone know why we dont have a sleeping smiley in the smilies??? :?:
WOW!!! You complain that a pizza shop that takes some of the money it brings in as a result of sales and pays a worker to perform a job is somehow getting a government handout and you took federal money to use for your education? Methinks thou dost protest too much !
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