Installed Edge 60WB's last night. Stoked

I am thinking they should make that red powder coat standard, it looks awesome and would set them apart from other MFGs
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I am thinking they should make that red powder coat standard, it looks awesome and would set them apart from other MFGs
yea it was totally worth the extra cost of the cool walls and the powder. even customers comment on how nice they look.

Really does make the kitchen Pop more, which subconsciously makes your pizza taste better in customers minds
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Got my Edge Ovens. So there!

These ones are just for cooking wings. Initial test came out great. 18 minutes at 480. All fingers open top and bottom.
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Got my Edge Ovens. So there!

These ones are just for cooking wings. Initial test came out great. 18 minutes at 480. All fingers open top and bottom.
That’s some serious wing sales

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What is the benefit of baked wings versus fried? Fryers seem like they would have been a whole lot cheaper than buying a dedicated edge oven. I’m not asking to be a dick, I’m asking because I’m curious and maybe even uninformed. We fry wings and also a ton more other items with our fryers and maybe invested just 3 grand.
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What is the benefit of baked wings versus fried? Fryers seem like they would have been a whole lot cheaper than buying a dedicated edge oven. I’m not asking to be a dick, I’m asking because I’m curious and maybe even uninformed. We fry wings and also a ton more other items with our fryers and maybe invested just 3 grand.
This is probably in his commissary for his multiple stores to cook raw wings and then be used in stores once they are cooked

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This is probably in his commissary for his multiple stores to cook raw wings and then be used in stores once they are cooked

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That’s right… I do remember the commissary he set up now that you say that. Beautiful set up by the way!
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What is the benefit of baked wings versus fried? Fryers seem like they would have been a whole lot cheaper than buying a dedicated edge oven. I’m not asking to be a dick, I’m asking because I’m curious and maybe even uninformed. We fry wings and also a ton more other items with our fryers and maybe invested just 3 grand.
The baked wings thing came about 25 some years ago. Wings were getting popular and we jumped on the bandwagon. We had no fryers and no room for them so we started out with Tyson Wings of Fire product. We sold about 30 lbs a week and made .50 per order. I saw the add with the LaNova guy baking his wings in a Middleby Oven so I tested it out. Tinkered and played, and eventually came up with a system to bake the wings. I have tinkered it many more times over the years but we still bake them. It’s what our customers have grown accustomed to and we have even less room in the stores now. We sell a good 3000 lbs a week now.
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The baked wings thing came about 25 some years ago. Wings were getting popular and we jumped on the bandwagon. We had no fryers and no room for them so we started out with Tyson Wings of Fire product. We sold about 30 lbs a week and made .50 per order. I saw the add with the LaNova guy baking his wings in a Middleby Oven so I tested it out. Tinkered and played, and eventually came up with a system to bake the wings. I have tinkered it many more times over the years but we still bake them. It’s what our customers have grown accustomed to and we have even less room in the stores now. We sell a good 3000 lbs a week now.
That’s a ton of wings, how many locations do you have?

How many locations did you have when you set up the commissary?

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Pizza pirate is like the top dog around here, lol

We all think we kill it and have great stores, until david chimes in, i think he has 4 stores doing some insane amount in sales
That’s a ton of wings, how many locations do you have?

How many locations did you have when you set up the commissary?

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We have 4 locations and just opened the com 4 months ago. Its been a learning experience. We have tripped up quite a bit in that time but we are getting better every day. Overall we have lowered expenses 2%. 1% in labor and 1% in food cost. That is just enough to cover our extra overhead so we are breaking even at this point. Service is better, delivery times are better and the stores are cleaner and more organized. Sales are up about 10% since we opened the com and yet if feels like its slower in the stores.
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We are
Pizza pirate is like the top dog around here, lol

We all think we kill it and have great stores, until david chimes in, i think he has 4 stores doing some insane amount in sales
We are busy but we need to be busier. We have a $15 minimum wage coming around the bend. The slowest store is going to need to do 30K a week to support that. Our busy store does 60K a week but the others dabble around 25K. So we have some work to do still.
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