Driver Compensation

My “frustration” is not just with one store. It is also with the PIG 3 and any store stealing from their employees. These morons have millions in revenue and subsequently give drivers a pay cut across the board. Is it to keep pie prices at 1980’s levels? Small business owners and smaller chains should be up in arms over the $10 pizzas. Most of you are putting out higher quality products but find it hard to compete with $10 slop. By cutting drivers’ wages, they find it easier to make less profit on the $10 pizzas. You (the owners) get shafted on the competition aspect of the $10 pies, and the drivers get shafted on the lower wages paid. It’s pretty simple. This forum should expose them for the greedy basturds (sic on purpose) they are, and everyone could win.

According to PMQ’s 2011 Industry Census 84.1% here are Independent Operators. Not really you target market are we?
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Well, are you sick of the $10 slop offered up by PJ, DP, and PH? Your pizza may be better (and it doesn’t take much to have a better product) but because you can only offer it for $12, the cheap a$$ customers are going to buy the slop.

The principle applies to the drivers of these conglomerates. They are taking hit after hit because of the price wars.

You want to serve a better product. Drivers want to deliver a better product. It makes for a better workplace. However, the $10 pizzas affect both independent operators and the drivers forced to work for $4 an hour because PJ, DP, and PH want pizzas to remain at 1980’s prices.

Get the connection yet?
There is no connection. You are preaching to the wrong crowd. Take your whining to the government if you don’t agree with tip credit.
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Oh I should have figured it out Reuben. You’re a tip credit advocate/enforcer.

How do your employees like their subminimum wages?

This is the pathetic mindset of the “fast food” pizza crowd, and apparently you’ve been served a generous portion of their Kool-Aid.

You’re damn right I’m “whining” at the government, and I too will “whine” to any moron who cannot realize that the DANGEROUS job is worth AT LEAST minimum wage BEFORE gifts (tips) are given.

Meanwhile, your sub-min drivers (and their friends, and THEIR friends) will continue to eat $10 PIG 3 slop, because it’s cheaper and seeing as you pay less than the Federal MW, they have no loyalty to you.
Don’t try to tell me they do. They may do their jobs well, but when the clock is punched and the shift is over, it’s straight to Pizza Hut.

You cannot see the forest (or the trees) because you are too busy looking in your own damn pocket. Your employees allow you to profit and stay in business. Your store is only as good as your worst employee. Your drivers are your window to your customers, and in fact are the only representation you have to delivery customers. Piss them off too much, and see what happens. I’m just saying…
Oh I should have figured it out Reuben. You’re a tip credit advocate/enforcer.

How do your employees like their subminimum wages?

This is the pathetic mindset of the “fast food” pizza crowd, and apparently you’ve been served a generous portion of their Kool-Aid.

You’re d**n right I’m “whining” at the government, and I too will “whine” to any moron who cannot realize that the DANGEROUS job is worth AT LEAST minimum wage BEFORE gifts (tips) are given.

Meanwhile, your sub-min drivers (and their friends, and THEIR friends) will continue to eat $10 PIG 3 slop, because it’s cheaper and seeing as you pay less than the Federal MW, they have no loyalty to you.
Don’t try to tell me they do. They may do their jobs well, but when the clock is punched and the shift is over, it’s straight to Pizza Hut.

You cannot see the forest (or the trees) because you are too busy looking in your own d**n pocket. Your employees allow you to profit and stay in business. Your store is only as good as your worst employee. Your drivers are your window to your customers, and in fact are the only representation you have to delivery customers. Piss them off too much, and see what happens. I’m just saying…
WRONG!!! My employees ALL make at least $2 OVER minimum wage. My drivers use MY vehicles. Good staff are rewarded for their efforts whiners are down the road FAST.

AND I charge $13.99 for a 14" basic cheese pizza.
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Why is the government/DOL so correct in your eyes when they allude to the IRS mileage rate which everyone know is inflated, but so completely out to lunch when allowing tip credit? Do these not come from the same document? A document which, by the way, has no constitutional authority unless you totally make up new meanings for words in the english language.

I know, I know, singing lessons.
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Hi Rick,

If tip credit were an IRS “recommendation” it surely would have been fought and defeated.

Once again, the IRS rate, the AAA rate, whatever rate is useless as long as it is a recommendation. It is up to the driver to accept a reimbursement, wage, etc. on the basis of what he feels is “fair.” Accept the job, and there is no more basis for complaint UNLESS the company changes the rules of the game once it has started (ie. goes tip credit, lowers reimbursements, etc.)
To Reuben,

You claim that you do not use tip credit and your drivers use your vehicles to deliver.

That’s great news, but I have to wonder why you would decide to interject in a conversation about tip credit, mileage reimbursement, and wear and tear on drivers’ personal vehicles when it clearly has nothing to do with you?
To Reuben,

You claim that you do not use tip credit and your drivers use your vehicles to deliver.

That’s great news, but I have to wonder why you would decide to interject in a conversation about tip credit, mileage reimbursement, and wear and tear on drivers’ personal vehicles when it clearly has nothing to do with you?
What does it have to do with you? You claim you are no longer in the industry. Using your logic you should not be commenting as it clearly has nothing to do with you either.

I commented to interject some REALITY into the conversation. I used figures provided to the general public by a respected organization to show how illogical the argument for a 51 cent per mile reimbursement is. As for the tip credit employee issue this is the wrong venue to complain about it. It is a government issue and should be dealt with in their playing field not OURS.

I am resigning myself to the fact you have blinders on and are not capable of seeing the truth of the matter at hand.
  • 1.IRS mileage is for tax deduction purposes only
    2. Until there are changes to the tip credit laws, there are operators that will use them
    3. Nothing you have posted is new information to the users of this forum
    4. You (like others who have been banned by this forum in the past) can’t understand that constant whipping of a dead horse will not get it to move
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To qfcmike
Your personal attack on PPG2270 is not the type of thing that is acceptable on this forum. Please edit your remarks so they are not a personal attack.
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PPG2270 wrote:
Thank you for your input Reuben. Again, the compensation package is between the store owner and the driver. If the driver accepts the job at the offered rates (wages, mileage reimbursement, benefits [or lack thereof], etc.,) then there is no basis for complaint once the driver begins to work.

Why are we flogging that horse again? The above was eloquently placed, and the bottom line of this ongoing and never-resolving argument . . . and PPG2270 is not an employee currently employed by a member of this board. So, I think this statement really does sum up the whole deallio. No one hear is unhappy about their current wage situation with their employer vis a vis driver compensation or tip credit.

Next topic of discussion.
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PPG2270 is not an employee currently employed by a member of this board.
Yep, you sure got me there. But does one have to be employed by a member of this public forum to discuss driver issues? I think not.

I’m not employed by anyone in the pizza indusrtry, nor do I own my own shop. You (Nick) do not employ delivery drivers at the current time. Yet here we are in the delivery drivers forum. 😃
To PPG2270
You have now told 2 long term people on this board they should not comment because they are not directly impacted by this topic. What gives you the right to comment here when you are also exempt from any the discussion at hand?

You can not have it both ways. You are not a driver in this industry yet you post here and contend that owners who are in the industry should not. I submit that your illogical conclusions render you useless as a source for valid information. You have painted yourself into a corner.

I am through playing with your little mind and will ask for this topic to be locked to protect you from any further humiliation or personal attacks.

Liz, Mike, Rockstar, Tom, and your favorite moderator Daddio will all receive PMs to have this topic locked to protect you :lol:
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No no no you missed the point. I have had people tell me that since I am not employed in the industry anymore or more specifically, employed by anyone on this board, that I have no right to post. I was just pointing out the fact that others have similar issues yet still choose to post in the drivers forum. I am open for discussion/debate with anyone passionate enough about the industry to do so, but let’s get past the “who belongs here and who doesn’t” BS. IMO, anyone with a zeal for the industry (on my “side” or not) should be able to openly and freely discuss facts and opinions.

Edit: I don’t need “protection” and I certainly do not need to be silenced simply because you do not agree with me. I will NOT PM the moderators, but strongly suggest they read this post before making any decisions in haste. :lol:
I will lock the topic and let Liz and Webmaster decided if it should be unlocked. It has gone so far off topic from the Original Post that you would never guess by the most recent posts that it was all started from this:
I know that this has been covered before, but I was hoping to see if anything has changed in members policies.

The questions are:

How do you compensate drivers:

How much do you compensate your drivers:

What responsibilities, besides delivering, do drivers have:

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